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Master The Kettlebell by Master RKC Max Shank (Paperback)
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9.03 out of 10 (33 reviews)
Wish I had had this book as a beginner!
Rated 10/10
By Adrienne HarveyWinter Park, FL

Simply put, I wish this was the book I had had when first starting out with kettlebells. So many useful photos, and seeing both Max and Beth demonstrate the exercises makes them so much easier to understand--for men and women. This book is a must-have for current or aspiring RKC or…
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Master the Kettlebell

How to Develop High-Level Skills in Movement, Power Generation and Strength—Using the World’s Single Best Tool for the Job

By Max Shank, Master RKC

Paperback 178 pages

Read foreword by John Du Cane

The kettlebell, this almost magical “gym-in-the-palm-of-your-hand”, can deliver spectacular results—be it in strength, conditioning, power or movement quality. Warrior-athletes revere the kettlebell for the added resilience and hitting-power it gives them. Endurance athletes value the extreme conditioning challenge. Kyphotic desk-jockeys see salvation in the end to their back-pain and a renewed vitality. Both genders appreciate the dramatic toning and firming of butt, thighs and abs. Physical culturists embrace the total-body impact of the kettlebell’s explosive moves.

The health-strength benefits of vigorous, dedicated, skilled exercise with kettlebells can indeed be off-the-charts. But note the all-important word “skill”. Because without the proper know-how, the kettlebell reverts to just an iron ball with a handle—or to a misused, misunderstood tool that heaps abuse and perhaps injury on its unskilled user. Which is the reason for Master RKC, Max Shank’s Master the Kettlebell

Max Shank champions an approach to kettlebell training that emphasizes safe, sustainable gains for a long, strong and above-all healthy life. The kettlebell book, Master the Kettlebell accordingly presents straightforward, practical programs that allow a beginner to make steady yet dramatic progress—while providing strategies and methods for even the most accomplished athlete to up their game.

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"The Kettlebell-Lover’s Primer for Rapid Physical Transformation and Peak Athletic Performance…"

When Dragon Door originated the modern kettlebell movement in 2001, it was love-at-first-sight for millions of fitness enthusiasts worldwide. Even more wonderful, is that this love-at-first sight has morphed into an enduring long-term partnership for those many millions who took up with kettlebells. Because, when you commit to a binding relationship—the loyal kettlebell will repay you a hundredfold…

This almost magical "gym-in-the-palm-of-your-hand" can deliver spectacular results—be it in strength, conditioning, power or movement quality. Warrior-athletes revere the kettlebell for the added resilience and hitting-power it gives them. Endurance athletes value the extreme conditioning challenge. Kyphotic desk-jockeys see salvation in the end to their back-pain and a renewed vitality. Both genders appreciate the dramatic toning and firming of butt, thighs and abs. Physical culturists embrace the total-body impact of the kettlebell’s explosive moves.

The health-strength benefits of vigorous, dedicated, skilled exercise with kettlebells can indeed be off-the-charts. But note the all-important word "skill". Because without the proper know-how, the kettlebell reverts to just an iron ball with a handle—or to a misused, misunderstood tool that heaps abuse and perhaps injury on its unskilled user. Which is the reason for Master RKC, Max Shank’s Master the Kettlebell

In 2013 Dragon Door’s famed RKC kettlebell program took an historic leap forward in sophistication. With Dragon Door’s more ambitious mission in place to have a major impact on global health, the RKC broadened and deepened its curriculum and placed a far greater emphasis on the importance of graduating instructors who were not only skilled athletes but skilled coaches. Dragon Door actively recruited and promoted men and women who role-modeled the impact of skillful kettlebell training, the RKC way. These men and women have lean, superb physiques and excellent movement skills. These men and women OWN the kettlebell as a tool for transforming the human body in every dimension. These men and women—the RKC leadership—possess deep coaching skills and a deep passion to ensure their clients achieve their desired transformational goals.

