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How to Master the Beast Challenge, Interview with Daniel Kirchmaier, Beast Tamer, RKC-II

The Beast Tamer Challenge can’t be accomplished in a week or two weeks. You really have to get into it, your technique has to be excellent, and you must find time to train. It can’t be accomplished by training for an hour every day—you have to dive deep into it. I really thrive on these types of challenges!

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How Cait Timmerman lost 160 pounds with kettlebells and mindset

Interview with Cait Timmerman who lost 160 pounds with kettlebells and mindset

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Kettlebells and Convict Conditioning in an Afghan prison, interview, Rob Langdon

An Interview with Rob Langdon, author of The Seventh Circle: A Former Australian Soldier’s Extraordinary Story of Surviving Seven Years in Afghanistan’s Most Notorious Prison. Kettlebells and calisthenics while incarcerated...

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RKC: Elegant, Technical, Graceful, Interview with Mackenzie Phillips, Lawyer, RKC

I found kettlebells through all of these pivots, transformations, and essentially listening to what I thought my body needed. Kettlebells released what would become my next steps in the health and wellness space.

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How to Become a Highly Effective Coach, Interview with Jason Kapnick, RKC Team Leader

The RKC was a real watershed in my new career. I had just gotten started, but was pretty knowledgeable about fitness. While I had been doing well working with my clients, over the months that followed the RKC I really vaulted into a higher level of professionalism.

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How To Be More Sexy With Kettlebells, Interview with Colleen Conlon, RKC

After I started training in a way that made me feel strong, I’m so much more confident in my body. It's really interesting how this realization played out. I used to think that strength training would make me bulky and manly—but I experienced the exact opposite! I think I'm really sexy now! I wouldn’t have said that seven years ago.

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Optimal Function, Optimal Metabolics, Interview with Daryl Jelle, RKC

When I started working at Lifetime Fitness, I realized I wanted to be strong, athletic, and in shape. Since I was going to be running conditioning programs, I figured I should probably be able to do them! I found Dan John’s 10,000 kettlebell swing article, and thought it sounded like a good challenge—so I did it.

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Accidental Easy Strength

My goal was simple: learn the lift, practice the lift, and master the lift—everything else in my training sessions would just be frosting on the cake.

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Why It’s Never Too Late to Start Strength Training, Interview with Mary Surprenant, RKC

RKC success story interview with Mary Surprenant: Why It’s Never Too Late to Start Strength Training and kettlebells

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The 4 Pillars of Vitality, Interview, Sage Petersen, PCC Instructor

My passion is feeling good, being connected to nature, and my own vitality. Naturally, I want to increase that connection for myself.

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