
SPEED sKillz

Aug 12, 2008 05:28 PM

Speed, the Ultimate Frontier of Pure Athleticism. In the last few weeks, some College Football Players made themselves a lot of money based simply on how fast they ran [...]

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Physical Training for Law Enforcement Combat

Jul 17, 2008 04:53 PM

If you examine the strength & conditioning training programs utilized by professional boxers and mixed martial artists while preparing for a fight you'll note the u [...]

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Abbreviated Strength Training--RKC Style

Jul 17, 2008 04:29 PM

Problems: Opportunities in Disguise? Time, it seems, is always at a premium. No one has the time to work out anymore between work and taking Little Johnny to his socc [...]

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Desk Jockey Daddy Periodization

Jun 20, 2008 09:06 PM

I basically go on two kinds of tactical maneuvers these days. One involves a suit and tie, a laptop and a plane ticket, the other involves a diaper bag, a baby seat [...]

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Kettlebell Training for Full Body Fat Loss!

Jun 20, 2008 07:38 PM

"What is the best workout for fat loss?" How many times have I heard that one? I have searched the world over looking for the answer. I owe a huge debt to Alwyn Cosg [...]

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The Partial Deadlift and Why its Beneficial to Fighters

May 28, 2008 06:20 PM

If you're a fighter, then you want to pay close attention to a little used exercise not seen much in gyms these days. In fact it's not seen much of anywhere except th [...]

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Get the Most out of Strength Training

May 28, 2008 06:10 PM

Author's home-gym in the attic. Pull-up-bar, home-made rings, rubber-bands and kettlebells. Gym has outdoor temperature year around and is inhabited by a swarm of bat [...]

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Interview with Tammy Dianda, IPF Powerlifting Champion

May 28, 2008 05:42 PM

In 1994, at the International Powerlifting Federation's New Zealand Open, Tammy Dianda set a new World's Record for women in the 75kg weight class bench press. Tammy ha [...]

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Expanding Your Training with Kettlebells, Exercise Bands, and Chains

May 14, 2008 07:52 PM

Recently I have been achieving new PR's in many of my lifts, especially my grip and pressing strength. I attribute this new found power to three things. 1) Sticking [...]

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Fighting Strength: Combining Kettlebells and Sandbags

May 14, 2008 07:29 PM

There may be no other sport that is confused about their training than combative sports. With the immense growth of the UFC, Pride, and other MMA associations, fighters [...]

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