
One Arm Pullups: Time to Get Flash?

Dec 12, 2002 03:51 PM

We owe Comrade Ari a round of applause for his article on OAPs, though I prefer to avoid those initials because in Britain, where my father lives, they stand for 'Old Age [...]

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Tools of the Trade

Nov 28, 2002 02:59 PM

A proper tool makes the job easier. I will show you how to do a great job of building strength with ?low tech/high concept? tools that pretend to be boring everyday obje [...]

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Systema Up Against the Wall!

Nov 19, 2002 03:36 PM

Walls are a simple bit of universal architecture -functional, unassuming, and humble in their supportive role. For strength, health, mind, and body training, walls can ad [...]

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How to Develop Quick Hands for Fighting with Speed Pushups

Nov 10, 2002 12:57 AM

I remember going to see Enter The Dragon when I was a kid and watching Bruce Lee throw those lighting fast backfists and hand combinations at Bob Wall, and ever since tha [...]

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Swinging Your Way To Strength

Nov 08, 2002 07:54 PM

I was pretty excited about the arrival of my 24 kg kettlebell. When I got home from work, there it was still in its cardboard wrapper waiting for me to start playing with [...]

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Climbing the Stairway to Kettlebell Success

Oct 30, 2002 03:39 PM

Most people who participated in high school football or wrestling practice can fondly remember their coaches barking at them as they ascended and descended the stair [...]

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Specific Physical Preparedness for Combat Sports

Oct 08, 2002 07:00 PM

Specific Physical Preparedness for Combat Sports By Coach Scott Sonnon, Co-Founder of RMAX Athletic Performance Enhancement Solutions, former USA National Sambo Coach, [...]

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Segue into Power

Oct 01, 2002 02:28 PM

Last week I discovered all 4 tires on my relatively new car were dangerously worn. After throwing a few mental ax hands at car manufacturers who stick us with such junk, [...]

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Why Personalized Nutrition Testing is Crucial for Optimal Health

Sep 24, 2002 03:36 PM

This topic may stimulate a fit of prolonged laughter for those of you who have read For Your Body Only, and I?m sorry for this, although as they say, laughter is good for [...]

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A Busy Guy’s Case For Daily Training

Sep 23, 2002 01:45 PM

Like many other Party Members, I've been continually searching for the Holy Grail of fitness routines for many years. My fitness goals, like most Party Members are very [...]

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