
‘Complex’ Kettlebells for Combatives

Jun 29, 2006 06:25 PM

The Russian strength and conditioning specialist formerly known as Pavel Tsatsouline ? and now simply ?Pavel? ? has offered some pretty sage advice in the past, to those [...]

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How to Incorporate Kettlebells Into Your Baseball Training

Jun 22, 2006 06:19 PM

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Pullups for a Bigger Bench

Jun 22, 2006 06:13 PM

Amongst competitive bench pressers it is no secret that big strong lats make it easier to drive heavy weight off your chest. Of course, there are many lat exercises to c [...]

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Rooting to Increase your Strength, Power, and Balance

Jun 14, 2006 06:01 PM

Martial artists have long used rooting, establishing a strong connection with the ground, for maximizing the strength and impact of their strikes. This concept may also [...]

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Brutal Minimalist Fitness

Jun 14, 2006 02:15 PM

One of the things I like the most about kettlebell training is the variety. The number of exercises and variations are limited only by your creativity. With a kettlebell [...]

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Converting to Sumo Deadlifting: How I made it work for me.

Jun 06, 2006 02:29 PM

Deadlifting is one of the oldest and hardest exercises around. It's very simple; you just pick the bar up off the ground and stand up with it. Well, you would think t [...]

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Relax To Get Stronger

May 24, 2006 03:11 PM

I?ve found that using a form of progressive relaxation can aid with two important aspects in strength training. It can facilitate learning the high tension techniques me [...]

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How to Stay Strong While Training for an Endurance Sport

May 24, 2006 03:00 PM

There are sacrifices we all make to train for a chosen sport. We set goals for ourselves and chart out our course for our practice to hopefully ensure success. This pr [...]

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Kettlebell Training for Special Needs Kids: A New Twist on "Integrated" Training

May 10, 2006 04:46 PM

Like most families, we're busy. We need an effective fitness program that we can easily integrate into our routine and follow consistently for the long term. For us, ther [...]

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So, You Want To Try The Secret Service Snatch Test, eh?

May 10, 2006 02:52 PM

For those who have done it and are contemplating doing it again, it can evoke feelings of dread. For those who have not tried it, it is a curiosity, and perhaps a percei [...]

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