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Convict Conditioning
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9.63 out of 10 (498 reviews)
I have waited over 2 decades for this book!
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By RS Vogel Michigan

Being a physician, martial artist (for over 30 years), and a former US Army commander, I enjoyed an intimate understanding of health, fitness and practical strength. This is one of the finest books I have read on a realistic and healthy approach to tremendous practical strength. I have trained,…
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Convict Conditioning

How to Bust Free of All Weakness–Using the Lost Secrets of Supreme Survival Strength

By Paul "Coach" Wade

304 pages, 6.75 x 9.5


Read "Convict Conditioning" foreword by John Du Cane

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How Do YOU Stack up Against the 6 Ultimate Measures of a TRUE Man?


Chances are that whatever athletic level you have achieved, there are some serious gaps in your OVERALL strength program. Gaps that stop you short of being able to claim status as a TRUE man.

Paul Wade has laid out a brilliant 6-set system of 10 progressions which allows you to master these elite levels. And you could be starting at almost any age and in almost in any condition!

Paul Wade has given you the keys—ALL the keys you'll ever need— that will open door after door after door for you in quest for REAL physical accomplishment. Yes, it will be the hardest work you'll ever have to do. And yes, 97% of those who pick up Convict Conditioning, frankly, won't have the guts and the fortitude to make it. But if you make it even half-way through Paul's Progressions, you'll be stronger than almost anyone you encounter.

If you're a 3-percenter, in particular, then this book is for you. Have at it!

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How Do YOU Stack up Against the 6 Ultimate Measures of a TRUE Man?


According to the tenets of Convict Conditioning a TRUE man can achieve:

  1. AT LEAST one set of 5 one-arm pushups each side—with the ELITE goal of 100 sets each side
  2. AT LEAST one set of 5 one-leg squats each side—with the ELITE goal of 2 sets of 50 each side
  3. AT LEAST one set of 1 one-arm pullups each side—with the ELITE goal of 2 sets of 6 each side
  4. AT LEAST one set of 5 hanging straight leg raises—with the ELITE goal of 2 sets of 30
  5. AT LEAST one set of 1 stand-to-stand bridges—with the ELITE goal of 2 sets of 30
  6. AT LEAST one set of 1 one-arm handstand pushups—with the ELITE goal of 1 set of 5

Well, how DO you stack up?

Chances are that whatever athletic level you have achieved, there are some serious gaps in your OVERALL strength program. Gaps that stop you short of being able to claim status as a TRUE man.

The good news is that—in Convict Conditioning—Paul Wade has laid out a brilliant 6-set system of 10 progressions which allows you to master these elite levels. And you could be starting at almost any age and in almost in any condition!

Paul Wade has given you the keys—ALL the keys you'll ever need— that will open door after door after door for you in quest for REAL physical accomplishment. Yes, it will be the hardest work you'll ever have to do. And yes, 97% of those who pick up Convict Conditioning, frankly, won't have the guts and the fortitude to make it. But if you make it even half-way through Paul's Progressions, you'll be stronger than almost anyone you encounter.

If you're a 3-percenter, in particular, then this book is for you. Have at it!

"Convict Conditioning gives honor and respect to body-weight training. This book is an old step in a new direction and I welcome it. I feel Convict Conditioning provides the progression, precision and clarity that is necessary to combat our cultural decline in simple body knowledge."
—Gray Cook, MSPT, OCS, CSCS, Functional Movement Systems, author of Body in Balance
"Convict Conditioning is a fantastic text crammed with solid information, and tons of vital nuggets and powerful insights that when followed will pack your frame with rock-hard, functional muscle. Like a hard thrust with a razor-sharp shank, ex-con Paul Wade's writing style rips through all the nonsense that fill the glossy muscle mags, to get to what's real: You don't need free weights, fancy machines, spray-on tan and carefully torn T-shirts to build powerful muscle. All you really need is your own body, a few simple exercises and a plan. You provide the body, Convict Conditioning gives you the rest in a highly readable, easy-to-understand format that teaches you what to do and how to do it. As a guy who has written extensively on exercise, I highly recommend this book."
—Loren Christensen, author of Solo Training and The Fighter's Body.

Here's what you'll get when you invest in Convict Conditioning:

Part I—Preliminaries

A journey of strength

  • Can you meet these 5 benchmarks of the truly powerful?... Page 1

Becoming strong

  • The nature and the art of real strength… Page 2
  • Why mastery of progressive calisthenics is the ultimate secret for building maximum raw strength… Page 2

The forgotten art of bodyweight training

How I learned my craft: Doing time

  • A dozen one-arm handstand pushups without support—anyone? Anyone?... Page 3
  • How to rank in a powerlifting championship—without ever training with weights… Page 4
  • The scary heritage of Joe Hartigen and the Mighty Atom… Pages 5—6

2: Old School Calisthenics

The Lost Art of Power

  • Calisthenics as a hardcore strength training technology… Page 9

The ancient art of bodyweight training

  • Spartan "300" calisthenics at the Battle of Thermopolylae… Page 10
  • How to cultivate the perfect body—the Greek and Roman way… Page 10

The tradition of strength

  • The golden era of the modern strongmen… Pages 11—14

Twentieth century greats

The end of an era

  • The difference between "old school" and "new school" calisthenics… Page 15
  • The role of prisons in preserving the older systems… Page 16
  • Strength training as a primary survival strategy… Page 16

The origin of Convict Conditioning

  • The "secret history" of old school calisthenics, and the role that prisons have played in preserving these arts… Page 16
Yes! I am ready to take my strength, energy and health to undreamt-of new heights thanks to Convict Conditioning. I want to order Convict Conditioning NOW and understand that I am ordering with ZERO RISK because Convict Conditioning comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee for one full year!

