
Can It Really Be That Simple?

Mar 24, 2011 03:00 PM

“It just can’t be that simple, Tiff.” “Well, think about it.” Okay, so I did. The proceeding little dialogue was from my living room a few days ago. I have been battling this hip injury for a few years and I discovered that two things keep me pain free: a tiny little stretch and avoiding beer. It’s not science, certainly, but it is true…for me.

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Standing On The Shoulders Of Giants To Build Shoulders That Are As Strong As They Look

Mar 07, 2011 10:07 PM

In the strength training world lately, the bodybuilding crowds have been catching a lot of heat for being weak, disconnected, and training for "looks" only.

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The De Lorme Method

Mar 07, 2011 10:02 PM

Senior RKC Dan John has an expression that he applies to football – armor building. It refers to being the right size to withstand the rigours of the sport.

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The Five Phases of Mastery: Techniques and Tactics

Feb 18, 2011 10:47 PM

How can I guarantee to significantly increase your deadlift by training with two ten pound plates that you don’t even add to the bar?

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Want To Make “The Beast” Feel Lighter? Try A Dose Of Free Weight Barbell Training

Feb 18, 2011 10:46 PM

The 100 + pound kettlebell called “The Beast” has created a lot of consternation for those seeking to lift it in some manner or fashion.

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Perfecting the Pistol

Feb 18, 2011 10:44 PM

Performing a perfect pistol is a skill. It is the essence of Hardstyle …by combining strength, mobility, and internal focus the master of the pistol creates a movement that looks effortless and crisp.​

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ProMMAnow.com Book Review: Convict Conditioning

Feb 07, 2011 05:26 PM

Pro MMA Now Book Review of "Convict Conditioning" by Paul "Coach" Wade. "How 'Coach' Wade put this system together is quite interesting and makes for an entertaining read in a theoretical sense, even if you do not put his teachings into practice. Wade learned his trade from the prison strong men, men who "had no protein shakes, no Nautilus or Bowflex machines…"

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Jailhouse rock hard: 19 years of prison danger helped Paul Wade get fit

Jan 27, 2011 11:23 PM

Interview with Paul Wade in the Edmonton Sun about surviving prison, his training, and his book Convict Conditioning. "Being fit and strong wasn’t an option during the 19 years that Paul (Coach) Wade spent in prison.It was a necessity.'I needed what I got from my training to stay sane, maybe even stay breathing,' he says in an email interview...."

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Kettlebell Cueing

Jan 24, 2011 08:19 PM

Cueing is language art. It colors a descriptive picture for the listener to see and feel through words. Cueing is logical sequencing: a skill that will develop [...]

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Could It Be Something You Haven’t Thought Of…

Jan 24, 2011 07:29 PM

We would all like to think that we have thought of it all in regards to the one thing we spend the most time with – our bodies. But as the old joke goes: &ldqu [...]

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