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RKC Kettlebell - 18 lbs. (8kg)

RKC Kettlebell - 18 lbs. (8kg)

Item # P10M




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10/10 Worth every penny!
By Donnie / West Hamlin, WV

This dvd is probably the best I have ever viewed. The moves for the shoulders are excellent, the RKC arm bar, the tricep extension, and the one that really surprised me the most was the hack shoulder stretch ( I don't remember the actual name) was the best and made an immediate impact on my shoulders. Keep up the good work.

10/10 For Law Enforcement Professionals
By Stanley Pauley / Killeen, TX, USA

Follow these tips and techniques and you will loosen your entire will also strengthen your joints to prevent further injury or to recover quickly from working out or from activities in your daily life. Well worth the investment, especially when you begin to notice have started slowing down some...and you are not quite as limber as you once were in you youthful days.

9/10 Good fit with everything else in my DD library...
By SteveA / SE United States

My copy of Resilient arrived earlier this week. I watched it that night, and did the parts I could remember the next two mornings. It struck me several times through the day how good I felt. Same feeling as when I first tried Relax into Stretch and the first time with Superjoints. Because I keep getting the improvement from each new product, I conclude that they complement each other, each one giving me something the others don't quite cover.

Biggest revelation from the DVD was realizing how tight my shoulders are. Though I'm not a great flexibility guy, I thought I was doing pretty well. Ha. Guess I'll be getting the work I need there. Pain is good, as Pavel says.

Finally, my take on how the three programs fit together:
Relax into Stretch is about a safer and saner approach to the stretching work that is common in high school sports and martial arts. It teaches the body to go farther than it thought it could by learning that the muscles aren't really going to tear as you stretch out.
Superjoints is about moving the joints through full range of motion. From my own experience and watching friends and relatives, range of motion is one of those use it or lose it things. I'm using it.
Resilient is about recovering from and preventing injury by strengthening the supporting and stabilizing muscles around joints that commonly get abused.

Two things I wish were in Resilient:
First, ankle work, because that's currently a nagging problem for me and I'd like to have seen Pavel's take on it.
Second, all the supporting information that usually shows up in a book. Hey, maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I still like books. ;)


9/10 Concise and Truly Beneficial
By Michael Ottaway / FE Warren AFB, Wyoming United States

Pavel breaks these drills down wonderfully: first demonstrating, then focusing on finer points and offering visualizations for safety, power, and keeping form.
As a member of a special reaction team, our training requires performance in any condition. Pavel's products and drills like these help keep me mobile and ready.

This DVD could be stand alone, but a knowledge of general and advanced RKC exercises is extremely helpful.

A Great DVD!

10/10 Ever get beat up?
By Joshua Hillis RKC, NASM-CPT / Denver, Colorado - United States

I had one of those months. Between wrestling, brazilian jiu-jitsu, training for the Washington State Kettlebell Championships and the June 2004 RKC, I was run down and hurting. Just lots of hard training, plus getting bounced off the mat 100 times a day in my takedown class I felt like everything hurt.

So I took a month, and all I did was Resilient exercises with my 26 lb kettlebell, Super Joints, and a little juggling with my 26 lb kettlebell. All my joints feel SOOOOO GOOD. Coming back I feel stronger and more solid everywhere. Now I'm still doing the Resilient exercies as preventetive medicine. The neck stuff is REALLY good for my brazilian jiu jitsu, plus how many times did I used to get shoulder and elbow tweaks? It just makes sense to keep it all strong and resilient.

10/10 The best thing to happen to me in years
By Martin J. Knott / Robesonia Pa

Pavel, I'm an old Infantry Marine. I've had back surgery, and more aches and pains than you could imagine. I got Resilient and started seeing results immediately. With out the Kettlebell I can hardly walk. When I practice on a regular basis, I feel like I'm in my twenties again. I own several of your products and I have never been disappointed. I will continue to come to you for my fitness and flexibility needs.