3: The Convict Manifesto

Bodyweight Training vs Modern Methods

  • Modern physical culture—a bastard child… Page 20

Kill the gym

  • The futility of the gym machine... Page 20
  • The charade of high-rep low-weights and the dangers of "macho" bodybuilding… Page 20
  • The modern fitness scam… Pages 21—22
  • The 6 basic benefits of bodyweight training… Pages 22—27
  • Why calisthenics are the ultimate in functional training… Page 23
  • The value of cultivating self-movement—rather than object-movement… Page 23
  • The real source of strength—it's not your muscles... Page 24
  • One crucial reason why a lot of convicts deliberately avoid weight-training… Page 24
  • One of the most damaging problems caused by modern forms of strength and resistance training… Page 24
  • How to progressively strengthen your joints over a lifetime—and even heal old joint injuries… Page 25
  • Why "authentic" exercises like pullups are so perfect for strength and power development… Page 25
  • Bodyweight training for quick physique perfection… Page 26
  • Why the "Perfect Man", John Grimek preached the value of calisthenics… Page 27
  • How to normalize and regulate your body fat levels—with bodyweight training only… Page 27
  • Why weight-training and the psychology of overeating go hand in hand… Page 27

4: Convict Conditioning

  • How Ronnie the hack inspired Paul the con to create Convict Conditioning… Page 29
  • The best approach for rapidly strengthening your whole body is this… Page 30
  • Why these Big Six exercises are THE Big Six when you're looking for that godly body… Page 30
  • This is the most important and revolutionary feature of Convict Conditioning…. Page 33
  • A jealously-guarded system for going from puny to powerful—when your life may depend on the speed of your results… Page 33
  • The 6 "Ultimate" Master Steps—only a handful of athletes in the whole world can correctly perform them all. Can you?… Page 33
Yes! I am ready to take my strength, energy and health to undreamt-of new heights thanks to Convict Conditioning. I want to order Convict Conditioning NOW and understand that I am ordering with ZERO RISK because Convict Conditioning comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee for one full year!

Part II—The Big Six: Power Moves

5: The Pushup

How to forge armor-plated pecs and steel triceps… Page 41

  • Why the pushup is the ultimate upper body exercise—and better than the bench press… Page 41
  • Benefits of the pushup… Pages 41—42
  • How to effectively bulletproof the vulnerable rotator cuff muscles… Page 42
  • Why "perfect" technique is individual-specific… Page 42
  • Observe these 6 important rules for power-packed pushups… Page 42
  • The optimal speed for developing maximum strength with your pushups… Page 43
  • When fast is good and when slow is better… Page 43
  • The importance of smooth technique to develop higher levels of pure strength… Page 43
  • The dangers of speediness… Page 43
  • How basketballs, baseballs and kissing-the-baby all translate into greater strength gains… Page 44
  • What's best? Palms, knuckles, wrists or fingers?... Page 44
  • How to guarantee steel rod fingers… Page 45
  • Do you make this stupid mistake with your push ups? This is wrong, wrong, wrong!... Page 45
  • Why, in all strength training, progression is the name of the game… Page 45

STEP ONE: Wall Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 46

STEP TWO: Incline Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 48

STEP THREE: Kneeling Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 50

STEP FOUR: Half Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 52

STEP FIVE: Full Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 54

STEP SIX: Close Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 56

  • Why the close pushup is an essential tool to help you in your journey to mastering the one-arm pushup… Page 56

STEP SEVEN: Uneven Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 58

STEP EIGHT: Half One-Arm Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 60

STEP NINE: Lever Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 62

STEP TEN: One-Arm Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 64

  • Many athletes claim to be able to do this exercise without any problems, but don't be fooled—their pushups are a joke. How to become a member of the endangered species… Page 64
  • How to achieve 100 consecutive one-arm pushups each side… Page 64

Going Beyond the One-Arm Pushup… Page 68—74

  • This kind of training is murder and will really take your workouts up a notch… Page 68
  • This little fella will really separate the iron men from the baby-weight pumpers!... Page 69
  • Dips… Page 70
  • Decline pushups—do you really need them?... Page 70
  • Wide pushups—to bust your pecs… Page 70
  • Why Superman pushups should be saved for Lois Lane… Page 71
  • These Gecko pushups truly separate the wannabees from the real thing… Page 71
  • The pros and cons of Plyometric pushups… Page 71
  • How to perform a one-arm clapping pushup—for the very brave and the superbly conditioned only… Page 71
  • Stretch pushups—waste of time?... Page 72
  • Why Jackknife pushups are killa for MA… Page 72
  • The plank— The old timers loved this exercise, and not without reason… page 73
  • Incline tiger bends—when you insist on bulging arms… Page 74
  • Maltese pushups—for gymnasts only?... page 74
Yes! I am ready to take my strength, energy and health to undreamt-of new heights thanks to Convict Conditioning. I want to order Convict Conditioning NOW and understand that I am ordering with ZERO RISK because Convict Conditioning comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee for one full year!

