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Everybody Needs Training
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9.79 out of 10 (14 reviews)
Practical advice with clear, funny, writing
Rated 10/10
By Rosally SaplaTucson, AZ, USA

I bought this book as a former client of Danny's because now that I moved to Arizona, I knew it'd be useful to understand why I literally thought training with him was magic. I knew he had a system, and had worked with several trainers before. Danny engendered a fierce loyalty from his…
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Everybody Needs Training

Proven Success Secrets for the Professional Fitness Trainer—
How to Get More Clients, Make More Money, Change More Lives

By Danny Kavadlo

Paperback 216 pages

Read the foreword by Al Kavadlo for Everybody Needs Training

Read the foreword by Marty Gallagher for Everybody Needs Training

Most folk who embark on a career as a trainer, do so initially out of a personal passion for fitness and a strong desire to help other achieve results. Be it weight loss, conditioning, strength gains, flexibility or enhanced performance.

But a passion for working out and an earnest desire to help others—alone—does not a successful personal trainer make. The sad fact is that the turn over rate for personal trainers after one year is over 80%. Why? It’s almost always because the trainer didn’t have a proper understanding of the BUSINESS of being a fitness professional.

The bottom line is that without the appropriate success blueprint, the most skilled and knowledgeable personal trainer is usually doomed to failure. Unfortunately, until now, there has been no such battle-tested blueprint available either to the novice trainer or the professional struggling to stay alive. Now, however that’s all changed, thanks to Danny Kavadlo’s Everybody Needs Training. Follow the hard-earned wisdom within these pages and failure will no longer be an option.
"Danny Kavadlo's training helped me to discover strengths I never knew I had, and I can take those lessons with me wherever I go, for the rest of my life. The wisdom and insight contained in Everybody Needs Training not only relates to being a successful fitness trainer, but can be applied for peace and success in many of life's ventures. Danny is the best!"—ELIZABETH GILBERT, #1 New York Times Best Selling Author, Eat, Pray, Love. One of TIME Magazine's100 Most Influential People in the World

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Does Anyone Else Want to Be a Highly Successful Personal Trainer—And Truly Live Your Dream?

Most folk who embark on a career as a trainer, do so initially out of a personal passion for fitness and a strong desire to help other achieve results. Be it weight loss, conditioning, strength gains, flexibility or enhanced performance.

But a passion for working out and an earnest desire to help others—alone—does not a successful personal trainer make. The sad fact is that the turn over rate for personal trainers after one year is over 80%. Why? It’s almost always because the trainer didn’t have a proper understanding of the BUSINESS of being a fitness professional.

The bottom line is that without the appropriate success blueprint, the most skilled and knowledgeable personal trainer is usually doomed to failure. Unfortunately, until now, there has been no such battle-tested blueprint available either to the novice trainer or the professional struggling to stay alive. Now, however that’s all changed, thanks to Danny Kavadlo’s Everybody Needs Training. Follow the hard-earned wisdom within these pages and failure will no longer be an option.
"Danny Kavadlo's training helped me to discover strengths I never knew I had, and I can take those lessons with me wherever I go, for the rest of my life. The wisdom and insight contained in Everybody Needs Training not only relates to being a successful fitness trainer, but can be applied for peace and success in many of life's ventures. Danny is the best!"—ELIZABETH GILBERT, #1 New York Times Best Selling Author, Eat, Pray, Love. One of TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World

"Everybody Needs Training is quite ‘something.’ I don't think I have ever seen this kind of depth in the field. It's both obvious and ‘wow’ as you read it. Amazing stuff. It fills a gap in the community that, frankly, surprises me no one has really filled."—DAN JOHN, author, Never Let Go

"Christmas wishes DO come true….Danny Kavadlo has written a training book! Imagine if you could squeeze all the hard-earned wisdom, secrets and tactics of one of the world’s hottest personal trainers between the covers of a beautifully illustrated tell-all manual, and you have imagined Everybody Needs Training.