Semper Fi
M. J. Knott

10/10 The most under rated of all of the KB DVD, You need this course
By SSgt Adam T Glass / Okinawa Japan

in my opinion, this is the best DVD, right after "Naked Warrior" and "Enter the kettle bell." This dvd is for any one who has injuries, any one who is tight, and any one who wants to never get hurt. the drills are delivered precisely, as are all of DDs DVDs. Pavel takes many simple drills and turns them out to rebuild the damages we have inflicted on our bodies through hard living. And the drills are not just for rehab, they will build more strength. I am currently using the neck exercises daily to improve my wrestling and bridging. I use the RKC arm bar exercise to push up my TGU and press, and the rotating dead lift to increase my total body power. The back and hip portions alone are worth the cost of the DVD. I recommend this over Super joints, and i think that is one of the best program for mobility and body wellness

By Patrick (phil) Workman, RKC / Mansfield, Texas- United States

After more than 15 years of powerlifting and going on 2 years of Kettlebells, I have had my share of aches and pains. Pinched shoulders, tight hips, knotted up back, aching elbows, sore...I doubt there wasn't a joint on my body not crying for relief. Fortunately deliverance came in the form of both Resilient and Super Joints dvds. After the first viewing and trying just a few of the exercises recommended in Resilient i began to experience immediate relief! I have since combined exercises from both dvds and have improved both range of motion and a total cessation of pain in certain joints. I am always skeptical to claims of "pain ending" solutions and supplements but I can't say enough about Pavel's knowledge and expertise when it comes to subjects such as strength and recovery programs! I don't know how Pavel does it, but with every new book or dvd he comes out with, it is filled with new and useful information all strength athletes(or any one for that matter) can use and benefit from.

By Federal Officer/SWAT Medic / New York, NY USA

Hours upon hours wearing a full kit- vest with steel plates, commo gear, weapons, etc- leads to sore shoulders, lower backs and knees. Add running CQB or tackling other tasks and the Ibuprofen can vanish like M&Ms. "Resilient" provides simple, effective methods you can perform nearly anywhere to help restore range of motion and reduce discomfort. My knees and shoulders were improved after the first viewing.

10/10 The Wall Walk alone makes this DVD worth the price
By Steve Freides / Ridgewood, New Jersey USA

Resilient is yet another no-nonsense presentation from Pavel of things I've never heard of before that work for me like nothing else.

The Wall Walk, which is now my replacement for the McKenzie exercise I used to do every day for my bad back, makes this DVD worth the price all by itself. I could never perform a back bridge without jamming my spine - I now Wall Walk my way into a bridge almost every day. The shoulder opening exercise fixed, in a few seconds, things that have been tight for years. And the list goes on and on - my neck has never felt better.

Pavel is a master teacher and watching Resilient is like having him in your living room, teaching you all that you need to know and nothing that you don't. I train harder, with fewer aches and pains, since I started practicing the drills on Resilient - what more could anyone ask for?

10/10 I love my shoulders again!
By Derek Miller, RKC / Fayetteville, AR USA

Lets face it, sometimes a girevik can use great technique and still acquire some aches and pains. Well, "Resilient" will rid you of stress-inducing joints and muscles. All the drills are fabulous! If you have played with the BEAST much then you know that it can take a toll on your body. The shoulder drills in "Resilient" made me more confident in my shoulder health then I have felt in long time. BUY IT TODAY! as a preventive measure.

10/10 the come back of youth injuries and age.
By tim thomas / connersville in usa

pavel has done a great job on these exercises.they target years of abuse or misuse of the body.i have lived and played hard and the body had lost its youth until pavel introduced two weeks time i feel like im in my early twenties, but with knowledge.pavel pointed out areas of the body which slowed a person down.then he shows you how to release it. pavel is a very good teacher.he is very smart about the human i know what it means to be resilient.
the video and audio are very clear.great job and this video is a must for anyone who wants to be resilient or stay resilient!!!!!

9/10 good stuff
By John / Detroit

has lots of useful excercises. presented well. Easy access menu.

10/10 Maximized Power, Mobility and Flexibility
By Conor / Medina OH

Pavel delivers an incredible assortment of drills designed to make you indestructible! Not only will you enjoy greater mobility but you won't get nagging injuries that slow down training and ruin seasons. Arm yourself with RESILIENT!