6: The Squat… Page 75

Going up!— how to build elevator-cable thighs… Page 75

  • Where the real strength of an athlete lies… Page 75
  • This is the ultimate example of total body power… Page 75
  • Most athletic movements rely largely on this attribute… Page 76
  • The first thing to go as an athlete begins to age—and what you MUST protect... Page 76
  • Why modern methods can de-train the legs… Page 77
  • THE best way to develop truly powerful, athletic legs… Page 77
  • The many, many muscles worked by the squat… Page 77
  • The phenomenon of Lombard's Paradox—and it contributes to power-packed thighs… Page 78
  • Why bodyweight squats blow barbell squats away… Page 79
  • The enormous benefits of mastering the one-leg squat… Page 80
  • 15 secrets to impeccable squatting—for greater power and strength… Pages 81—82

STEP ONE: Shoulderstand Squats—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 84

STEP TWO: Jackknife Squats—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 86

STEP THREE: Supported Squats—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 88

STEP FOUR: Half Squats—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 90

STEP FIVE: Full Squats—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 92

STEP SIX: Half Squats—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 94

STEP SEVEN: Uneven Squats—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 96

STEP EIGHT: Half One-Leg Squats—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 98

STEP NINE: Assisted One-Leg Squats —correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 100

STEP TEN: One-Leg Squats —correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 102

  • Transform skinny legs into pillars of power, complete with steel cord quads, rock-hard glutes and thick, shapely calves… Page 102
  • How to achieve one hundred perfect consecutive one-leg squats on each leg... Page 102

Going Beyond the One-Leg Squat… Pages 106—112

  • Why the quest for extra poundage in your squats can be a really BAD idea… Page 106
  • Why strength is NOT everything—but what is... Page 107
  • How to add conditioning, speed, agility and endurance to legs that are already awesome…. Page 107
  • Why it's a mistake—and very unnecessary—to mix up your squat stances… Page 108
  • Lunges—the classic squat substitute and great for martial arts… Page 108
  • Leg press lunges—for delicious, searing pain in your quads… Page 108
  • Sissy squats—a useful addition to your arsenal… Page 108
  • Hindu squats—the good, the bad and the ugly… Page 109
  • Plyometric jumping and dead leaps for greater explosive power… Page 110
  • Stair/hill sprints—the more intimidating the better and fabulous for combat athletes… Page 111
  • Car pushing—for dangerous levels of strength-athleticism!... Page 111
  • Fireman sprints—wonderful torture and great for the whole body… Page 112
"To paraphrase a famous political quote: "It's the progressions stupid.' Coach Wade has laid out a set of progressions in Convict Conditioning that can lead to mastery of the big 6 bodyweight exercises and you would be wise to listen. This is knowledge proven in "extreme' conditions. So respect the progressions and put in your time—you'll be stronger for it."
—Brett Jones Master RKC, CSCS, CK-FMS
"Outstanding! By far the most innovative fitness book in years. Many talk about "mastering your body weight" yet Convict Conditioning actually delivers a blueprint for anyone, regardless of your current fitness. The training "progressions' are genius. I had illusions I was able to do some Master Steps right away but was unable to CORRECTLY get past step 6 in one of the big six and was at steps 3-5 on most. This program will give me the tendon strength to blast past my previous body weight abilities and real usable strength and speed for hand-to-hand training! I've already pre-ordered a case of books for my friends and associates. Don't hesitate—just get it and start getting real, usable, strength and power to move your human machine!"
—Tim Larkin, Master Close Combat Instructor, Target Focus Training

7: The Pullup… Page 113

How to construct a barn door back—and walk with loaded guns… Page 113

  • Why our culture has failed to give the pullup the respect and attention it deserves… Page 113
  • Benefits of the pullup—king of back exercises… Page 114
  • The dormant superpower for muscle growth waiting to be released if you only do this… Page 114
  • Why pullups are the single best exercise for building melon-sized biceps… Page 115
  • Why the pullup is THE safest upper back exercise… Page 115
  • Pullups vs chinups… Page 116
  • The ideal range of motion for a pullup… Page 116
  • How and why to keep your shoulders tight in pullups… Page 117
  • The best grip position when hanging tough… Page 118
  • The single most important factor to consider for your grip choice… Page 118
  • The best possible kind of grip for more advanced pullup techniques… Page 118
  • Why you need to avoid the crime of "Kipping"—except in this one instance… Page 118
  • Your bodyweight and pullups… Page 119
  • Serve your time—to succeed with pullups… Page 120
  • To progress quickly, SLOW DOWN—here's why… Page 120

STEP ONE: Vertical Pulls—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 122

STEP TWO: Horizontal Pulls—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 124

STEP THREE: Jackknife Pullups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 126

STEP FOUR: Half Pullups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 128

STEP FIVE: Full Pullups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 130

STEP SIX: Close Pullups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 132

STEP SEVEN: Uneven Pullups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 134

STEP EIGHT: Half One-Arm Pullups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 136

STEP NINE: Assisted One-Arm Pullups —correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 138

STEP TEN: One-Arm Pullups —correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 138

  • How to earn lats that look like wings and an upper back sprouting muscles like coiled pythons… Page 138
  • How to be strong enough to rip a bodybuilder's arm off in an arm wrestling match… Page 138

Going beyond the One-Arm Pullup… Page 144

  • Dips and Bench Dips for greater lats, pecs and triceps… Page 144
  • Recruit sentry pullups—and add explosive power to your arsenal… Page 144
  • Elbow presses—an interesting, effective and little-known exercise… Page 147
  • Bar pulls—an old convict favorite for good reason… Pages 147—148
  • How to break out of jail free—using the Hulk pull… Page 147
  • How to work your entire torso with the Bow pull… Page 147
  • Time to deliver the final bullet to those aching muscles: the Crucifix pull—brilliant and very painful!… Page 148

