How to Be Tough As Nails—Whatever You Do, Wherever You Go, Whenever You Need it…
Want to get classically strong—in every dimension of your life—gut, heart and mind…?
In other words, do you want to be:
- More than just gym-strong?
- More than just functionally strong?
- More than just sport-specific strong?
- More than just butt-kicker strong?
- And—certainly—more than just look-pretty-in-a-bodybuilding-contest strong?
Do you demand—instead—to be:
- Tensile Strong?
- Versatile Strong?
- Pound-for-Pound Strong?
- The Ultimate Physical Dynamo?
- A Spiritual Force?
- An Emotional Rock?
Then welcome to Danny’s World… the world of Strength Rules—where you can stand tall on a rock-solid foundation of classic strength principles…Arm-in-arm with a world leader in the modern calisthenics movement…
Then… with Danny as your constant guide, grow taller and ever-stronger—in all aspects of your life and being—with a Master Blueprint of progressive calisthenic training where the sky’s the limit on your possible progress…
Do Danny’s classical Strength Rules—and, for sure, you can own the keys to the strength kingdom…
Ignore Danny’s classical Strength Rules—break them, twist them, lame-ass them, screw with them—then doom yourself to staying stuck in idle as a perpetual strength mediocrity…
The choice is yours!
However brilliant most strength books might be, 99% of them have a fatal flaw…
99% of otherwise excellent strength books focus on only one aspect of strength: how to get physically stronger through physical exercise. Health and multi-dimensional well-being is given at best a cursory nod… Nutritional advice is most often a thinly disguised pitch for a supplement line…
If you want a book that gives you the goods on full-body training, full-body health and full-body strength, then there’s precious little out there… So, thank God for the advent of Strength Rules!
Strength Rules embodies all elements of strength—even how they work into our day-to-day existence, the highs and lows of our being, for better or for worse…
Strength Rules is dedicated to those who are down with the cause. Those who want to work hard to get strong. Who insist they deserve to build their own muscle, release their own endorphins and synthesize their own hormones.
Strength Rules has no interest in fly-by-night fitness fads. Classic exercises have stood the test of time for a reason. Strength Rules shouts a loud "just say no!" to cumbersome, complicated workout equipment. Strength Rules walks a path free from trendy diets, gratuitous chemical concoctions and useless gear…
Almost every strength exercise comes down to the basics. Essentially, Squat, Push and Pull. These three broad, essential movements are the granddaddies of ‘em all. Throw in some Flexion, Transverse Bends and Extension, and you’ve got yourself the tools for a lifetime of full body strength training… That’s why the exercises contained in Strength Rules are divided into these few, broad categories. Everything else is a variation. There is no reason to overcomplicate it.
The Strength Rules mission is to help anybody and everybody get in the best shape of their lives Strength Rules lays out the truth clearly and succinctly, giving you the tools you need to grow stronger and persevere in this mad world—with your head held high and your body lean and powerful…
The exercise portion of Strength Rules (titled ACTIONS) is split into three levels: Basic Training (Starting Out), Beast Mode (Classic Strength) and Like A Boss (Advanced Moves). Naturally, not everyone will fall 100% into one of these groups for all exercises in all categories and that’s fine. In fact, it’s likely that even the same individual’s level will vary from move to move. That’s cool; we all progress at different rates. Respect and acknowledge it. Trust your instincts.
Speaking of instincts, we are wired with them for a reason. If our instincts are wrong then that’s millions of years of evolution lying to us. A large part of Strength Rules embraces empowerment, faith in oneself and emotional awareness. Danny believes that being honest with yourself, physically, mentally and spiritually is a magnificent (and necessary) component of true, overall strength. Yes, sometimes the truth hurts, but it must be embraced if we are ever to be fit and free. We all have the power within ourselves. Use it.
Strength Rules cries out to all body types, age groups, backgrounds and disciplines. It talks to the beginning student. It calls on the advanced practitioner, looking for new challenges. It speaks to the calisthenics enthusiast and all the hard-working personal trainers… Strength Rules is for everyone who wants to get strong—and then some…
"Strength Rules by Danny Kavadlo is so good you can’t ignore it. It’s minimalistic. It’s low tech. It’s simple. It’s right.
Kavadlo’s work always has me nodding along with a lot of ‘yeses’ and ‘good points.’
This book is about true strength. The old kind of strength where heroes were people, like Beowulf and Ulysses, who protected the community first. This book is about empowering yourself and others…without stepping on their heads to get to the top.
Kavadlo quotes one of my heroes, St. Francis of Assisi: ‘Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.’ True strength, becoming the best you can be, starts with what one needs to do rather than what one wants to do.
We often ignore calisthenics because of one issue: they are really hard to do. Stop ignoring them. Stop ignoring common sense in nutrition and supplements. Stop ignoring Danny Kavadlo. Again, Strength Rules is so good, you can’t ignore it."—DAN JOHN, author of Never Let Go
"I can't say enough good things about Danny Kavadlo. I just love his entire approach, mindset and overall vibe. And Strength Rules has to be one of the coolest, most badass fitness books I have ever seen."—JASON FERRUGGIA
INTRODUCTION: Why Strength Rules
Chapter 1. You Talkin’ To Me?
Chapter 2. Desert Island Workout
Chapter 3. Set In Stone
Chapter 4. Keep It Real
Chapter 5. That Voodoo That You Do
Chapter 6. Strong Words From A Strange Man
Chapter 7. Things That Make You Go Hmmmm
Chapter 8. Danny’s DO’s
Chapter 9. Danny’s DON’T’s
Chapter 10. Basic Training (Starting Out)
-Starter Squat
-Starter Push
-Starter Pull
-Starter Flex, Bend, Extend
-Starter Workouts
Chapter 11. Beast Mode (Classic Strength)
-Classic Squat
-Classic Push
-Classic Pull
-Classic Flex, Bend, Extend
-Classic Workouts
Chapter 12. Like A Boss (Advanced Moves)
-Advanced Squat
-Advanced Push
-Advanced Pull
-Advanced Flex, Bend, Extend
-Advanced Workouts
Chapter 13. Stretch It Out
CONCLUSION: With Liberty And Fitness For All
Strength Rules: How to Get Stronger Than Almost Anyone—And The Proven Plan to Make It Real
by Danny Kavadlo

264 Pages
Paperback $39.99
eBook $19.95