10/10 Another Pavel great DVD

Simply put, one can never go wrong with a fitness and Kettlebell training DVD by Pavel. This DVD has added additional skills to my already existing arsenal of skills that I can apply to my training routines.

9/10 Helped me right away
By A Beginning Greivik, and just turned 40! / Redmond, WA

I got this DVD because I was having elbow pain from my kettlebell pressing. Starting with the elbow Greasers, my pain has been decreasing within days. Pavel nailed the sore spot and the relief exactly for me. I am now starting on the leg and hip drills to increase my flexibility.


10/10 Better than expected and I knew it would be good.
By Jon T. 35 yr old Massage Instructor / Minneapolis, MN USA

With injuries to my right shoulder including 9 dislocations some of the exercises looked impossible for me to do. But after Pavel gives his finer points to some of the overhead drills my confidence has grown and I am already adding more weight after just 2 weeks. After 10 days of hack squats my knees don't hurt walking down the stairs anymore and of course Pavel is entertaining as ever!

10/10 Unique and Essential Joint Mobility Training
By Hunter / Memphis, TN

I have been doing a circuit of drills from Resilient on days I do not do Z-health and have had a lot of success with it. I really like the kneeling hip flexor stretch with the KB in the really seems to loosen me up and it is really great before pistols. I can't say enough good stuff about the neck and elbow drills either. I am also really surprised that there is not a drill similar to the Resilient Elbow Greaser drill in Z-H - with Z being as comprehensive as it is...I do only have R + I Phase though. The elbow greaser + hack squat have been essential to my in between joint health.

10/10 Don't make the same mistake I did
By RKC-Team Leader, USAW / Peoples Republic of Boulder, CO

I bought this video a few years ago, watched it and thinking it did not really apply to me, put it in my video library where it has been collecting dust.I even forgot that I had it. I ran across it a couple of days ago and watched it again and realized immediately what a mistake it was to not have made Resilient a part of my regular practice. In just a few sessions it has made a huge difference in increasing my pain free ROM.

If you don't have this DVD you owe it to yourself to get it...yes these days we have Z and CK-FMS but think of this as a low tech/high concept pre-hab and re-hab investment. Mileage and wear and tear accumulate quickly...Resilient drills are simple and efficient tools to minimize the risks before something happens or to restore function afterwards.

10/10 Used for my own rehab, now use it to prevent injury
By Mark Hancheroff / Redmond, WA

I injured my elbow lifting and in addition to PT, used this to build myself back up. I still go through these exercises to prevent injury and keep myself going. Well worth the price!

5/10 Not Pavel's Best
By Paul / Rochester, NY

Too expensive for the content included.

10/10 Shoulder pain no more
By Robert / Schaumburg, il

My shoulder pain is gone thanks to Pavel and his RKC shoulder rotator excercise. Anyone with shoulder pain or any kind of joint pain should get the resilient video.

10/10 rotator cuff strain repair in a day
By Michael Rasborn, Google Places Photographer / Irvine, CA USA

Training with 16kg KB since last April; 20kg since last week
After straining my right rotator cuff with overzealous tactical fitness warm-ups followed stupidly by some kb presses and cleans while kneeling, the next morning I could barely lift my arm or pull or lift... sharp pains scale 8-9/10... Not good. I couldn't even shift auto to drive without discomfort! Hmm.
Well, I transferred RESILIENT onto my EVO smartphone as an MP4, and throughout the day, I concentrated on Arm Bar, half tgu, high windmill and double arm-bar elbow-greasing, when I could to repair rotator cuff muscle groups with/without 8Kg KB --- wow , I can now press my wife's 8kg KB and lift and drive and press and push again...without pain. 95%, but almost. Working towards full strength too ! Arm-Bar 16Kg kb too...working on patience now to grease the groove.
Excellent rejuvenation/recovery tools! Recovery is king; exercise is queen. Thanks.