8: The Leg Raise… Page 149

How to take a trip to hell—and steal a Satanic six-pack… Page 149

  • The 5 absolute truths that define a genuine six-pack from hell... Page 150
  • Crunches and other modern madness… Page 150
  • The myth of "upper" and "lower" abs… Page 152
  • Why it's important to think in terms of the "midsection" or "waist" rather than just the abs… Page 152
  • Old school ab work: sit-ups and leg raises… Page 152
  • This is the REAL way to gain a six-pack from hell… Page 152
  • 3 big reasons why—in prisons—leg raises have always been much more popular than sit-ups… Page 152
  • Why the hanging leg raise is the greatest single abdominal exercise known to man... Page 153
  • The leg raise series… Page 153
  • 10 waist training secrets to help you master the hanging leg raise… Pages 154—155

STEP ONE: Knee Tucks—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 156

STEP TWO: Flat Knee Raises—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 158

STEP THREE: Flat Bent Leg Raises—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 160

STEP FOUR: Flat Frog Raises —correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 162

STEP FIVE: Flat Straight Leg Raises—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 164

  • Why flat straight leg raises are a favorite in military training camps and martial arts schools alike—but why they are invariably performed without full benefit... Page 164

STEP SIX: Hanging Knee Raises—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 166

  • Why hanging ab work is vastly superior to ab work on parallel bars or similar devices… Page 166

STEP SEVEN: Hanging Bent Leg Raises—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 168

STEP EIGHT: Hanging Frog Raises—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 170

STEP NINE: Partial Straight Raises—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 172

STEP TEN: Hanging Straight Leg Raises—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 174

  • How to correctly perform the greatest all-round midsection exercise in existence… Page 174
"Convict Conditioning by El Entrenador is a remarkable book on how to take your bodyweight training to extreme levels. Convict Conditioning deserves a place on the bookshelf next to The Naked Warrior."
—Kenneth Jay, Master RKC author of Viking Warrior Conditioning
"Convict Conditioning is a refreshing book on strength. While there are many books on the topic of body weight conditioning, very few focus on true strength through body weight movements. This is not another book on how to do 50 pushups; this is a book to learn how to do One Arm Handstand Pushups, One-legged Squats, or how about One Arm Pull Ups? Truly the stuff of comic books, but completely attainable with a crystal clear progression plan.

Paul Wade is highly entertaining and motivating in his delivery, I guarantee you will find this a pager burner. This program is completely scalable to challenge any person, from your Mom, to any weekend warrior, to an elite level athlete in the off-season.

I have implemented several of the drills in to my training, the progressions for the bridge and core drills are particularly helpful to every person's power program. I believe Convict Conditioning would be exceptionally valuable to military preparation programs, wrestling coaches, and martial arts instructors. The drills will quickly develop body mastery and skill, with simple modifications to movements already heavily employed in those areas. With its focus on strength development, it will yield high dividends in short order.

Convict Conditioning should definitely be on your watch list. I think this program combined with Pavel's Naked Warrior would allow someone to build strength that would cause Spiderman to look over his shoulder."
—Adam T Glass, RKC II, Professional Performing Strongman

Going beyond the hanging straight leg raise… Page 178

  • Setting your sights on the most powerful midsection exercise possible—the V raise…. Page 178
  • How to develop abdominal muscles with enormous contractile power—and iron hip strength… Page 178
  • When—and only when—you should attempt V raises… Page 178
  • The pros and cons of sit-ups… Page 180
  • Janda sit-ups—for extra intensity… Page 180
  • Incline sit-ups… Page 181
  • Roman chair sit-ups—a favorite in the golden days of American bodybuilding… Page 181
  • Why you should just say no to regular twisting sit-ups… Page 181
  • Russian twists—for a fun and profitable variation… Page 181
  • L-holds—a cool little trick… Page 182
  • Why you need to put medicine ball work back into your future… 182
  • Side leg raises… Page 182
  • Twisting leg raise—the ultimate specialist exercise for the flanks of the torso—just one set is worth more than a thousand sets of side crunches… Page 182
  • Why a hammer works so much better for exploding your muscles than a pencil… Page 183
Yes! I am ready to take my strength, energy and health to undreamt-of new heights thanks to Convict Conditioning. I want to order Convict Conditioning NOW and understand that I am ordering with ZERO RISK because Convict Conditioning comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee for one full year!

9: The Bridge

How to combat-proof your spine… Page 185

  • Why the bridge is the most important strength-building exercise in the world… Page 185
  • And ask yourself this: how big are your spinal muscles?... Page 185
  • Why your spinal muscles are the most important voluntary muscles in the body, bar none… Page 185
  • How to train your spine—as if your life depended on it… Page 185
  • NO! THIS is the most important organ of the human body… Page 185
  • And THIS is the second most important organ of the human body… Page 186
  • Develop this first line of defense against spinal injuries… Page 186
  • The 3 most devastating effects of spinal cord injuries—and how to avoid them… Page 186
  • The spine and athletic qualities… Page 188
  • Why you should sell your barbell set and buy a cushioned mat instead... Page 188
  • How to absorb punitive strikes against your spine—and bounce back smiling… Page 188
  • Why lower back pain is the foremost plague of athletes the world over… Page 189
  • The benefits of bridging… Page 189
  • Why bridging is the ultimate exercise for the spinal muscles… Page 189
  • How to expand your ribcage—and have the lung capacity of a stallion… Page 189
  • How Bruce Lee blew out his back with weights and got it back with calisthenics… Page 190
  • The culture of bridging… Page 190
  • How to cut lower back pain and spinal disorders by 99% in a single generation… Page 190
  • The 4 signs of the perfect bridge… Page 191
  • How to master the bridge… Page 192
  • Obey these important caveats before you start bridging—or risk injury… Page 192
  • There are good and bad versions of all exercise techniques, but this is particularly true when it comes to bridging. What to look for… Page 192
  • How to own a spine that feels like a steel whip... Page 193

