I have been a professional trainer since 2005 and my first ACE cert. I picked up my first kettlebell sometime in 2006 and was humbled by both the Swing and the Get Up. But something about both of those movements hooked me and the kettlebell has been my preferred training tool ever since. I recall it taking me about six months to jump from a sixteen kilo to a twenty-four kilo bell in the Turkish Get Up. Now I see this happen with clients within weeks.
It’s been my experience that once those hamstrings wake up, the forearms have toughened under the iron, and the client has learned how to modulate the power of their own intensity and breath, the kettlebell can become an object of aspiration, grit, confidence, and even meditation.
While I’ve spent my fair amount of time under a barbell and in the parks doing pure calisthenics, the kettlebell, for my money, is the best investment in the deeper exploration of your own personal fitness. Particularly in a home gym setting.
My passion is developing home gyms and strategies unique to my clients. My aim is to teach and enhance the life skills of fitness: Strength, Grit, Stress Management, Physical freedom and mobility, and the dynamic power of the breath.
A new avenue of exploration for me is the connection between training and the management of ADHD. I was diagnosed late in life (42 years old) and have come to understand that strength and conditioning has been a lifelong intervention and management technique. I am eager to share this experience with clients in similar need.
It would be my pleasure to coach you wherever you are on your fitness path.
But probably with a kettlebell or two in your hands!