10/10 Good Product
By William / Raleigh

First of all the video quality was great. The exercises cause real adaptations in your body so that you I felt more resilient when incorporated into my daily routine. Not all of the exercises will apply to you. But any product where I can get a handful of nuggets of wisdom that work for my body, or yours, is to me - priceless. This DVD delivered on that. And Pavel's instruction was really good because I felt immediate relief in my upper chest and shoulder girdle. Priceless "and tight", for the price of the DVD... come on. Great stuff.

10/10 Resilient is simply the best!!!
By Andrea De Castro RKC / Riese Pio X, Italy

After I watched this DVD, I tested these new exercises.
Only after few training I saw great result. That's incredible!!!
Pavel is the best trainer I know!
Thank you Pavel and Dragon Door.

10/10 worth the money
By vanessa walters / Red Cloud, USA

I wasnt sure, when I ordered this, how much I would be able to use (age 60). I watched it through once, and most of the drills I will be able to do. I need help with shoulders, back and knees; there is enough to keep me busy!! There are NO frills on this dvd, it is to be USED to fix problems.

10/10 More with Less
By Pete Rogers [pete in aus] / Hobart Tas AUSTRALIA

If as a male, you thought 8kg or 12kg KB were for women only?

I strongly suggest you think again. With this product, Pavel shows, yet again the information you need to "re-install & repair" your joints.

You may have suffered the odd "sprain & strain"; but your made of tougher stuff - so you train through it - at some point, this "mind-
set" will catch up with you & your body will not recover the way you expect.

Get over it. Get a smaller 'bell & get on it!

Resilient will show how to move the shoulders [Beyond the French Press], the elbows, the hips [Hack Squats], the spine [Wall Walk] & the knees through some ranges of motion, with a little pressure provided by the KB.

Some experience with KB's; I would advise, then add to this,
the positive benefits to your joint health that Resilient will provide.

As I have said in another review, " Nothing's a patch on Pavel". In fact, I wonder if I went to the Australian Government & asked for my HECS fees back, if they'd agree. I spent four years at Uni with a double major in Physical Education, yet this information was not provided!

9/10 Excellent information
By Rob Lawrence / Collingswood, NJ

At a certain point stretching, joint mobility, and kettlebell training all converge and and can be combined into special drills that make the body tougher and more injury-resistant. I had found this point in my training some time ago and started combining principles from RKC, SJ, and RIS in my morning recharge routine. Thought I was pretty original. Wrong. Pavel has been doing the same stuff all along and now he's put out a DVD about it. Oh well, if I wasn't being original, at least I was on the right track. Nice work Pavel.

10/10 Injury, a new PR, and a lesson learned with the Turkish get-up.
By Jacob Eggleton / Ashville, AL USA

I've recently been working up to a 48kg Turkish get-up and I learned something entirely new about it. Thursday night, I was practicing and my younger brother decided it was a good time to talk. Distracted but not wanting to stop, I was getting up and didn't pay attention to how I had my assisting arm. As it turns out, when you keep your arm close and roll over, putting yourself into an arm bar, with about 40kg in the other hand, it kinda hurts.

I was a hurting unit for the rest of the night (I couldn't even do a pushup) and the next morning found that I couldn't even get out of bed with my left arm so I decided it might be good to get it checked out. The doctor told me that I had strained the ligament in the my left A/C joint.

Needless to say, I was mad that I was so close to my goal and couldn't even do the movement unweighted. So I went about looking for different ways to get up and noticed that overhead movements didn't irritate my shoulder at all. So I practiced the get-up by rolling over almost exactly like the RKC arm bar from Resilient. I started with 16kg and found no discomfort. I climbed the bells all the way up to 48kg in this fashion. I had reached my goal with a busted shoulder by using the arm bar movement. I was surprised to say the least. Pavel said to apply the techniques discussed to other exercises and I guess this is one way.

