
Thicken the Waist for Power

Oct 20, 2003 08:27 PM

The statue of David, Hercules, and numerous other works of art out of antiquity display powerful physiques with thick spinal erectors, shoulder girdles, and corded forear [...]

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Powerlifting and Kettlebells

Sep 26, 2003 02:26 PM

Years ago I started bodybuilding with the goal of increasing my strength. Then in 1997 I made a switch to Powerlifting and started competing that same year. I hope the [...]

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Power to the People! + Hand-to-Hand Kettlebell Drills

Sep 26, 2003 02:19 PM

The most common form of strength training, used for a boxer, is circuit training. Circuit training enables a coach to train a large number of fighters at the same time, [...]

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My Smolov Squat Experiment

Sep 11, 2003 10:35 PM

I've always thought that I'm pretty much game for anything as far as my training is concerned. I've tried many different training protocols including HIIT, Dinosaur, tr [...]

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Countdown for Big Gains:

Sep 11, 2003 10:30 PM

What is the appropriate ratio of volume and intensity? How can you build limit strength, muscular endurance, and hypertrophy all at the same time? What's a good way t [...]

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Getting a High School Strength Program off to a Good Start

Aug 28, 2003 05:17 PM

The following article is aimed the beginning trainee or someone with the responsibility of overseeing the training of teenagers and young adults. Hopefully the following [...]

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The Power Circuit

Jul 07, 2003 09:10 PM

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In Defense of Frequent Training

Jun 02, 2003 04:27 PM

In website 'courtrooms' all across the internet, you can find the same trial played out time and time again: Frequent Training stands accused of the heinous crimes of Cau [...]

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Increase General Physical Preparedness

Jun 02, 2003 04:02 PM

General Physical Preparedness, or GPP, has become a buzz term around the strength and conditioning over the last few years. As with any important aspect of athletic perf [...]

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Old School Fat Loss

May 21, 2003 03:27 PM

I love being a strength coach. I love helping anyone get stronger, fitter, more athletic?as long as they do it my way. So when coaches or administrators ask me if I can [...]

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