STEP ONE: Short Bridges—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 194

  • Why the short bridge is wonderful therapy for those who have suffered disc injuries… Page 194

STEP TWO: Straight Bridges—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 196

STEP THREE: Angled Bridges—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 198

STEP FOUR: Head Bridges—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 200

STEP FIVE: Half Bridges—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 202

STEP SIX: Full Bridges—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 204

STEP SEVEN: Wall Walking Bridges (Down)—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 206

STEP EIGHT: Wall Walking Bridges (Up)—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 208

STEP NINE: Closing Bridges—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 210

STEP TEN: Stand-to-Stand Bridges—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 212

Going beyond the stand-to-stand bridge… Page 216

  • How the bridging series will grant you an incredible combination of strength paired with flexibility… Page 216
  • 9 must-have benefits that belong to all master-bridgers… page 216
  • Why bridging stands alone as a total training method that facilitates development in practically every area of fitness and health… Page 216
  • The plusses and minuses of weighted bridges… Page 216
  • Why you should avoid the scorpion—with very few exceptions… Page 216
  • If you are looking to go beyond stand-to-stand bridges, there are 2 key avenues to explore… Page 217
  • Try this little-known way to make stand-to-stand bridges harder and increasingly more explosive without adding any external resistance… Page 217
  • The Bow hold—a classic spinal exercise that will develop the contractile ability of your back, as well as training the vertebrae and their surrounding ligaments… Page 217
  • The Camel hold… Page 218
  • Gecko bridges—a slightly harder version of the full bridge… Page 218
  • Hyperextensions—and what they work so well… Page 218
  • Reverse hyperextensions—of real therapeutic value to athletes with bad backs… Page 218
  • Prone hyperextensions—a brilliant exercise to refresh the back if you have to hunch over a desk at work… Page 219
  • Back handsprings and backflips—how cool can you get?… Page 219
"Coach Wade's book comes along at a critical time for me, both personally and professionally. (And no, I'm not going to jail!). His bodyweight training progressions will help me create better, more efficient workouts for both myself and my members. If you are a serious student of bodyweight exercise and physical culture, you must get this book. And if you enjoy a little bit of the dark side, the origin story of Coach Wade's knowledge will help you tear through this book in one sitting."
—Craig Ballantyne, Turbulence Training
"I DID NOT want to like this book. In fact, I did not even want to read it because of the title. BUT not only do I like this book, I LOVE IT. It is probably the best compilation of callisthenic exercises and training progressions I have seen; reaching all the back to the beginnings of organized bodyweight exercise.

As an ex elite gymnast and gymnastics coach, using the body as the resistance to strengthen oneself is near and dear to my heart and is the base for any truly functional training regimen. After all, if you can't use your own weight what do you need added resistance for? Coach Wade understands this completely and has crafted programs that will make anyone who uses them a complete physical animal in no time flat.

Easy to read, so well organized and thought out I had no choice but to embrace it wholeheartedly. The progressions of the exercises are brilliant and make even the most difficult of these movements accessible to all who have the heart and stamina to stay the course.

Coach Wade goes to the heart of true training with correct biomechanics, kinesiology and training progressions that so many in the word of physical training just seem to miss these days. Bravo Coach, bravo, an epic book that deserves to be in the library of all who love the world of strength as well as a historical understanding of the foundation of all modern resistance training."
—Mark Reifkind, Master RKC Instructor, Girya Kettlebell Training

10: The Handstand Pushup… PAGE 221

How to look exceptionally masculine—with broad, etched, and powerful shoulders… Page 219

  • Those vulnerable shoulders—why they ache and the best way to avoid or fix the pain… Page 220
  • Arrest these arch-villains of shoulder pain… Page 223
  • How to choose authentic over artificial shoulder movements… Page 223
  • Why you DON'T have to "learn to live with" shoulder pain anymore… Page 223
  • Why do weight-training movements cause so much shoulder pain?... Page 224
  • The two worst offenders when it comes to shoulder pain and injuries… Page 224
  • Why an understanding of instinctive human movement can help solve the shoulder pain problem… Page 224
  • Remove these two elements of pressing—and you will remove virtually all chronic shoulder problems… Page 225
  • The ultimate solution for safe, pain-free, powerful shoulders… Page 225

The mighty handstand pushup… Page 226
Using the handstand pushup to build incredibly powerful, muscularized shoulders in a short span of time… Page 225
How to strengthen the vestibular system—using handstand pushups… Page 225
Strength, muscle, agility, and health—all in one exercise. What more could you possibly ask for?... Page 225

  • Perfect form = perfect strength… Page 226
  • 8 secrets to help you perfect your all-important handstand pushup technique… Pages 228—229
  • The handstand pushup series… Page 229
  • Why you need to master close pushups, before even beginning Step 1 of the handstand pushup series… Page 229

STEP ONE: Wall Headstands—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 230

STEP TWO: Crow Stands—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 232

STEP THREE: Wall Handstands—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 234

STEP FOUR: Half Handstand Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 236

STEP FIVE: Handstand Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 238

STEP SIX: Close Handstand Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 240

  • How to develop extremely powerful tendons, particularly around the elbows, forearms and wrists with close handstand pushups… Page 240

STEP SIX: Close Handstand Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 240

STEP SEVEN: Uneven Handstand Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 242

How to develop huge arm and shoulder power, as well as Olympian rotator cuff muscles… Page 242.