10/10 Bad shoulders? These RKC drills work
By Shawn Michael / Rancho Palos Verdes, California United States

After years of damage my left shoulder was so tight and painful I could not reach a wallet in my back pocket...I have to constantly reposition my arm at night so I can keep the pain at bay ...I have tried many things and spent over 300$ on bands, manuals and devices to open up my shoulder. The RKC shoulder rotator and arm bar are truely amazing movements that deliver on the promise of immediate improvement. After just a few days of working the movements my range of motion has improved and the shoulder sits much more comfortably and tightly in the socket...I feel more confident extending my arm overhead in a press and believe that with continued application, this drill is going to restore function that has been gone for years. Thankfully I have no other major injuries and plan to stay that way! Another great product.

10/10 Busting out once again
By Mark Hanington / Huntington Beach, Ca.

Simply amazing. Like all of Pavel's works this one is jam packed with extremely effective techniques to get you back into, and keep you in, the GAME. It does matter whether you win or lose, and you've got to be Resilient to win.

It's been just 2 weeks since I dissected this video, and already my elbow soreness and my shoulder sticking points from a badly wrenched AC joint a few years ago are definitely in the latter stages of disappearing. And I never dreamed that there were active ways to release my hamstrings and hip flexors so quickly and thoroughly.

At 46 I was beginning to worry that I was going to become a little more limited in what I could do little by little as the years passed.

Not anymore. I'm BACK.

Thanks again Pavel.

10/10 Add "Resilient" to your DVD won't regret it!
By Pat / Deployed in the Middle East

Combine "Super Joints" (also by Pavel) with "Resilient" and you a have a prescription for total-body insurance against nagging pains, joint and ligament injuries and may even reverse arthritis.

This DVD is totally functional and stuff you can use right away. You will not watch this on your couch, as Pavel teaches this in a manner that invites you to participate. Jump right in, and you won't regret it.

As a student of Pavel's flexibility techniques, I found this DVD extremely valuable and useful especially here in my deployed location in the Middle East!

10/10 You won't regret it: you'll enjoy it.
By Robert Friedman / Lexington, KY USA

Resilient" isn't cheap, but it sure is good. Pavel Tsatsouline takes you through a number of exercises designed to reinforce some common weak points, such as the neck, the shoulders or the knees. Of course, they have other benefits as well--see for yourself. It looks like good insurance for anybody, but it's just the thing for us "iron geezers." (Say you're over 40, over 45, or over 50, and you lift barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, cabers, stones, sandbags or barrels. Either you're an iron geezer or you're in deep--almost psychotic--denial.) The exercises vary from lighthearted and easy to learn to serious and demanding. Some exercises require only a towel; others use a light kettlebell. They all make loads of sense. If you're hurting, you might even find some quick relief, especially if you combine a "Resilient" exercise with a well-chosen "Super Joints" exercise or two. I first tried the exercises on a cold humid day when my arthritis was giving me a literal pain in the neck. By the time I finished the neck exercises my neck felt a whole lot better.

Pavel demonstrates and explains the exercises exceptionally well. He starts from the basics and proceeds to focus on important fine points. You can see just what you're supposed to do. You can understand why you're supposed to do it and what it can do for you. Nary a word is wasted. Even the occasional flashes of humor serve to keep your attention focused. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Pavel's a gifted teacher.

The DVD itself is well-organized. You can work the exercises one after the other, you can pick an area (e.g., neck or spine) to work on, or you can go right to a particular exercise. The DVD is very well-produced without going Hollywood. The image quality is high, the sound is good--even the makeup works. It all takes place in a clean, well-lighted room with brick walls, carpet on the floor and kettlebells lined up in the background.

If you want to take your best shot at lifting well into old age, you ought to get "Resilient" and start learning the drills. You won't regret it: you'll enjoy it.

6/10 Some good info/too short for price
By Thomas / United states

I own quite a few of pavels products so my expectations are quite high.The info found on the DVD is first class but there's not much of it.To justify the price I feel it should have been twice as long.A lot of the drills/concepts can be found in other of pavel's products such as Super Joints and Beyond Bodybuilding.This DVD should come with a heading that a light kettlebell will be needed for the majority of the drills.

10/10 just what I needed
By Nick, aka "GireNick" / Toronto, ON Canada

As a professional classical musician, long hours of sitting and holding my arms up in front of me (I play viola) resulted in tight hip flexors, chronic shoulder and bicep tendinitis, as well as back and neck problems. Even steering my car hurt! Traditional bodybuilding workouts only made things worse, and somehow "Ken and Barbie" rubber bands were only half-solutions.