Like Danny himself, this groundbreaking book is incredibly smart, brutally honest, laugh-out-loud funny, and totally out of left field…if you train others (casually or professionally), want a career training others, or if you just love the now-famous "Kavadlo approach" to getting in shape, you owe it to yourself to grab a copy of this masterpiece. I cannot recommend it highly enough."—PAUL WADE, author of Convict Conditioning

"Danny Kavadlo strikes the right tone: if you are built for it, personal training is one hell-of-a-satisfying career: do it right and you are literally transforming people’s bodies and lives. So if you think you’re built for it and considering jumping into the shark tank of personal training, Everybody Needs Training will be invaluable. And the tattooed Gonzo vibe is priceless."—MARTY GALLAGHER, author of The Purposeful Primitive, 3-time World Masters Powerlifting Champion

"Danny Kavadlo has personally helped me become a more successful trainer and coach. I cannot recommend Everybody Needs Training enough. It's the best book I've ever seen on the subject of being a professional trainer."—ADEL GABER, World Class Trainer & 3-Time Olympic Wrestling Coach

"Everybody Needs Training is a must-read for every personal trainer wanting to take it to the next level, and everyone who has ever dreamed of becoming a personal trainer. This book allows you to get inside the genius PT mind of Danny Kavadlo, a master of his craft, speaking off the cuff to you about training—priceless!"—ERRICK MCADAMS, Personal Trainer, Model, Fitness Personality

"A solid collection of tried-and-true best practices that can help personal trainers on any level reach their full potential in their chosen field." —ROLANDO GARCIA, RKC II, CK-FMS



Table of Contents

Chapter 1: One Man’s Journey... 1

Chapter 2: Job Description... 13

Chapter 3: Personal Training Myths Exposed... 23

Chapter 4: The Health Club... 37

Chapter 5: The Boutique Gym... 55

Chapter 6: Your PT Manager ... 61

Chapter 7: Independent’s Day ... 69

Chapter 8: The Trainer Experience... 79

Chapter 9: Top Ten Personal Training DO’s... 103

Chapter 10: Top Ten Personal Training DON’T’s... 115

Chapter 11: Snappy Answers To Loaded Questions... 129

Chapter 12: More On Personal Training Sales... 141

Chapter 13: Be True To Yourself ... 159

Appendix A: First Workout Protocol ... 169

Appendix B: Sample Routines... 175
Read Reviews For: Everybody Needs Training (paperback)
9.79 out of 10 (14 reviews)
Rated 10/10 Practical advice with clear, funny, writing
By Rosally Sapla / Tucson, AZ, USA

I bought this book as a former client of Danny's because now that I moved to Arizona, I knew it'd be useful to understand why I literally thought training with him was magic. I knew he had a system, and had worked with several trainers before. Danny engendered a fierce loyalty from his clients, because he was great at the business aspect, almost as he is phenomenal in his training knowledge. I wish every trainer followed his tips. His tips on professionalism alone, and his approach to the first session and every session thereafter is the platinum standard. He makes so much sense, in this book as in life, that I'm proud to have become friends. Great writing, and a clear voice. I read this book in one sitting after buying it online and then I bought the hardcover. Unfortunately, most trainers are a dime a dozen. Danny Kavadlo is the best. Learn from his system.

Rated 10/10 Eye opening, Enjoyable and Informative
By Troy Doming / Belchertown, MA, United States

"Everybody Needs Training" by Danny Kavadlo is an essential read to anyone who has an interest in a career in the fitness or personal training industry. The information displayed is written in an interesting and sometimes humorous manner that makes it enjoyable to the reader. Regardless, the book is no joke. Danny Kavadlo describes the personal training industry from top to bottom, inside and out as thoroughly as possible. Without reading it, I would've never known there are so many different "jobs" as a personal trainer. The information provided puts the essentials of being a successful personal trainer out into the open for all willing to put through the hard work to utilize. I hope to see more books by Danny Kavadlo on the market in the future.

Rated 10/10 A straight shooter.
By Todd Chamberlain / Ephrata, PA, USA

Danny, your book pulls no punches. I especially enjoyed how you emphasized focusing on the other person, which is why they are paying for personal training. It is about them, not the trainer. We are not here in this world for ourselves, we are here for others. An excellent book for all careers put in a unique way. Thanks.

Rated 10/10 Excellent information for everyone!
By Jon Frost / Naples, FL, USA

I own a martial arts school and found a ton of great info in this book that helps me be a better teacher and business owner. Danny makes a lot of great points about things that are sometimes easy to overlook, and his funny and honest character comes through in this book. If you are a trainer, or work in the fitness industry this book is a must. However, I think there is enough great information that anyone who works in, or owns a business will find great value in this book!

Rated 10/10 Awesome Resource!
By Nate White / Rancho Palos Verdes, CA, United States

Danny and Al have condensed their entire PT careers into this book so stop wasting your time and read it now. Thanks for the no nonsense advice and practical knowledge needed to succeed as a career personal trainer.

