
Doug Dienelt Meet Preparation

Jan 26, 2010 02:32 PM

I start serious meet preparation 3 months out. I am a big fan of Louie Simmons and have used variations of the Westside system for 14 years. Monday heavy bench and T [...]

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Deadlift Singles Success Story

Jan 25, 2010 09:47 PM

In early November 2009 I moved my Nashville Kettlebell Bootcamp classes indoors for the winter, renting a back room at a local gym that looks a lot like the basement fr [...]

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How Hard is Hardstyle in Relation to the Kettlebell Swing?

Jan 12, 2010 07:42 PM

When I attended the RKC II certification, I had a discussion with some of the participants. We noticed that a good many attendees were extremely tense throughout their en [...]

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Assisted Pull-up Mechanism

Jan 12, 2010 07:31 PM

i{font-weight:700};p{font-family;tahoma,arial,sans-serif} The Pull-up Problem Many people cannot do even one pull-up. However, the ratio of strength to body weight i [...]

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A Strength journey: ETK, PTTP, Beyond Bodybuilding

Dec 31, 2009 01:29 PM

Brief history. Back in 2003 at the ripe old age of 33, I realized my life was taking a rather sedentary turn and basically I was getting fatter. Not obese by any standa [...]

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Pavel said I might be crazy... A kettlebell swing odyssey that helped me lose 100+ pounds of fat, but no strength.

Dec 31, 2009 12:57 PM

Well that was his jovial response when we spoke recently and told him about a new swing personal record and how I'd trained them the last year. I take that as high pr [...]

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No equipment? No excuses...

Dec 23, 2009 09:55 PM

You know it is no secret to anybody that has followed me for more then a day that I am a big fan of kettlebell training. It's simplicity and it's convenience just ring [...]

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The Beast Month

Dec 15, 2009 06:20 PM

I'll start this article with a short presentation of myself. My name is Tommy Blom, I live just outside Gothenburg, Sweden. My daily work is teaching tactical strength to [...]

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How to Military Press 140 Pounds with One Arm

Dec 15, 2009 03:35 PM

I started at the young age of 12. It all started with a cheap York Barbell set as preparation for football. I seemed to have a natural knack for resistance training, [...]

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Excess Estrogen and Weight Gain

Dec 11, 2009 03:53 PM

The Solution - Certain Compounds in Plants Can Help Counter Attack the Problem, Get You Leaner and Healthier Can certain food compounds be the secret weapon to destroy [...]

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