Since taking up KB training, my problems have been steadily dissipating. Resilient is a DVD that targets ALL of my problem areas. Finally, I have solutions that work. I feel better than I have in the last 7 years.

I always felt that "modern medicine" missed the point a little bit. Pavel comes from a system not influenced by North American ideas. In the area of physical training, he is bang on. I feel way better and will promote KB's and Resilient to my ailing musician colleagues.

Please pass this message on to Pavel, with my heart-felt thanks. It's good to be back in the game.

5/10 very overpriced
By Dental Ninja / Charleston, South Carolina United States

At a cost of nearly $2.00 per minute (including shipping), this DVD rivals what one-on-one training time with a professional might be. Bearing this in mind, my expectations were high.

Pavel's instruction, as usual, is good. However, the production quality is not great, there is only sketchy information as to how to incorporate the movements into a routine, and some of the exercises may cause more problems than they prevent (especially the neck drills).

For $29.95, I would recommend this DVD. For $59.95, no way. There are no magical injury solutions to be found here for this inflated price.

10/10 No more elbow pain!
By Brandon Enos / Brentwood, CA USA

For as long as I can remember I've been plagued by elbow pain whenever I locked the joint. Less than two weeks after starting a Resilient based program, no more elbow pain.

Thanks Pavel, your products are the best.

10/10 Excellent way to recover your body
By Ron / Salt Lake City, UT USA

I've had this DVD for only a short period of time and have already seen results. My body can be rebuilt from the x-rays I've had over the years. Between a motorcycle accident, martial arts, stage stunts, and other things, I've got a few sore places. And having a sedenary job doesn't help. Not only does the DVD show the physical aspect but Pavel adds the visualizations you put in mind to help with the exercises.
I am moving better all over and feeling the old injuries less and less. These exercises are great for reclaiming the body of your youth.

10/10 Highly underrated DVD.
By bjl / Austin, TX

This video demonstrates a number of useful techniques for strengthening common weak spots, and loosening up common tight spots. I've integrated many of the exercises into my daily joint mobility practices (a.k.a. KB warm-ups), and the weighted stretches have greatly increased the effectiveness of my active stretching sessions. The carryover from these exercises to 'bigger' exercises is perhaps the biggest benefit of this video. For example, the body mechanics reinforced by the hack squat will enable you to perform heavier front squats; the protections required for effective performance of the back bridge will protect your spine in other spinal mobilizations, etc. To me, Resilient is almost like the mortar that connects heavy KB work to joint mobility to active flexibility, and has helped me learn how to transfer force from my frame to the outside world via positions that are biomechanically sound. Sorry for the automotive analogy, but if KBs/PTP are the engine and flexible and mobile joints are the suspension, the goodies on Resilient are like a transmission upgrade.

10/10 .
By Caesar Marciales / Westminster

I have viewed this DVD previously to owning it. A friend of mine had loaned it to me, and after that I resolved to own it. There is a wealth of excellent information present in this DVD that is extremely helpful. The drills I found most important and beneficial were the neck drills, knee drills, and the hip flexor stretches.

Excellent product that I would recommend to anyone.
Feeling the results already




2/10 High cost not inough practical information
By Russian / San Diego CA

To little for to much rip off. Simple yoga like moves.

10/10 Athlets and who working out serious must have it.
By sergek / New York,USA

Excellent quality DVD.All exercises are simple and working perfect.
I would like to see there some ideas for ankle and wrist,but prevent from injury neck,elbow,sholders,hips,knee,spine its a big deal.And this is the best what i tried.

10/10 Good addition to the library
By Chris / Pasadena, CA USA

This is a good DVD. The information contained within is very well presented and extremely helpful. I've worked some of these exercises into my daily routine and will adjust as needed. Thus far, these modifications to my regiment have been beneficial. Actually, the benefit I've seen is greater than I ever anticipated. I highly recommend this DVD.

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