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10/10 8 Months and Still Going Strong
By Diane Lepore / Johnston, USA

I have been training with Chris for 8 months and still going strong. I can really feel the effects of Chris's training. I am not only stronger, but my summer clothes are too big. "Yeah". The results I am getting from his training is most excellent. I urge everyone to join in an get fabulous results.

10/10 Solid workouts and training
By Jacob Robinson / Walpole, USA

I have been training with Chris for almost two months and am really enjoying the program. He provides the right amount of physical intensity, mental fitness, tenacity for proper form, and motion rehabilitation that is stepping up my training to new levels. It has even carried over into everyday activities: I am standing with better posture, years of lower back pain is virtually gone, and my energy levels are at an all time high. Chris's wide range of knowledge in kettlebell, martial arts, and other fields makes him a great resource for training programs that are customized to fit individual needs and goals. As an avid runner, I have also noticed increased speed and endurance during my runs. Overall, Chris is personable, knowledgeable, and genuine. I am very happy with the program that he has created here in Walpole.

10/10 Keeping Me Young
By Joanne Rossetti / Norwood, USA

I have been working out with Chris for about two months. He has helped me tremendously with my strength and endurance. Receiving personal attention and firm support is helping me reach goals sooner than I thought was possible. My confidence and mental health has skyrocketed. Chris always says age does not matter and now I am starting to agree with him He's proven that I am 60 years young and can't remember the last time I have felt so healthy. I firmly believe I owe this all to Chris's patience and his wealth of knowledge.

10/10 Chris Baxter friend and coach...

I have been Chris' friend for, wow 24ish years, his knowledge of APPLIED fighting techniques is second to none. He is an instructor/trainer/coach who consistantly expands his base of expertise, always taking his own training to the higher plateau. Chris walks the walk, holding himself to a higher standard of being. Chris introduced me to the Kettlebell approx 3 years ago and it expanded my training in amazing ways. I am a senior trainer of 22 years as well as a life long martial artist, I make a good living in the fitness wellness field, Chris Baxter is in a very Elite Small group of truly the best!

10/10 Best instructor i ever worked with!
By Trish O'Kane / Warwick, United Sates

Getting to meet Chris was one of the best things that happened to me - his knowledge and training and attention to form is amazing - it gave me the chance to make myself so much stronger - and he paid attention to the bad knee i had too!

10/10 One in a Million
By Diane Lepore / Johnston, USA

My Dr. suggested that I start kettle bell training for bone health. I mainly chose to train with Chris because he is certified in kettle bells. I have been training with him for several months and "it is totally awsome"! My strength has increased and my weight has decreased. His knowledge in kettle bell training and instructing together with his caring nature and sense of humor is the perfect recipe for the best teacher ever.

10/10 A Superior Trainer
By Dot Bergen / Walpole, USA

I have trained with Chris for over two years in a variety of classes including sparring, weapons training, yoga, kettle bell, and JKD. The results have been amazing. His breadth of knowledge is so vast, and his experiences so far-reaching, that he can always determine exactly what you, as an individual, need to do to step up your game. As a result of my training with Chris, I am stronger, leaner, faster and smarter. Whether you are working with Chris from a conditioning or a martial arts standpoint, every class is a physical, intellectual and spiritual journey, with practical applications to other aspects of your life. He is truly a remarkable individual. If you have the chance to work with him, do it. You will be amazed with the results!

10/10 Recipe for Success!
By Gina Rossetti / Walpole, United States

I've been working Chris now for a litte under 6 months. I've been an avid boxer, weight trainer, cardio freak, and fitness competitor. I've never encountered an exercise routine comparable to training with Chris and Kettle bells. Chris is a perfectionist when it comes to form and for this reason, I his kettle bell training has increased my strength, stamina, and endurance considerably.

Since training with Chris, I've noticed a huge difference in not only core strength, but overall strength and well being. The definition in my entire body has increased dramatically and my clothes are fitting better and looser. I am walking around with a constant tightness in my abs, like I just did 100 crunches. Kettle bells are 100% a complete body workout - stick with these and Chris and its a no fail recipe for success!

10/10 Top Qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity
By Stephen Rodrigues / North Scituate, USA

"I hired Chris to run Kettlebell classes at my facility in the past. I found Chris's work to be outstanding. He takes great pride in his work and the product/service he offers his clients. I believe Chris reaches many people through his passion and desire to help people through his training methods. Chris is an asset to any facility he works for bringing his professionalism and experience with him."
Service Category: Personal Trainer
Year first hired: 2010
Top Qualities: Personable, Expert, High Integrity

10/10 Hard Core Nice Guy?
By Stephen Vannini / Cranston, Rhode Island, Unites States

I've trained with Chris for about 2 years. His knowledge and experience in Muay Thai and related martial arts is second to none. With his obvious skills and fighting background you may expect "attitude." What you get is a trainer who takes his time to explain proper form and technique. He's always positive, always pushing for you to be your best. His classes are not easy, but challenging. I challange any person to take any one of his classes (this includes kettle bell, boot camp, etc) and not be happy and satisfied with the experience they will have. Chris is the real deal. The "Hard Core Nice Guy."

10/10 Great Trainer
By John M / Westwood, USA

I started training with Chris this year feeling tired, stressed, and limited by some old injuries. I went in not knowing what to expect but I was pleasantly surprised. He is a stickler for form and the correct motion. I have to say that training with him has already paid dividends. His emphasis on proper form and technique has already begun to strengthen my injured shoulder. The classes are always different and challenging but obtainable. I have worked out with trainers in the past but I have to say that what I have accomplished with Chris in just weeks I hadn't accomplished with other trainers in months. The class is a perfect combination both physically and mentally.

10/10 Getting stronger with a smaller waist
By Denise Baxter / N. Scituate, USA

It took me quite a while to train with Chris because I was afraid I might get injured and not be able to do my beloved yoga. Although we are careful of my old shoulder injury, I am satisfied that I can enjoy taking his class and get nothing but stronger.
He immediately stops anyone doing something without correct form and that gives me confidence in his teaching. Chris brings fun into the class and never gives the same class twice. I am now noticing improvements in yoga.
Although I felt my core strength was good before taking his class, but it is better now and my clothes became looser at the waist.

10/10 The Best!
By Doug DiStefano / New York, USA

I had the opportunity to briefly train with Chris last summer. He is a wealth of knowledge. I really appreciated that he emphasized form and safety in his instructions. I will be back for more!

10/10 Instructor with an eye for form
By Joanie M / Walpole, MA

Been going to Chris for a while now and he has really whipped me into shape. His kettlebell class is a great workout and different from all other work outs I have done. He takes his time teaching his students the proper form and technique. It is so important to do this and it really makes a difference.

He is patient with all his students yet pushes us at the same time.

I can't say enough about Chris and Impact Fitness

10/10 One of the best instructors I've encountered
By Cindy Spencer / North Scituate, RI, USA

It's obvious Chris Baxter takes fitness seriously, and has spent a very long time perfecting his techniques. His classes are tough, and fun at the same time. An outstanding teacher!

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