Brewster (Brockster) Righter
Apr 09, 2010 08:31 AM
"Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment." So much for the philosophy, Comrades, I am here to try to enlighten you on how a 73 year old [...]
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Brett Jones CSCS, Master RKC, CK-FMS
Jan 26, 2010 02:54 PM
Picking up a weight or object from the floor is an essential skill. While that may initially strike you as an odd or over the top statement I would like you to pause f [...]
Doug Dienelt
Jan 26, 2010 02:32 PM
I start serious meet preparation 3 months out. I am a big fan of Louie Simmons and have used variations of the Westside system for 14 years. Monday heavy bench and T [...]
David Whitley, SRKC, CK-FMS
Jan 25, 2010 09:47 PM
In early November 2009 I moved my Nashville Kettlebell Bootcamp classes indoors for the winter, renting a back room at a local gym that looks a lot like the basement fr [...]
Alastair Hart
Dec 31, 2009 01:29 PM
Brief history. Back in 2003 at the ripe old age of 33, I realized my life was taking a rather sedentary turn and basically I was getting fatter. Not obese by any standa [...]
Michael Bunting
Dec 15, 2009 03:35 PM
I started at the young age of 12. It all started with a cheap York Barbell set as preparation for football. I seemed to have a natural knack for resistance training, [...]
Dan Cenidoza, CSCS, RKC
Nov 23, 2009 03:42 PM
The following is a report on my current training goals and how I've successfully married the completely unrelated pursuits of steel bending, barefoot running, yoga and [...]
Mike Woody
Nov 10, 2009 01:17 PM
The aphorism "knowledge is power" is literally true in the sport of powerlifting. To succeed in powerlifting one must first master the proper technique of each lift. [...]
Steady State vs. Intervals
Brian Copeland, RKC
Oct 19, 2009 03:18 PM
While the debate about steady state vs. intense interval cardio races on, more emotion has been poured into the debate than logic or science. I aim to resolve that. [...]
Delaine Ross, RKC Level 2, Z Health Level 1
Oct 19, 2009 01:48 PM
I have a confession to make. It goes against everything that I stand for in the fitness world, but lately I haven't been able to help myself. My confession is that I li [...]