
How the ISOCHAIN Can Help Women Athletes Meet and Exceed Their Goals

At first glance, the ISOCHAIN might seem specifically beneficial for men, but isometric training can benefit all athletes. In fact, women have already been practicing versions of isometric exercises for years...

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Isometrics: Black Belt Tension Training

The number-one most effective and efficient method to master tension is through static exercise—isometric drills.

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Accidental Easy Strength

My goal was simple: learn the lift, practice the lift, and master the lift—everything else in my training sessions would just be frosting on the cake.

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RKC Team Leader Dorothee Appel's Kettlebell Press Challenge

We’d work to get as strong as possible until the end of the year and start 2019 as the strongest version of ourselves. This challenge would also let me test an online program I was currently working on. I could help people reach their goals, stay on track over Christmastime and experiment with running and overseeing an online training program.

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Phil Ross on History’s Forged in Fire: Knife or Death

The very next day, a casting agent from HISTORY emailed to ask me if I’d like to appear on Season 2 of Knife or Death! This was a dream come true.

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30 Years and Going STRONG!

A turning point came in 2005 when one of my clients, Dr. Pat Roth (yes, the author of The End of Back Pain) and UFC Champion Frank Shamrock turned me onto kettlebells. That December, I bought a set of kettlebells, a DVD, and started to train and learn.

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How to Auto-Correct Your Movement Patterns, Build Greater Strength, and Enhance Your Mobility—With the ProBar Advantage

Building a Strong Athletic Foundation—With or Without a Trainer. How to Auto-Correct Your Movement Patterns, Build Greater Strength, and Enhance Your Mobility—With the ProBar Advantage

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Kettlebells and Bodyweight Exercise: The Ultimate Training Duo

There are many purported methods for achieving the ultimate level of fitness. Some are better than others. But, is there one tool, method, or philosophy that shines above them all?

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Discover The Healing Power of Liposomal Vitamin C

Thanks to its purity and small molecular size, your body absorbs Liposomal Vitamin C efficiently without irritation, immediately strengthening the immune system and gut biome. The liposomal compound structure makes this easy absorption possible.

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Get Stronger. Save Time. Reduce Wear and Tear. Do BFR Training.

Blood flow restriction training, or BFR training, is an exercise modality that uses a manipulation of the body’s circulatory system in combination with light resistance exercise, such as body weight work, to achieve improvements in strength and fitness similar to what you get with high intensity strength training (traditional heavy weight lifting).

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