No one in this resurgent RKC better exemplifies the new model of excellence than Max Shank. Max turned heads in dramatic fashion when he Tamed the Beast—and joined an elite fraternity capable of performing three very different lifts with a 48kg kettlebell: the press, the pistol and the pull up. His evident teaching skills saw him rapidly promoted in the RKC leadership. As a Master RKC, Max has represented Dragon Door in Sweden, Italy, Germany and Australia, as well as the United States—and in every instance the praise for his teaching style has been off the charts. Lately, Max has been challenging for World Records in the Highland Games…

For all his athletic prowess, Max Shank champions an approach to kettlebell training that emphasizes safe, sustainable gains for a long, strong and above-all healthy life. Master the Kettlebell accordingly presents straightforward, practical programs that allow a beginner to make steady yet dramatic progress—while providing strategies and methods for even the most accomplished athlete to up their game.

You will see immediately from the photographs illustrating the book, that Max is indeed a magnificent athletic specimen—combining a great physique with impressive strength and terrific form. Study Max—either in this book or in person—and if you replicate what you see, athletic gold awaits you. As importantly, you’ll be rewarded in Master the Kettlebell with an absolutely fluff-free blueprint on how to develop your own high-level skills in movement, power generation and strength—using the world’s single best tool for the job.

Inside pages of Master The Kettlebell: Introduction
Inside pages of Master The Kettlebell: the kettlebell swing
Inside pages of Master The Kettlebell: Chapter 5
Inside pages of Master The Kettlebell: bottom's up kettlebell press
Inside pages of Master The Kettlebell: program design
Inside pages of Master The Kettlebell: the kettlebell jerk
Read Reviews For: Master the Kettlebell (paperback)
9.03 out of 10 (33 reviews)
Rated 10/10 Wish I had had this book as a beginner!
By Adrienne Harvey / Winter Park, FL

Simply put, I wish this was the book I had had when first starting out with kettlebells. So many useful photos, and seeing both Max and Beth demonstrate the exercises makes them so much easier to understand--for men and women. This book is a must-have for current or aspiring RKC or HKC instructors, or anyone who needs real, practical, and POWERFUL advice for kettlebell use. The exercise descriptions, mobility information, and solid program design strategies are incredibly worthwhile. My advanced clients will love having a resource to reference when practicing new intermediate/advanced moves at home too. A great all around approach and one that I will be very proud to regularly reference and share.

Rated 10/10 My New Go-to Book in the Gym!
By Lori Crock / Dublin, OH

This kettlebell book is a must-have for the personal trainer, strength coach or fitness buff who is learning to use kettlebells or who has been using them for awhile and wants to refine their technique. The format is easy-to-use and the layout, design and photographs are spectacular with both Max Shank and Beth Andrews demonstrating the movements. What I found most useful is that Max has included lots of cues, tips and coaching points on the movements/lifts, mobility and programming based on his vast experience as an athlete and a coach. He gets to the point on all of the key kettlebell movements without getting bogged down in too much detail. His real-world perspective on how to assess, teach, correct and regress/progress students with the kettlebell movements is fresh and inspiring.

Rated 10/10 Next Generation
By Chris Holder / San Luis Obispo, CA

This is the kettlebell book I have been waiting on... we have seen several titles on kettlebell training that, for the most part, have been very similar in content... regardless of title, the information has been basically rehashed over and over... Max has done something very special with Master the Kettlebell... he's taken the information and moved it forward... not only is he bringing, in my mind, a fresh approach to our beloved system but he's also giving us so many other tools to use when developing our programs... Mobility, assessments, program design, he hits it all... the book itself is visually beautiful... the framing of the pages is such a clever way of making each page its own masterpiece... and Beth and Max are in such beautiful shape that they really convey the "potential" of Max's message... so well done...

Rated 9/10 A Must Have
By Abhijit Banerjee / Pickering, Ontario, Canada

I have been in the martial arts/combat/fitness world for 35+ years of which I have been using KB's as a part of my regular routine for the last 10 years. From that perspective I have no hesitation in saying that this is one of the very best books not only on KB exercises and correct forms but also explaining the rationale behind the seamless workout schedules combining the various exercises. If you believe that a true master can explain the most complex in a simple manner, then Max Shanks is a genuine true master. The ROI on this product is at least 10 fold!

Rated 10/10 Not just kettlebells
By Andrew Read / Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

One of the things we always tell people when they come to the RKC is that the weekend isn't just about kettlebells. In the same vein Max's new book isn't either. Sure, there are lots of pictures of kettlebell exercises in there, and some excellent tips on technique and correct form, but it's so much more than another carbon copy book on bells.

