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RKC Fundamentals + IST Variations: Goblet Squat & Overhead Press

Throughout my career, I’ve worked, trained, and instructed a plethora of different people and personalities. But, they all had interest in at least one of the above goals. As I get older, I have less time I can commit to working out each week, and I’m less focused of lifting the heaviest weight. But, my need for mobility and feeling good increases.

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The Whats, Whys and Hows of Successful Programming, Part V

This is the fifth and final article in a series about successful programming by Master RKC Dan John: Progression or Regression, Adjusting the weight, plus "humane burpee" workout variations

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The Whats, Whys and Hows of Successful Programming, Part IV

I have a simple model for training most people: Life. This training program is based on our movement history: We start off rolling around and crawling. Then, we get up on one knee—then we get back on the ground...

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The Whats, Whys and Hows of Successful Programming, Part III

With an understanding of volume, intensity and specialized variety, we can now move into the basics of programming. I always start with the fundamental human movements as my guide to appropriate programming...​

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The Whats, Whys and Hows of Successful Programming, Part II

This is the second in a series of articles about successful programming by Master RKC Dan John. Let’s look at the most common work to rest ratios: 1:1 This ratio can be difficult. Generally,

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The Whats, Whys and Hows of Successful Programming, Part I

The problem with programming is simple: the word "program" is sitting right there to start off the word "programming." And, programs are the problem. It’s not an unusual week when someone emails me asking for a "program." It’s not unlike a patient calling a doctor and asking for medicine.

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Kettlebell Freedom

For the past ten years, I have had the extreme pleasure of helping people get stronger, faster, and more flexible. My mantra and phrase that defines who I am and what I do is, “Give people the freedom to pursue any athletic endeavor for the rest of their lives”.

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CrossCore®, Accomplishing the Impossible – Resistance Training for Large Groups

No one has ever been able to figure out a way to successfully conduct a hardcore progressive resistance class in a large group setting. Effective resistance training, hardcore resistance training produces measurable, quantifiable improvements in physique and performance. Hardcore progressive resistance experts use free-weights, barbells and dumbbells, to near exclusion.

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The Street Workout 50 Push-up Challenge Results

Last week my brother Danny and I issued a challenge to the Dragon Door community and boy, did you all step up! Thank you to everyone who submitted a video for the Street Workout 50 Push-up Challenge. We were very impressed by how many people took on the task. After going through the 50+ entries (that’s a lot of push-ups!), it’s time to announce the official winners...

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The Street Workout 50 Rep Challenge Push-up Contest

The noble push-up. Honest. Strong. True. The push-up is one of our all-around favorite exercises: it requires no equipment, it’s adaptable to any fitness level and it can be varied in an infinite number of ways to suit a vast array of goals. The push-up is such a simple move, but that’s where its beauty lies.

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