Hartle article

Hartle-Style and the RKC Snatch Test

When I first took the RKC Snatch test in April of 2006, I was required to snatch the 24 kg kettlebell 74 times, without setting the bell down and being only allowed one hand switch, period. There was no time limit but the only rest you could have was at the top in the lockout position. When I was in this position, I would make sure I had my hand open, even for a brief second. If the kettlebell touched the ground at any time during the test, the test was over.

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A Pressing Matter

I remember hanging out at my buddy’s (Alan Martin, RKC) house when his first set of kettlebells came in. He ordered 5 bells. A 16kg, 24kg, 32kg, 40kg and 48kg. After the UPS guy finished cussing us, we opened the first box…which one do you think we opened first? The 48kg, of course! And the first thing we did with it?

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Sushi, Sake, Karate & Kettlebells

Karate and Kettlebells is a perfect match, and if you follow the RKC doctrine of Hardstyle the two arts are a perfect match. Just like sushi goes with sake, kettlebells and karate make an unstoppable combination for fitness, strength, speed, power and tournament skill.

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Convict Conditioning: Paul "Coach" Wade on the Fine Art of Building Functional Fitness the Smart Way

May 17, 2011 03:41 PM

Black Belt interviewed Wade to glean some information about his fitness program and learn more about his philosophy on what functional fitness really means.

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Sports Medicine: To benefit from kettlebell workouts, let's tame the intimidation factor

May 14, 2011 07:58 PM

Dr. James Glazer finds Dragon Door to make the best kettlebells after testing all the various kettlebell designs on the market: "In the previous column I discussed the benefits of the newest, old workout in the nation. Kettlebells, originally developed in Russia, are basically cannonballs with a handle. They have been around since the 18th century..."

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Jedd Johnson

Testing Radiant Tension Variations for Increased Performance in the Kettlebell Press

Pavel writes about a concept called irradiation, which is a coordinated tension that allows us to execute more strength in a given movement when we tighten other parts of the body, especially the hands.​

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Matt Wuchner

STRENGTH Is A Set of Skills

I am a fan of strength. Being strong is pretty useful, and really fun to play around with. I would go so far as to say....

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Andrey Patenko

Russian Systema Breathing

There is no need to tell anyone how important breathing is to one’s life. A man arrives into this world with a breath and finishes his path with his last breath. Yet not everyone knows how to breathe properly and how to regulate many functions of the body with breathing. Many people do not even suspect that once they learn to breath properly they can improve health and, if they are athletes, to improve training and recovery.

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Rep Speed

Rep Speed: The Secret To Perpetual Progress

Mar 24, 2011 03:00 PM

I have to admit something right up front here – I’m stubborn. Like a mule sometimes, just ask my wife. And my old weightlifting coach, Alfonso Duran. Like you, I am always looking for the next big secret in strength training. Is it “Rest-Pause?” How about Wave Loading? Implementing the Series? Drop sets? Super sets? What? What is it? Would somebody please just tell me – NOW??!!

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Lifting Speed Matters

Mar 24, 2011 03:00 PM

Everyone knows you must lift heavy some of the time. As long as you push yourself and try to add weight to the bar whenever possible it’s tough to screw up maximal strength training.

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