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Working Class Strength

It is funny to think one little sentence would MOST peak my interest about kettlebells. Back in 2002, a little book that would change everything in fitness entered my library. The Russian Kettlebell Challenge really inspired me to give this little-known implement a big try.

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An Interview with Dustin Jones, Physical Therapist, RKC, CSCS

I am working in home health, so many of my patients are home-bound adults—meaning it would take them a considerable effort to leave their homes. I use basic kettlebell lifts and carries with them to improve their conditioning, posture, and strength.

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An Interview with Marty G., Federal Law Enforcement Special Agent, PCC Instructor

In the unit I was attached to four years before my current detail, we were wearing up to 45 pounds of kit and equipment for hours in seated, standing, and non-traditional positions—and our movements were not always linear. Unlike other tactical units which might wear their gear for a couple of hours during operations, we might need to...

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You Bring About What You Think About

In 2008 I was presented with my first high level triathlete, Jeremy Devich. Jeremy is a machine. I have seen a lot of athletes with a “tank”, but not many have ever been as impressive as this guy. He’s a 6’3”, 190lb slab of muscle. When Jeremy and I trained together, he routinely warmed up with 3 sets of 10 get-ups (each side) with a 24kg kettlebell.

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An Interview with Faith Martin, HKC, DVRT, Fitness Director of Health Promotion, US Marines

I am currently the Fitness Director of Health Promotion, a part of SemperFit with MCCS. I am in charge of the fitness coordinators who do the assessments daily for Marines, and am also the HITT coordinator for the island. I teach a multi-modality course with a lot of different strength tools like ammo cans, kettlebells, and DVRT/Ultimate Sandbag.

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DVRT RotaionalTrainingAnywhere

Is Your Training Really Functional?

The real reason I ask, “What does functional training mean?” I always ask because it sets us up for a much more important question, “How do we use functional training in our workouts and programs?”

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The Nixon Test

I think there is nothing more pure, powerful, beautiful, and valuable than achieving an overhead press with the equivalent of your bodyweight. It is a true indicator of great strength, bar none. But, as with many things, where there is value, there is cheating.

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The Truth of Tactical Fitness Training

About 10 years ago, I attended the first ever National Strength and Conditioning Association Tactical Strength and Conditioning (TSAC) Conference. It was very evident that tactical fitness training was entering a new era.

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An Interview with Andrew Keller, HKC

I moved to Milwaukee about 2 years ago and was looking for a way to get in shape. I used to live in the middle of nowhere, and we only had standard gyms which never seemed to work for me. I’d heard about kettlebells from people in the military and people interested in self defense. They were using kettlebells with great results.

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An Interview with Don Berry, Doctor of Chiropractic, SFMA, CK-FMS

It really helps to prevent injuries—that’s really the biggest thing. Of course kettlebells also build stamina, strength, and all the things any martial artist needs.

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