Your Ultimate Guide to Full Body Fitness Without Weights: The Secrets of "Street Workout" Revealed…
How to Release Yourself from the Gym, Restore Your Primal Power and Reclaim Your Inner Beast…
According to the Kavadlos, working out should be fun, adventurous, primal and pure. And no training style embodies those elements quite like Street Workout. The outside world becomes your total gym—you roam free to get stronger using simply your own body and the environment at hand…
The great masters of Street Workout perform stunning physical feats that can intimidate lesser mortals. But the beauty of the Kavadlos’ approach in Street Workout is to make even the toughest moves achievable by any enthusiast willing to follow their guidelines. Street Workout’s multi-faceted, progressive approach leaves nothing to chance— allowing even a raw beginner to transcend his mortal frame and ascend to the giddiest heights of physical supremacy…
Intermediate and advanced calisthenics practitioners will discover a veritable treasure chest of tips, techniques and insider secrets—guaranteed to force-feed their future achievements in the realm of bodyweight mastery.
Pushing, pulling and squatting your own bodyweight along with forward flexion and back bridging represent the basics of getting brutally strong, solid and unbreakable. By utilizing basic principles of progression such as the manipulation of leverage, adding or removing points of contact and/or increasing the range of motion, you can continue to get stronger without ever having to pick up a weight—and have a helluva good time while you’re at it!
Street Workout proves it so—with its mix of inspirational photography, exact detail on what to do when—and its step-by-step blueprints for off-the-charts, eye-popping physical excellence.

Street Workout fires its first barrage with a crucial section on the Foundational Progressions—future and ongoing physical greatness cannot be achieved without mastery of these five fundamental pillars of fitness…
You will immediately appreciate the nobility, virtue and integrity of these movement patterns. Absorb the wisdom of this first section and you have absorbed the very heart and soul of the Street Workout ethos…

Chapter 4 awards you the foundational progressions for the Push—in all its glory. Discover 30 different progressive drills from the Plank to the Claw Push-Up, to the One-Arm Push-Up to the Hindu Press, to the Ultimate Headstand Press to the Bench Dip to the Korean Dip…
Master all of these 30 moves and you can already tag yourself as a Monster :)
Chapter 5 awards you the foundational progressions for the Pull—and we’re all here for the Pull-Up right? Discover 26 different progressive drills from the Bent-Knee Aussie to the Flex Hang, to the Commando Pull-Up, to the L Pull-Up, to the One-Arm Pull Up…
Look, there is no substitute in strength training for the pull-up—all the more so in our hunched-over world of addiction to devices… And mastery of Chapter 5 earns you the Maestro tag for sure…
Chapter 6 awards you the foundational progressions for the Squat—the ultimate movement needed to build jack hammer legs. Discover 28 different progressive drills from the Bench-Assisted Squat, to the Prisoner Squat, to the Archer Squat, to the Drinking Bird, to the Pole-Assisted Pistol to the Dragon Pistol, to the Advanced Shrimp to the Hawaiian Squat…
Let’s face it, you are not a real man or woman without a powerful pair of posts—you are more of a liability to the species… Master this section and you get to represent the species with the Superman or Superwoman tag…
Chapter 7 awards you the foundational progressions for the Flex—meaning "full body forward flexion". Discover 19 different progressive drills from the Lying Knee Tuck, to the L-Sit, to the Dragon Flag, to the Hanging Leg Raise, to the Rollover, to the Meathook…
Master this section and your etched abs and ripped upper-body musculature will earn you the Mister or Madam Magnificent tag... :)
Chapter 8 awards you the foundational progressions for the Bridge. Discover 15 different progressive drills from the Hip Bridge, to the Candlestick Straight Bridge, to the One Leg Back Bridge, to the Stand-to-Stand Bridge…
Bridging is an invaluable yet often overlooked component of full body fitness. Bridge work will have a dramatic impact on your power, balance and flexibility—and give you a back that would make a wild tiger proud…
Master this section—along with the previous four—and you can consider your Manhood or Womanhood beyond serious challenge…
So—thanks to mastering the five foundational keys of full body fitness—you can now count yourself as more magnificently in shape than 99% of the human race. But Street Workout encourages you to not stop there, not rest on your laurels…
If you’ve got this far, then why not shoot for the stars—and enter the immortal ranks of the top 1% of the planet’s physical specimens? You can do it! As Al Kavadlo and Danny Kavadlo themselves bear witness—in photo after photo after photo…
Time to introduce the Skills & "Tricks" section of Street Workout...
