OfficeWorkout JDC 30kg Swing Thumbnail

Kettlebells at Work: Reversing the Negative Health Effects of Extensive Sitting at the Workplace

Considerable attention has been focused on the role of the workplace in back pain. Too much sitting—as described by Czech neurologist Vladimir Janda—can result in “lower cross syndrome” which is marked by weak gluteal muscles and tight iliopsoas muscles.

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AndreaChrisAmnon RKCThumbnail

Why the RKC?

This article is written to help you realize that the RKC is your only choice.

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Patrick RothMD

Kettlebells Have Your Back: A Neurosurgeon’s Personal and Professional Perspective

Kettlebells are an ideal tool for treating back pain. They not only strengthen the back, but also enable improved posture, improved bending form, and patient confidence. If you are already an experienced kettlebell user, this is likely already evident, but if you are a patient with back pain, read on and open your mind to some extraordinary possibilities.

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How Kettlebells Helped Reverse Aging, Restore My Strength, Reduce Pain and Revitalize My Tai Ji Practice.

I am a newcomer to kettlebell training. Some years ago I bought an instructional video, but quit after a few weeks. I practiced in my living room in front of the tv, and spent each session in fear of whacking one of my cats in the head as I wildly swung the bell in my attempts to follow along with the video.

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Kettlebells Are Not Really That Effective, Are They?

Senior RKC Josh Henkin discusses some of the controversy surrounding kettlebells and their effectiveness, article includes a video with further detail.

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Dragon Door Interviews RKC Team Leader Matt Beecroft, CK-FMS

May 10, 2013 10:30 AM

Matt Beecroft: On a whim I jumped on a plane for 28 hours from Australia and did the RKC workshop without any formal training. Now, I train an eighty-four year old with Parkinson’s, guys who are prepping to fight in the ring, and everyone in between. Lawyers, dentists, professionals, trainers—it's a big cross-section .The kettlebell is an amazing tool, but what grabbed me was the leadership, coaching, and the system of the RKC that surrounds the kettlebell.

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AndreaDuCane StPaulRKC2013

Dragon Door Interviews Andrea Du Cane, Master RKC

May 10, 2013 10:30 AM

Andrea Du Cane: Working with kettlebells is also incredibly empowering. Introducing women to kettlebells was a big goal of mine. Then as I started working with de-conditioned populations I realized how much kettlebell training could change people’s lives.

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Dragon Door Interviews Joseph Morstad, RKC

Apr 19, 2013 10:30 AM

Joseph Morstad: With my IBD flare and hospital visit in January of this year, I was unable to eat, incredibly weak, and fatigued. When I came back I started with parts of the Turkish get up. I'd start on my back rolling to pressing the kettlebell overhead. Core and glute exercises were very helpful. Passing the RKC in August showed me that I was strong. I really believe that experience stayed with me and helped me through my IBD recovery in January of this year.

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StevenHeadswinging bat

Dragon Door Interviews Steven Head, HKC

Apr 19, 2013 10:30 AM

Steven Head: Playing baseball is my passion and the focus of my conditioning—almost everything in my own training is aimed at improving my conditioning for baseball. And, all of the HKC skills are essential for my strength, conditioning, and injury prevention. Even though I'm 55 years old and playing on a 25 and over team, I can keep up with my teammates and opponents. Many of them are half my age! I play second base, third base and shortstop.

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Dragon Door Interviews Master RKC, Max Shank about the Highland Games Regional Championship

Apr 19, 2013 10:30 AM

Max Shank: I think the Highland Games are really great, honestly. It's such a good outlet for someone who's built up a level of explosiveness from kettlebell swings. With just a little extra time in training, you can have a really good time competing. Everyone is really nice, and you're almost certain to be one of most in-shape people participating.

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