
Dragon Door Interviews Gabriella Katschthaler, RKC Team Leader, CK-FMS

Aug 07, 2012 07:50 PM

Dragon Door: How did you first discover kettlebells in Hungary? Gabi Katschthaler: It’s a long but interesting story. My kids decided that they wanted to study and train in Kyokushin karate. I went with them and was curious after seeing some of the weird looking (to me at the time) stretches they were practicing. On an internet search, I found the book Relax Into Stretch by Pavel Tsatsouline. After looking at just the first few pages, I immediately had to find and read everything else he h

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Sean wakeboarding

Dragon Door Interviews Sean Greeley, RKCII, President & CEO of NPE

Jul 18, 2012 07:00 PM

Dragon Door: When did you first discover kettlebells? Sean Greeley: I first discovered kettlebells through Dragon Door and John Du Cane. I met John and Nicole in Cleveland at Dan Kennedy's Influential Writing workshop in 2007. It was a small group of 15 primaries for a three-day event. I’d heard of Dragon Door and Pavel Tsatsouline, but didn't know much about the company. After being paired up with John and Nicole for parts of the workshop, they told me about Dragon Door. I'm a wakeboarder​

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AndreaChang article1

The Stable Core Platform: or HKC 101

Jun 13, 2012 09:30 PM

Since the very first Hardstyle Kettlebell Instructor Certification (HKC) in St. Paul 2009, there have been many, many HKC certifications taught throughout the states, and overseas. Lucky enough to have been invited to assist at the very first HKC, and working as an instructor team with Master RKCs Brett Jones, Geoff Neupert and Mark Reifkind, and Senior RKCs Zar Horton, Doug Nepodal, Fabio Zonin, and Dr. Michael Hartle, at my own studio, Kettlebility, and other locations around the states...

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LaurenBrooks article

A Simple Guide To Designing a Workout for Kettlebell Instructors

Jun 13, 2012 04:50 PM

You’ve trained hard. You’ve completed the grueling three-day weekend of the RKC or the full day of the HKC. Congratulations, you are now officially certified! You have proved that you can execute the basic kettlebell exercises with safe and correct form. You have proved that you understand the concepts and can relay them to a novice. You have proved that you are tough and can withstand challenges. You have developed the strength and conditioning needed to pass the certification process...

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MarkWechter article

Bringing Hardstyle to the Grid Iron

Jun 13, 2012 04:02 PM

Before I elaborate on what we are doing with our football program at Washington Township High School, I think it is important for you to know how we got to this point…the RKC Hardstyle way of training. We are the largest high school in Southern New Jersey. We have been very good year in and year out for the last 25 years...

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JeffoConnor article

Which is better: Olympic or Power Lifting? The Answer is “Yes”…

May 23, 2012 07:30 PM

Which is better for you? Well, are you an Olympic or Power Lifter? What if the answer is “neither”? What if you’re one of the thousands of regular people, operators, or athletes that isn’t a platform athlete? You know that powerlifting stands alone in developing the ability to generate absolute strength. You’re also aware that Olympic lifting develops power and explosiveness like nothing else...​

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Pavel article benchtomilitarypress

Bench to Military Press More

May 23, 2012 07:00 PM

Training fashions swing from one extreme to the other. The bench press used to be the end all. Today it is a pariah exercise labeled “non-functional”. As often is the case, neither extremist view reflects the reality. It is easy to like the bench press because it blows up the upper body so quickly and easily. It is just as easy to dislike it when you take a look at your typical light bulb shaped gym rat who lives for the bench. In the unlikely event that you will see...

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JasonMarshall Article

Barbells and RKC…A Match Made in Heaven

May 23, 2012 06:30 PM

After college, I decided to (finally) use my Exercise Science degree and join a gym. In my own weird logic, I thought I had to have a minimum level of strength before I could even join, so I trained in my bedroom with a couple pair of dumbbells my mom bought me for my birthday and, of course, my own bodyweight. Once my preconceived level of strength was reached, I headed to the local gym and signed up for a membership. As a new member, I was still intimidated by...

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TonyGarcia Article

Kettlebells vs. Olympic Weightlifting – A Guide to Getting Started

May 23, 2012 06:00 PM

Having worked as a personal trainer and manager in a “big box” gym for some time, I have had the pleasure to meet and work with many types of gym-goers. Some are happy to simply walk on the treadmill and watch TV. Some attend every spin class as if it were a cult. Some pump their pecs and biceps daily but avoid a squat rack like the plague...

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Dragon Door Interviews Master RKC, Iron Tamer David Whitley

May 02, 2012 09:30 PM

Dragon Door: How did you originally find kettlebell training? David Whitley: In 2002, I was a massage therapist and trained “normally” in a gym. One of my clients bought a 16kg kettlebell and asked if I knew anything about it. Around the same time I read an article that Pavel wrote in Muscle Media. Next to the article was a full-page ad for the original RKC book and Dragon Door kettlebells. I didn't know much about them but I had seen kettlebells in pictures with old-time strongmen...

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