STEP EIGHT: Half One-Arm Handstand Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 244

STEP NINE: Lever Handstand Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 246

STEP TEN: One-Arm Handstand Pushups—correct performance, x-ray detail, training goals and perfecting technique… Page 248

  • Discover the ultimate shoulder and arm exercise… Page 248

Going beyond the one-arm handstand pushup… Page 252

  • How to embark on the art of "free" hand-balancing work, away from the guiding plane of a wall… Page 252
  • Marion pushups—an intense, progressive form of decline pushup… Page 254
  • Isometric presses… Page 254
  • Windmills… Page 255
  • How to hand walk… Page 255
  • Tiger bends… Page 255
  • The master of this old technique will have elbows strong as titanium axles… Page 255
Yes! I am ready to take my strength, energy and health to undreamt-of new heights thanks to Convict Conditioning. I want to order Convict Conditioning NOW and understand that I am ordering with ZERO RISK because Convict Conditioning comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee for one full year!

Part III—Self-Coaching

11: Body Wisdom… Page 259

  • The cast iron principles of Convict Conditioning success… Page 259
  • The missing "x factor" of training success… Page 259
  • The best ways to warm up… Page 260
  • The most efficient way to warm up… Page 260
  • The myth of the cool down… Page 261
  • Why it's important to start slow… Page 261
  • How to create training momentum… Page 262
  • How to put strength in the bank… Page 263
  • The dumb, fickle, want-it-yesterday way to fail in your long term Convict Conditioning training… Page 263
  • The smart way, the patient way to great success long term in your Convict Conditioning training… Page 263
  • This is the real way to get genuine, lasting strength and power gains… Page 265
  • Intensity—what it is and what it isn't… Page 265
  • Why "cycling" or "periodization" is unnecessary with bodyweight training… Page 266
  • How to handle your training when sick… Page 266
  • How to make consistent progress… Page 266
  • Troubleshooting… Page 267
  • 5 powerful secrets for busting through your plateaus… Page 267
  • The nifty little secret of consolidation training… Page 268
  • How many work sets?... Page 268
  • If you want to get strong doing calisthenics, think like a ______—not a _____…. Page 269
  • How long to rest between sets… Page 269
  • Recording your training… Page 270
  • The 5 major benefits of recording your training… Pages 271—272
  • Writing in your training journal… Page 272
Yes! I am ready to take my strength, energy and health to undreamt-of new heights thanks to Convict Conditioning. I want to order Convict Conditioning NOW and understand that I am ordering with ZERO RISK because Convict Conditioning comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee for one full year!

12: Routines… Page 275

Workout Programs… Page 275

  • Living by the buzzer—and the importance of regime… Page 275
  • Training in the outside world… Page 276
  • 5 major Convict Conditioning training programs… Page 276
  • The New Blood training program… Page 278
  • When to move on… Page 278

The Good Behavior training program… Page 279

The Veterano training program… Page 280

The Solitary Confinement training program… Page 281

The Supermax training program… Page 282

Hybrid programs… Page 283

Hybrid training routines… Page 284

The three-day split… Page 284

The home training day… Page 284

  • Bodyweight as a plateau-busting tool… Page 284
  • Of flexibility and of freedom—how not to become a victim of routine… Page 285
"Convict Conditioning is jam packed with the most powerful bodyweight training information I have ever come across. It's the book I WISH I had in my hands when I was a competitive wrestler, BUT, even more important to me is that I can pass on this knowledge to my clients AND my son and daughter when they grow up. That's how impressed with and trustful I am of the information in this book."
—Zach Even-Esh, author The Ultimate Underground Strength System
Read Reviews For: Convict Conditioning (paperback)
9.63 out of 10 (498 reviews)
Rated 10/10 I have waited over 2 decades for this book!
By RS Vogel / Michigan

Being a physician, martial artist (for over 30 years), and a former US Army commander, I enjoyed an intimate understanding of health, fitness and practical strength. This is one of the finest books I have read on a realistic and healthy approach to tremendous practical strength. I have trained, in the past, with many of the exercises demonstrated in this book but, have been unable to progress, in most of the 6 fundamental movements types, to what Mr. Wade calls, "master step exercises". His 10 step approach for each of the six movements starts at the level of near rehab level and takes you to superhuman levels of coordinated, practical strength in a very doable systematic manner. With this fine breakdown of steps virtually anyone can benefit from this strength program. The program is very portable and inexpensive since it requires no special equipment, except for a pull-up bar. The book seems expensive at first glance but with nearly 300 pages chocked with color plates its a bargain. So much so I bought 2 extra copies for my adult children. I cannot say enough about this revolutionary, systematic approach to strength training using only your body mass...simply brilliant.

Rated 10/10 Nothing short of life changing
By Sean Tee / Toronto, Canada

I've been working out for a solid ten years now, always trying different books and methods and ideologies, and I am positive that this book the answer to all my years of searching and experimenting.
I am now about fourteen months into this style of training, and the results are absolutely undeniable.
I've posted a picture of my results on facebook with a message condoning convict conditioning and I have had numerous friends ask me about calisthenics and how to begin and all that. Just to give you an idea of the results that I personally achieved at least.
Small caveat, you won't get big. With a shirt on I don't really look any more imposing than I used to, or the average person does, but with a shirt off I am looking muscular and athletic (something I've never been before), statuesque even.

