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Can you become REALLY strong with only Kettlebells?

Someone recently sent me a video, looking for my opinion, on a famous professor of sports science & competitive bodybuilder, whose content and opinion I respect a lot, saying that you categorically can't get "Really strong using Kettlebells".

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Press The Beast Kettlebell Paul McIllroy thumbnail

Beating The Bogeyman

‘The Beast’ is a great name to market a hardcore strength tool with! It fires up some, it intimidates others, but either way, it wins everyone’s instant respect. It transforms an ordinary object into an icon, a mythical monster and in some cases…an insurmountable obstacle.

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5 Common Mistakes Made with The Kettlebell Swing

Learning how to do the kettlebell swing correctly can be a complicated new skill to learn, especially if you’re new to kettlebell training. Often times there are a few common mistakes that I’ve seen happen when learning the swing. These mistakes can hinder your ability to properly execute the proper training effect and could potentially lead to an injury.

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Lance Monteau, MD and The Great 100,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge

Lance Monteau set himself a magnificent challenge: to perform 100,000 kettlebell swings within a one year period. Lance has just completed that goal. Dragon Door e-interviewed him about his whole experience with this admirable achievement.

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Why I Have Been Using Kettlebells for 20 Years — And Am Not About to Stop.

Floating around the DD discussion was the kettlebell. I had first seen Kettlebells at the College of San Mateo when the Soviet hammer throwers were tossing them on the football field (I’m sure that went over well). When I popped open my 1971 Track and Field Omnibook written by J. K. Doherty, I saw these used in training for every track and field event.

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Why Kettlebells Should Be The Foundation for Your Functional Fitness

One thing all of these courses had in common was that they believe that incorporating kettlebells is a staple for functional fitness. Kettlebell training can be used to enhance your strength, conditioning, athletic abilities, correcting movement, and creating greater stability in the body. By becoming an RKC Trainer you are setting yourself up for success by starting off with a strong foundation.

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How to Get Healthy Using Kettlebells & Functional Fitness

Most people in the public have a false understanding of our profession and those who work in them. Some people still believe that personal trainers are glorified gym teachers or boot camp instructors.

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¿Por qué entrenar con kettlebells?

La kettlebell tiene mucho que ofrecer en general: a los atletas de alto rendimiento, a la gente que necesita desarrollar más fuerza y condición física, a los profesionistas cuyo trabajo les exige un esfuerzo físico y a quienes les pide estar sentados todo el día.

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Why Train with Kettlebells?

Kettlebell training has much to offer, whether you are a high-performance athlete, someone who just needs to develop strength and endurance, an employee with the kind of work that demands physical effort, or a person who sits almost the entire day.

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RKC Team Leader Dorothee Appel's Kettlebell Press Challenge

We’d work to get as strong as possible until the end of the year and start 2019 as the strongest version of ourselves. This challenge would also let me test an online program I was currently working on. I could help people reach their goals, stay on track over Christmastime and experiment with running and overseeing an online training program.

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