I've always felt that most kettlebell books are very light on for programming. Max's book has a genuine section on programming that has lessons and principles you can apply to any form of resistance training, be it bodyweight, kettlebell, or barbell. Again, one of the things we say repeatedly at the RKC is that we rely on principles and Max thoroughly runs through time tested principles of training and shows you how to apply them to your own training.

And that's the thing with this book - it's not handing you a fish and then forcing you to do the same old tired workout for the rest of your life. It's the training equivalent of being taught to fish and everyone from beginners to experienced trainers would benefit from reading his take on training - after all he's taught himself to do just about anything you can think of by applying these rules to his own training.

This isn't a "do this" book that leaves you feeling like you need another book in a few months time. You'll be able to apply the lessons for as long as you keep training.

Rated 10/10 Kettlebell Nirvana!
By Michael Krivka, Senior RKC / Gaithersburg, Maryland, United States

Are you new to kettlebells and need more insight and inspiration on how to use them? Are you an experienced kettlebell user and need information on how to get to the next level in your kettlebell training? Are you just stuck in a rut in your kettlebell training and need some ?fresh blood? in your workouts? If you answered ?Yes? to any or all of the above then I strongly suggest you pick up a copy of ?Master the Kettlebell?!

Max Shank?s new book, Master the Kettlebell, deserves a place on every kettlebell users bookshelf alongside of the other great books on kettlebell training that Dragon Door has produced over the last decade. I've had the pleasure of working and training with Max and his personality and insight into kettlebell training shines through in this book. Covering subjects from how to assess a first time client to program design, this book has more than its share of great information and knowledge bombs that will keep you referring back to it in the years to come. This was a great start for Max and I look forward to his future writing projects!

Rated 10/10 Greatness
By Paul Britt / Rockwall, Texas

This a great book for all levels, from beginner to advanced. Max Shank lays out a system that guarantees your success on your fitness journey. Max guides you through assessments, corrections and then on to skills in a smart progression. The book is laid out to give you a solid foundation and add advanced skills as you earn the right to perform them. I really like how good the cues and tips that are given are, but you are not beat down with some much minutiae that you cannot figure out what you are actually supposed to be doing. The great training program that Max gives is top notch and easy to follow. It will give you great results.

The book gets my highest praise and recommendation.

Rated 10/10 Simple and Effective!
By Nick Lynch / Milwaukee, WI

Master The Kettlebell (MTK) covers all angles of kettlebell training. MTK uses clear pictures and descriptions for all of the major KB movements as well as a numerous corrective exercises for common issues one may encounter when learning KB training.

The writing style is simple and effective. This book shows one how to do a particular movement as well as how not to. In a nutshell, I highly recommend Master The Kettlebell for any athlete, mom, dad, coach or individual. Nice work Max Shank and Dragon Door. By far the best Kettlebell book I've ever read!

-Nick Lynch
Assistant Coach MSOE University Men's Hockey
Head Strength and Conditioning Coach MSOE University Men's Hockey and Rowing
RKC Team Leader
Owner Superb Health Milwaukee

Rated 10/10 Simplest terms
By Ben Marvin / Austin, Texas, USA

Max Shank has in my opinion one of the best ways of teaching kettlebells to anyone. Max was also the lead instructor at my recent RKC workshop where he proved that sometimes the simplest path can be the best. While there are definitely books that give more details on the execution of certain exercises, Max gives you just what you need to be able to succeed. This book is a great read for anyone who wants to be able to learn to lift kettlebells but isn't necessarily interested in which physiological functions make it possible. Breaking down exercises to the simplest terms makes it easier to teach especially to people that are unfamiliar with kettlebells and Master the Kettlebell teaches you how to do that well, I would recommend this book for anyone interested in learning these exercises.

Rated 10/10 KettleBell Mastery
By Rambo Big Papi Bujan / Bronx, NY

Anything that has to do with Max Shank has to be The Ultimate. Major Inspiration for me I'm nowhere close to his Specimen but if this is going to at least get me closer to his Level then He's Dead On. Bigg Ups to Max.

0 out of 10 (33 reviews)