Rated 10/10 Why Trainers Need Training
By Andrea Du Cane, Master RKC / St. Paul, MN, United States

The title, of course, is a delightful double entendre. Everybody needs training refers to the potential market that is available to personal trainers. But, at its heart, the message focuses on the fact that personal trainers need training on how to run a successful business.
What I like about this book: It absolutely provides a no-nonsense, easily achievable blueprint for success. It?s the blueprint that Danny followed himself.

His first job in the field was as an entry-level trainer at a chain health club. His first paycheck was around $18 ? he shares a picture of the pay stub in the book. What is remarkable is that within 12 months, Danny had not only increased the size of his paycheck, he became one of the busiest and most successful personal trainers in the entire chain. Two years later he was earning a six-figure salary from the same company.

He did it by following the advice in this book. In many ways the book is a dare, it?s saying if I can do it, you can do it.

Kavadlo has some great top 10 lists in this book including the top ten personal training do?s, the top ten Personal Training Don'ts, and the top 10 Myths about the career.

Some of my favorite takeaways from the book:

? The book is crammed full of amazing information, but, as Danny notes, it is not a substitute for experience.
? It encourages trainers to ask for the sale early and often.
? As Danny says, ?The reality of being a personal trainer is nothing like what is promised by fitness schools and institutions.?
? And my personal favorite: Don?t teach your client a move that you have not mastered yourself. For example, the kettlebell swing is an often-misunderstood exercise and many trainers teach it incorrectly because they themselves have never learned it well.

On fees, Danny builds a strong case for not devaluing your skills. At the same time, he also advises that it is unrealistic for a new trainer to think they can charge the same rates as an established trainer.

One thing I will say, even if you follow every single thing that Danny recommends, you may not have the same kind of success that he enjoys. What Danny can?t teach, is his secret ingredient: authenticity. That means being yourself and not trying to be someone you?re not.

What we know in this business is that you can have all the knowledge, all the skills and do everything according to plan BUT if you can?t relate to your clients, success will be evasive.

You have to have the discipline to treat this as a business. Just like following a fitness regime to get stronger, following Danny?s regime will help your business strengthen and grow.

And just like a fitness program, the one person who will make a difference ? is you.

Rated 10/10 Good for any profession or business
By Mark Walker / McAllen, Texas, USA

I'm not a trainer, but took Danny and Al's PCC Class. This is a great book for anyone going into business as either an employee or owner, whether a fitness trainer or any other kind of business. I'm a lawyer, and I'm thinking about making it required reading for my newly hired lawyers. Good practical advice, with the focus on the customer which is a focus that seems to be lost these days. Easy reading, but pithy, with lots of great tips and ideas, with an excellent overriding theme. Oh yea -- well written too!

Rated 9/10 Don't Buy This Book...
By Michael A. Krivka, Senior RKC / Gaithersburg, MD, USA

I wish I could recommend this book to everyone - but in this case I can’t. Usually when I read a book by another trainer or fitness expert I can find something within the content that is applicable to all types of people. In this instance I can’t, in all honesty, do it. Do you want to know why? Because this book is NOT for your “run of the mill” personal trainer; someone who settles for providing their clients with mediocre service and a less than stellar training experience. This book IS for those personal trainers who have the passion, dedication and fire in their gut to make every client and every training experience memorable and productive. If you want to learn the skills, insights and tricks of the trade from someone who has been there, done that, and has the t-shirt to prove it then I highly recommend Danny Kavadlo’s book “Everybody Needs Training”. You will be a phenomenal personal trainer, have more money in your pocket at the end of the day, and have a cadre of dedicated clients that will follow you to Hell and back!

Rated 8/10 Good Book for Trainers
By Bruce Kelly / Media, PA., USA

I would rate this a good book for trainers especially those relatively new to the profession. Much of it is common sense though we all know common sense isn't so common sense. The book will serve as a good template for those just getting into the business and as reinforcement of key principles for those with more experience in the profession.

Rated 10/10 Worth Every Penny
By Channing Wells / Los Angeles, CA, USA

Fantastic resource for anyone considering a career in PT, and I can't see how it couldn't be of help to those already in the field as well. The book delivers exactly what Danny says it will, and he doesn't pull any punches doing so. Very well written and fun to read.

9.67 out of 10 (14 reviews)