
Why Should YOU Attend the RKC???

Nov 25, 2010 12:16 PM

If you ask the typical attendee at an RKC Certification why they attended you might be surprised at the replies. While you would certainly expect to hear people say that [...]

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The Snatch: Not an "Advanced" Swing

Nov 25, 2010 11:29 AM

No matter what your goal, sport, or athletic ability is, you should be doing kettlebell swings.A quick rundown of what the swing does:It trains hip extension, which is t [...]

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Behind Perfecting the Press!

Oct 26, 2010 05:11 PM

It has been almost two years since I started putting Perfecting the Press! together and it is always rewarding to see something come to life. For a long time the kettlebe [...]

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"To Press A Lot, You Must Press A Lot"

Oct 26, 2010 05:10 PM

In the RKC Community, the Press is the standard measurement for upper body strength. To achieve a Level 2 credential, a man must be able to press half his bodyweight in o [...]

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Getting into Step - The Hurdle Step that is...

Oct 06, 2010 03:30 PM

Step one foot in front of the other. Walk. Run. Stepping is one of the most fundamental movements we perform. Our first steps were celebrated as a milestone in our d [...]

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The Great Equalizers

Oct 06, 2010 03:01 PM

In the book Movement, my co-authors and I discuss self-limiting exercises, including a chart accompanied with a list and more in-depth explanations of the concept. We dis [...]

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The Cure for My Lower Back...

Sep 13, 2010 12:02 PM

This advice does not replace the advice of a physician and medical professionals. If you are experiencing lower back pain (or any pain) you are advised to seek out the [...]

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The Amped Goblet Squat - Supercharge Your Kicking Power

Sep 13, 2010 11:31 AM

Everyone knows that you cannot rely on a single kick or punch to win in a fight, but often times it is just that which will turn the tide in your favor, if the strike h [...]

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How to Be a Harder-Working Player

Sep 01, 2010 04:45 PM

Get the Skills to Live Longer, Stronger and Tougher—with RKC, Gus Petersen's Kettlebell Athletic Training (K.A.T.) Fitness System You've seen kettlebell juggling b [...]

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The MMA Training Chronicles – Episode 1 - "Gazellasaurus Rex"

Aug 26, 2010 11:52 AM

So it's Monday night and we've just finished a brutal MMA strength and conditioning session at Champions MMA in Lakeland,FL. Several of the usual suspects are there [...]

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