
"People's Captain" Tames The BEAST—Lives Life Hard, Full and Furious…

Jan 17, 2011 11:24 PM

A kettlebell success story interview with Thomas Phillips

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King of the Redwoods Defeats the BEAST

Jan 17, 2011 11:17 PM

A kettlebell success story interview with Russell Jodrey

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Why Getups?

Jan 11, 2011 07:08 PM

The swing and the getup are the two foundational RKC drills. Together they make up the program minimum and give us the base of movement and strength that lead to all othe [...]

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Lats, The Super Muscles

Jan 11, 2011 07:08 PM

At any given RKC the Chief likes to ask the candidates how many have hurt their?shoulders? Many hands usually go up(if their shoulders will allow it)? He then asks ? how [...]

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Simple, Not Easy

Dec 28, 2010 06:11 PM

What do successful coaches and athletes attribute success to? Most often it is perfecting particular aspects of their game within good productive practice sessions. This [...]

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How To Fix The 3 Most Common Programming Mistakes For Kettlebell Fat Loss Workouts

Dec 28, 2010 06:01 PM

Losing fat with kettlebells is simple. At least it should be easier than using other tools – after all, we have high rep Swings and Snatches at our disposal. But un [...]

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Interview with Tim Ferriss, RKCII

Dec 14, 2010 03:40 PM

Tim Ferriss, one of Fast Company's "Most Innovative Business People of 2007," is author of the #1 New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and BusinessWeek bestseller, The 4 [...]

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2000 Non-Stop Swings and Foursome Tenants of Insanity

Dec 13, 2010 06:37 PM

Recently I've been on a kettlebell swing odyssey. A quest to max out the swing, take it boldly where no one has gone before and in doing so max myself both in effort to [...]

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What You Thought You Knew About The Kettlebell Swing...

Dec 13, 2010 06:26 PM

Last month while attending Hardstyle Ventura, Team Leader Paul Daniels was complimenting me on how I put together my DVD "Programming the Kettlebell Swing" He told me th [...]

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A New Way to Look at Balance

Nov 26, 2010 06:33 PM

Gray Cook, author of Movement: Functional Movement Systems,with Brett Jones Co-presenters of the new DVD and manual setKettlebells from the Center—DynamiI wrote my [...]

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