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DVRT at the Dragon Door Health and Strength Conference

Steve "Coach Fury" Holiner recaps the biggest lessons of DVRT/Ultimate Sandbag and his experience at the first ever 2015 Dragon Door Health and Strength Conference

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An Interview with Matt Fuhrmann

"I thought I was crippled for life", Matt Furhmann's inspirational recovery story.

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Rings of Power: Rekindling Your Passion for Training

How To Rekindle Your Passion For Training by Mike Gillette. Strength is like any number of ambitious pursuits. Your likelihood of attaining it is proportional to the amount of passion you feel about possessing it.

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An Interview with Sabra Epp, RKC-II, Iron Maiden

Dragon Door Interviews Sabra Epp, RKC-II. How she became an Iron Maiden, and what it takes to complete the ultimate kettlebell challenge.

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Ring Training: The Road to Restoration

Mike Gillette, author of Rings of Power, explains how his road to physical restoration began with his very first ring workout...

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An Interview with Renos Panagidis, PCC Instructor

How I Achieved a 1-Arm Pull-Up PR at the PCC and Much, Much More... Renos Panagidis Interview

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An Interview with Chris White, RKC Team Leader

Kettlebells, Qigong and the Secrets of Athletic Efficiency, an interview with RKC Team Leader, Chris White

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An Interview with Daniel Cirilli, PCC Instructor

About 10 months ago, I just saw some videos on YouTube from Al and Danny Kavadlo, and Frank Medrano. I decided to start with Street Workout after meeting Kerigo and some of the other guys at a fitness festival in Gothenburg. From there I started working on my team and now I am a member of WSWCF (World Street Workout and Calisthenics Federation) and a PCC Instructor.

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The 7 Best Things about the HKC

I’ve been fortunate enough to teach/co-teach five Hardstyle Kettlebell Certifications (HKC) in the last 8 months. My buddy Josh Henkin, Master RKC and DVRT Creator, and I had the great privilege of teaching two of those HKC workshops to the United States Marines. I taught the other three workshops in New York City, Kansas City and Connecticut.

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An Interview with David Martin, Marine Corps Martial Arts Instructor, HKC, DVRT

With DVRT, I think body movement is also a big factor. With all the rotational drills, there are so many exercise variations you can do with the Ultimate Sandbags. I think sandbags are great for the Marines, because no matter where they are, they can take the empty Ultimate Sandbags along and fill them up at their destination—then they can use them for full body fitness.

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