
How to Change the Game

Jun 24, 2009 12:51 PM

In March of 2008 I was preparing for my first run at the open division of the Tactical Strength Challenge (TSC). One component of the TSC is a five minute snatch set wi [...]

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Progression with Presses

Jun 12, 2009 12:53 PM

Pressing heavy just feels good. There is something about prying yourself between a large amount of weight and the ground. For many of us it is a test of strength. Bu [...]

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The Ultimate Combo for Overall Fitness

Jun 12, 2009 12:52 PM

How to get strong, lean and ultra-fit with minimal equipment and time! Like most health and fitness professionals, I get lots of questions about training and program [...]

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Tips for KB Pressing Power

May 18, 2009 02:40 PM

Everyone wants to add more power to their press and they want it yesterday! Strength is a skill (where have I heard that before?) and you will need time and perfect re [...]

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2 out of 3 Beast Challenge Events Ain't Bad

May 18, 2009 02:07 PM

BEGINNING OF THE END…. The last article I wrote for Pavel detailed how my deadlift training evolved from training just a few days a month to at times traini [...]

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Getting Back To Basics

May 05, 2009 07:39 PM

?? Photos courtesy http://www.kettlebellsforafrica.co.za As a South African rugby player the basics are drilled into us. When the going gets tough the team call is "ba [...]

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6-Week Shoulder Shock Ladder and Swing Volume Plan

May 05, 2009 01:00 PM

A few months ago I put my students through a 6-week program. This program focuses specifically on the military press and swing volume. Each of the students that went [...]

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Programming for the Deadlift

May 05, 2009 12:32 PM

One of the most frequent questions asked on training forums is how to structure a routine. Sets, reps, volume and intensity form a daunting obstacle when your success [...]

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Huge in a Hurry

Apr 29, 2009 03:58 PM

If you've been training for more than five years, I'll bet you've learned a lot. In fact, I'm sure you look back and think, "Damn, I wish I knew then what I know now." [...]

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Kettlebells and Pregnancy

Apr 29, 2009 03:42 PM

The greatest Journey of my life….. and It has just started! Are you pregnant? Or thinking of getting pregnant? Are you a trainer and is your client pregnant& [...]

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