In short, you will gain strength, size, repair damaged areas of your body, build a physique, all without wasting money at the gym or on stupid supplements.
What you learn in this book can be carried over to other exercises which can be added to your routine, for example I've added some gymnastics moves like the iron cross, but it's all built off of the knowledge that I learned in this book.

This book is one of the best purchases I have made in my life, period.
No joke, If I could find my ten year old self and give him some piece of advice or knowledge, I'd hand myself this book.

Rated 10/10 Absolute Game Changer
By Kyrie Fontana / Reno, NV, USA

Convict Conditioning is a game-changer. If you are looking for REAL results, superhuman strength, and rock-hard leanness from head to toe, then Convict Conditioning is for you. Coach understands that looking good and feeling good go hand in hand, and anyone who truly implements the CC principles is not only sure to reach new levels of physical prowess, but also lifelong vitality and joint integrity. Take it from Coach, who understands the philosophies of the greatest minds in the industry, in addition to the evolution of fitness itself, these methods and progressions work.

Coach Wade takes what one could consider "self-limiting exercises" and puts them at the disposal of anyone and everyone who has a true desire for physical superiority - regardless of weight, size or body fat percentage. Convict Conditioning is a must have. Give the progressions a try; you have got nothing to lose except weakness, unresolved injuries and stubborn body fat.

Rated 10/10 So good, I opted to re-order the physical book.
By Ray Green / Asheville, USA

I've been doing the fitness thing for over 25 years. Originally, I entered the Navy at 5'11 and 127 lbs. Very skinny, not imposing, and totally insecure about my appearance. Four years later, I was 240 lbs of muscle. Yeah, I used roids and yeah, I worked my ass off. I also damaged my joints and probably am a walking time bomb due to the drugs.

So, in the last few years, I started reading Pavel, and Sonnon (even buying many of his fine products), doing TacFit (great, BTW), backyard training, etc. All of it worked, to a degree, but my lack of flexibility and joint problems made some of the moves impossible.

Enter Combat Conditioning. After reading, in one day, CC opened my eyes to not just sound training, but a way to possibly fix my ruined shoulder and knee. It promised to develop real power and control (hey, I was curling 80# dumbbells for reps) while also laying a solid foundation of joint, ligament, and tendon strength.

So, even though I consider myself to be in decent shape, as well as strong, after reading Coach Wade's suggestions, I decided to start at Step 1 for the four exercises while using his "New Blood" routine (later adopting New Blood 2.0 because I have training experience and decent recovery). Since I wanted to follow Wade's prescription exactly, I only went with the four exercises he recommended and followed the 1-2, 1, 1-2 program precisely. I also saw an excerpt of CC Vol 2 in an online review and added flexibility training (though I already do Sonnon's Intu-Flow), along w/calf and forearm training (for my push-ups, I simply switched to fingertip vice flat palm (figuring this will develop those parts of my forearm in a nice, slow progression).

LONG story, short version, is these exercises (I'm on Step 2 now for all of them) work. My shoulder, though not perfect, feels better, as does my knee. I've planned to get to Step 10 in all six exercises over a 3-4 year period (if you are a young man or woman, this may seem like a long time, but for us older folks (I'm 44), hopefully you recognize the time value and the amount of REAL work required to get there. I have zero desire to rush this, but I look forward to being a 48 year-old man who can do what men half my age cannot.

In summary, this book is SO WORTH your small investment of money. Though it will take a few years, it's only 10-15 minutes of work every other day and before you know it, you'll be sproutin' new muscle and ability. Keep what you are doing quiet for a year and perform the exercises in solitary fashion. In a year, you WILL be stunned at your progress and physique. Give it another year or two and damn, you'll be in the top 1% of athletic performers.

Rated 10/10 The best book on fitness I've ever read
By Chris Coffman / Sydney, Australia

I'm 52 and was a teenager in Europe during the original Pumping Iron craze when Schwarzenegger was just hitting it big and the Dassler brothers were competing with their shoe companies Adidas and Puma against the American upstart Nike.

Those were the days when coaches wouldn't let us drink water in order to toughen us up, and we drank milkshakes with raw eggs and ice cream to get extra protein.

The science of athletics has evolved astoundingly since those days, but after all those years, with everything I have learned (and I can do 5 sets of ten pull ups at my age and enjoy swinging on the rings in Santa Monica), this is the single best book I have ever read on fitness and strength.

Paul Wade confirms everything I've learned about strength conditioning, solves puzzles I've wondered about for years, is totally consistent with my yoga and Tai Chi teachers as well, and goes far beyond anything I knew--but I've tried it and it works.

The secret is his progressions--how they start and how they transition beyond ordinary push ups, pull ups, and the other four exercises.

Well done Paul Wade--you are a master!

Rated 10/10 Over 4 years of CC
By Will Gisin / Idaho Falls, Idaho, United States of America

I have been experimenting with the various exercises in this book for a while now. I am on step 10 for all exercises except the one arm handstand pushup (currently step 9). Since then i have gained 25 lbs of muscle and have lost excess fat. The amount of functional strength I have gained blows my mind. After applying this book I can and always have easily won many fights with guys that are 25-75lbs heavier than me, and have had them surrender in a matter of seconds. I am warning you now that if you buy and complete this book you will be completely unstoppable in power, stamina, and health. 12/10

Rated 10/10 A monolithic book.
By Joe Williams / Liverpool, Merseyside, England

I started to use this book about 5 years ago. During the initial phase of my time processing and putting into action the contents written by coach Wade--I became obsessed. Obsessed not only by the spartan training but by the shear intoxicating notion that I could be strong,agile and lethal all through the methodical training progressions of old school calisthenics. This obsession led me to read the book on a daily basis for 2 years straight (I jest you not). Nuances where (and are) taken to pieces to gain a great understanding of the movements of the big 6.