Mastering the exercise progressions in this section will propel you to new heights, to the land where the giants of Street Workout strut their splendid stuff. And make no mistake, only the bold of heart, the iron-willed and the profoundly persistent will be godlike enough to make it all the way… If you have those qualities, then nothing should stop you—because the complete blueprint for mastery is laid out for you…
If you are one of those folk looking for cheap hacks so you can pretend your way to greater strength, then this section of Street Workout is not for you… However, if you are made of sterner stuff, then read on…
Exercises like the muscle-up, the handstand or the human flag demand the perfect mix of technical skill, hard training and thousands of progressive reps to attain. The Floor Holds, Bar Moves and Human Flag categories within this section contain the instructions you need to make it to the summit. The rest is up to you…
Chapter 9 awards you the progressions for Floor Holds. Discover 34 different progressive drills from the Frog Stand, to the One Arm/One Leg Crow, to the Ultimate Headstand, to the Straddle Handstand, to the One Arm handstand, to the One Arm Elbow Lever, to the Scorpion Planche…
The final category to achieve here is the Planche which represents calisthenics strength, precision, skill and fortitude in the most advanced forms. Have at it and let us know how you do!
Chapter 10 awards you the progressions for Bar Moves. Discover 20 different progressive drills from the Muscle-Up, to Skinning the Cat, to the Back Lever, to the Front Lever…
Nothing screams "Street Workout" like bar moves. Many practitioners of advanced calisthenics were roped in the first time they saw these exercises because they are so spectacular looking. The Kavadlos sure were!
However, these bar moves are not just eye-poppingly cool to look at—they require tremendous strength, skill and perseverance to attain. These gravity-defying feats will suspend you in mid-air and have you feeling like king or queen of the world!
Chapter 11 awards you the progressions for the Human Flag. Discover 25 different progressive drills from the Side Plank, to the Clutch Flag, to the Support Press, to the Vertical Flag, to the Human Flag Crucifix, to the One Arm Flag, to the Human Flag…
The full press flag has become synonymous with Street Workout. Perform it in public and watch as heads swivel, jaws drop, hearts pound and iPhones leap into action like there’s no tomorrow!
Again, though, beyond the amazing visual, there is an ungodly amount of upper body strength needed to perform the numerous types of human flag. Flags will give you—and require—beastly arms, shoulders, an iron chest and a back of sprung steel. The good news is that this chapter lays out the complete blueprint on how to go from Flag-newbie to Human Flag hellraiser…
Section IV of Street Workout addresses the crucial matter of Programming…
Chapter 12 gives you a handy set of Assessments so you can see how you stack up against the best in the bodyweight kingdom. Here you can assess your relative calisthenics competency across a broad array of classic street workout exercises. These charts can also serve as a guideline to help you determine when it is appropriate to move on to harder exercises.
Chapter 13, Street Workouts, gives you 12 routines to follow or adapt that run from moderate to diabolical in their intensity…
Go from the modest Start Me Up, take the 50 Rep Challenge, say hello to the Three Amigos, charge yourself up with Static Electricity, split yourself in half with Up Above and Down Below, bring it and bear it with the Full Frontal, be a sucker for punishment with Back For More, magically get the highest possible strength gains with the Wizard’s Cauldron, scorch your upper body with Danny’s Inferno, brutalize your horrified posts with Leg Daze and finally—for the ultimate of Street Workout warrior challenges—take on the Destroyer of Worlds!
Chapter 14 gives you 6 Training Templates that you can incorporate into your programming. They serve as examples of how you can approach your routines.
A final Bonus Section brings invaluable additional advice from Al and Danny which pulls the whole Street Workout shebang together, based on questions they’ve been asked over the years as trainers.