
Jedi mind tricks to up your squat

Jul 30, 2007 05:12 PM

Have you ever noticed that once you start to squat a weight that is close to your one rep max, or getting toward the end of a heavy rep max that it becomes very difficult [...]

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Layoff and Improve

Jul 11, 2007 05:31 PM

Like many people, kettlebells have completely changed my training and made me a lot stronger, faster, and have given me more muscular control. When I started traini [...]

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The Naked Warrior Assessment

Jul 11, 2007 05:23 PM

Musculoskeletal assessment is a fundamental prerequisite to conditioning and training. I often lecture on the benefits of assessment since we know very little about the [...]

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2007 Power to the People Deadlift Team

Jun 19, 2007 05:13 PM

2007 Power to the People Deadlift Team competing at Disney's Wide World of Sports Complex October 12-14th If lifting with Pavel (DragonDoor.com) Jack Reape, and te [...]

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EDT for GS Success

Jun 19, 2007 04:14 PM

Most competitive gireveks accept that there are three phases to preparing for girevoy sport: the strength phase, the endurance phase and the pre-competition phase. Fo [...]

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May 23, 2007 06:11 PM

Some would say that I?ve got a certain outlaw persona or personality. There are rumors that I even have an outlaw background?the word ?allegedly? comes to mind. And one [...]

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How Much Effort Do You Use

May 23, 2007 04:15 PM

When we talk about effort in the weight room it means many different things. Effort involves resistance, speed, power, endurance, strength and the list goes on. The eff [...]

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The Kettlebell Golf Swing

May 09, 2007 03:47 PM

Here’s a fun, easy to learn kettlebell drill that will build explosive strength throughout your core and hard to reach upper back muscles. Grab a light kettlebell w [...]

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The Ultimate Maximal Strength Booster

May 09, 2007 03:30 PM

In all my years of training, consulting, and lecturing around the country I’ve yet to encounter one person who felt his strength was too great. Guys like me never [...]

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Another View on Isolation Exercises

Apr 24, 2007 05:24 PM

Leg extensions, Leg curls, Calf raises, Leg press, Lat pull-down, Bicep curls, Tricep extensions . . . who in their right mind would continue to do these ridiculous exerc [...]

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