Any person looking for a manual that's worth its weight in gold,that could serve to fix ailments through systematic and steady progressions this is for you. Couple with the no nonsense yet highly informative writing style of coach wade this book is a win/win for me. Did I add you can get seriously strong as well--YOU CAN. This is NOT an overnight cure to all ills or a snake oil remedy no sir! This is legit solid form of serious training that (cue the double think) is fun as hell to do. The body can really benefit from this book (or series of books) greatly. Take your time with the convict conditioning series of books & a like as it can turn you into brute of awesome strength. Highly recommended nothing but praise for this masterpiece.

Convict conditioning student

Rated 10/10 CHANGED MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Rob Garfield / Hollywood, Florida, USA

Convict Conditioning has changed my life! A year and a half ago I was 230 pounds and in the worst shape of my life, both physically and mentally. My wife and I split after 20 years and I was in the pits, literally. My brother gave me this book and pleaded with me to give it a try. I was on the brink of diabetes, had high cholesterol and high blood pressure (the cocktail of death). The Doctor threatened me with medication every time I had a checkup. They even scared me with a heart issue putting me through a series of stress tests telling my I have branch bundle block and bradycardia. 15 months later, I am 170 pounds of ripped muscle at almost 51 years old. I can do 10 pullups, and am progressing through all the other standards with great success. I truly love it and I cannot tell you how much it has meant to me to get my life back!

My bro also gave me CC#2 and I will buy CC#3. I quit the gym ( which I never went to anyway) and only do calesthenics as prescribed in your bible of fitness. I jump rope like a boxer for 30 minutes, ride my bike for an hour, run the stairs, paddleboard, surf and have recently taken up skydiving. I am in better shape than most guys I see that are half my age. I am working on the planche and the lever and I feel like a kid at a freaking playground. I do every exercise as prescribed in the book and follow it to the T. Everywhere I go people ask me how I did it and I am more than happy to tell them. Of course the diet is key and yoga as well.

I truly cannot thank you enough for helping change my life!

Rated 10/10 Ex-Army, wishing I'd had this book in boot camp!!
By Roy Duckworth / Jackson, MS, US

So I'm on Week 8 of program, designed based on knowledge of my own body from time spent in the martial arts as a young teen and time spent in the army as a fresh young man of 22 - COMBINED with all the new and reexplained and now better understood knowledge this book imparted -- and I have to say, I'm blown away and damn near addicted to this book and its program.

I have a herniated disc in my lower spine that had me down and out for most of 2 years til I found a girl and a reason to want to live again, so I got up and started working out early 2017. Because I was very tired of my back spasming and throwing me in the floor. Worked on a rough, unstructured routine, without a lot of discipline, just a lot of determination and body knowledge. I made progress, but not like I wanted to be making.

Then I got sick, fell off my training, and couldn't get going again. So I searched and found this book. And within a week, I was on my program and building a solid head of steam.

Now, 2 months later...I'm leaner in fat and heavier in muscle. My body overall is stronger, and I'm progressing QUICKLY in strength and endurance, my overall health is better! I'm sticking to the program and not rushing ahead, I make myself make up missed training days every week, because my workout journal(which is probably one of the single smallest yet ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL parts of this whole process) keeps me honest with myself. Because if I cheat here, the only person getting cheated is me.

I'm REALLY excited to see where I'm at in a year when I finish this program, and EVEN MORE excited to see 2 years down the road, when I've mastered all 10 Master Steps and gone beyond.

Fun sidenote! I discoved at the outset that I am ALREADY CAPABLE of 2 sets of 30 hanging straight leg raises - the Master Step of the leg raise series. That being said...2 months in and I'm on movement 2 in the leg raise series; I'm working from the beginning, because that's what the book said do and I have every reason to believe in this book.

I can see it in my body EVERY WEEK when I look. My girlfriend is LOVING it, she thinks I've gotten so sexy. It's such a confidence booster, to add onto the already incredible sense of personal strength and power and confidence just gained by feeling how much stronger I am already.

When I started, I couldn't do ANY one arm wall pushups. Now I can do 2 sets of 10! And I have started using close-hand or diamond form wall pushups often as warmup sets and my strength with them has SKYROCKETED.

I'm SUPER satisifed with this book and have been recommending it all over the place. I'm even helping a couple close friends for their own bodyweight training routines because they are so impressed by my results.

I have gotten more and better results in the last 2 months on this program than I did training freeform all spring and summer.

That's well worth the tiny pricetag for this easy to read, compelling to absorb book. I smashed through it in less than 24 hours!

Rated 10/10 In Coach We Trust
By Deaner B / Abita Springs, LA, USA

Hands down, the best investment I've ever made in training. Logical and well thought out progressions allowing for consistent strength gains, and remaining injury free. In fact, the only time I develop over use injuries is when I've strayed away from doing Convict Conditioning and dive into some other training program for a time, over train and end up with Inevitable tendinitis. I then find my self coming back to Convict Conditioning once again, start back on the CC progressions, get strong again while rehabbing the injury and remain injury free. Convict Conditioning is the long haul program of choice. My advice: Don't stray and fall for the latest training fad. Just trust in Coach. He won't let you down.

9.61 out of 10 (498 reviews)