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Strength Calisthenics Certification

Strength Calisthenics Certification (SCC) Workshop

Dragon Door’s one-day, entry-level bodyweight strength certification for athletes, coaches and personal trainers looking to take their abilities and skill-set to the next level

Strength Calisthenics Certification
Cartersville (Atlanta), GA, United States
November 12, 2016

Strength Calisthenics Certification™ (SCC™)
with Beth Andrews, PCC Team Leader

As an incentive to help athletes and coaches to build on and evolve their skill-sets, SCC certified graduates may deduct $250.00 of their SCC tuition fee from a registration for a future PCC certification workshop, within one year of achieving the SCC.

Workshop Code # SCC004
Register on-line or call 1-651-487-2180 for credit card orders.

Special offer: Register also for the HKC workshop on November 13th and receive a 10% discount off each workshop.

In 2013, Dragon Door established the PCC—the world’s first certification based on progressive bodyweight theory, designed by iconic author Paul "Coach" Wade (Convict Conditioning) and the world’s most widely-respected calisthenics instructor, Al Kavadlo (Raising the Bar, contributor to Train magazine, Bodybuilding.com, T-Nation, etc).

Taught by Al and Danny Kavadlo, the Progressive Calisthenics Certification (PCC) was rapidly hailed as the most advanced and powerful bodyweight workshop on the planet. Participants were leaving the course having smashed personal bests, many achieving elite bodyweight feats they never imagined they could approach, such as the muscle-up, the one-arm pull-up, and the human flag!

SCC One-Arm Pull-Up

The PCC is an amazing experience: but it’s not an easy ride. It comprises eleven training modules and two packed seminars held over three full days. The work volume and the information load are massive, transformative. And the final certification test—The Century—taken after three days of hard training, ensures that only the exceptionally-strong will pass.

It should be obvious that not everyone will be ready to take on the PCC. Many trainees are just not yet physically prepared for the PCC’s advanced bodyweight work; some professional people just can’t commit, financially or time-wise, to the three full days the course requires; others are interested in taking on the PCC at some point, but want to feel their way first. If you are one of these people—great news…

After over a year of development, we can finally unveil the Strength Calisthenics Certification (SCC)—your chance to join forces with the ultimate bodyweight training system!

The SCC is a ground-breaking one-day, entry-level bodyweight training certification. Although an adequate level of strength and conditioning is required to get the most out of the course, the testing is far less severe than for the PCC. In the SCC, the huge PCC curriculum is field-stripped to a core of essential bodyweight techniques, including:

PUSH-UPS: The premier bodyweight movement! But how many athletes cheat themselves of massive achievements in this famous exercise, because of poor technical cues or inadequate progressions? We will teach you:

Al Kavadlo and Danny Kavado Push-Ups
  • The total-body strength principles underlying a perfect push-up: and how to utilize the plank as an ideal corrective tool

  • Engineering and reverse engineering push-up mechanics to produce regressions and progressions for any level of expertise

  • Perfecting the classic push-up, and moving beyond: through intermediate transitions and asymmetrical work

PULL-UPS: All the advanced movements of bar calisthenics begin with this basic cornerstone—all of them. The ability to easily pull your bodyweight through space is what really divides a calisthenics athlete from the wannabes. In the workshop, we’ll share our cutting-edge tactics to help you get stronger than you ever dreamed:

Danny Kavadlo Pull-Up
  • Professional-level form in bar hangs: building a rock-solid foundation for all pulling work, while building healthier shoulders

  • Using bodyweight tactics to instantly improve your pull-up strength and results

  • Comprehensive progression chains that will lead any athlete to the perfect pull-up—with minimal equipment

SQUATS: How many athletes are struggling to squat (badly) with a loaded barbell—wrecking their knees, backs and hips—because they haven’t yet mastered the essential pattern of the bodyweight squat? Discover how to permanently eliminate these faults, and build a legendary squatting style:

SCC Perfect Squat
  • The fundamental art behind all quality squatting: leg, knee and foot placement, and how to lead with the hips

  • Exploiting all the tricks of the trade—from leverage and foot positioning, to partner work—to evolve your squatting to "black belt" standard

  • Fine-tuning bodyweight variations and squat alternatives that will force your leg strength—and knee health—to the next level

INVERSIONS: From ancient yoga to the hand-balancing loved by old-time strongmen, all the serious bodyweight systems treasure inversions: exercises where the body is supported upside-down. Perhaps this is the most impressive family of techniques, but it’s also the most misunderstood. With our methodology, even athletes with poor balance can be taught to crush these movements in record time:

SCC Headstand
  • The art of equilibrium: transcending conventional head-up/feet-down training

  • Gravity-defying drills for building up to the traditional headstand—and beyond

  • How to properly use the wall to build into expert handstand training

LEG RAISES: Without a strong midsection, there can be no strength; and the fastest way to ramp up an athlete’s integrated, functional core strength is through leg raises. Discover:

  • The secret to all effective midsection work: core control, transversus use and proper breathing rhythm

  • Intense ground drills for generating maximal abdominal power

  • Proven strategies for taking your training from the floor up to the horizontal bar

BRIDGES: If there is a "secret weapon" to whip-like total-body strength and injury bullet-proofing, it’s the bridge family of movements. Yet virtually all trainers have a poor understanding of the art-form of bridging—in fact, most avoid it. Eliminate your weaknesses!

  • Dominate the wall for basic drills, as well as advanced feats such as wall "walking" into a bridge

  • Master state-of-the art bridging exercises and tips

  • Unlock trunk-torching bridge variations that will test even the strongest powerlifter

SCC Bridge

The opportunity to study all these cornerstone movements in-depth and in 3-D—while only inches away from bona fide masters of calisthenics—is absolutely invaluable, and will skyrocket your performance and understanding of these techniques in a way that videos or book study cannot hope to replicate. When you add to this the fact that participants will have the minutiae of their performance corrected by experts on all the basic movements, then you will see how athletes (and trainers and coaches) can make months—or even years—worth of progress in just one single course.

In addition, participants will get all the benefits of joining the industry’s largest and best-respected bodyweight training community, and get the chance to pick the brains of bodyweight instructors and aficionados from many different backgrounds.

As a further added bonus, all attendees will receive a copy of the 400+ page textbook, The SCC Instructor’s Manual, featuring the full course syllabus and progressions, as well as detailed content on many different aspects of bodyweight training from kinesiology and mental conditioning to programming science. This special volume will only be available to athletes who attend SCC, so don’t miss out.

Places for this unique certification will fill up incredibly fast—please book now to secure your place!


SCC Testing

Although the testing is not as brutal as the notorious 100-rep "Century" test conducted at the end of the PCC certification, SCC attendees are required to demonstrate an adequate level of bodyweight strength and technical expertise in order to pass the certification. The SCC test is conducted at the completion of the workshop, and comprises:


1. FULL SQUATS:                         20 reps
2. FULL PUSH-UPS:                     10 reps
3. FULL PULL-UPS:                        5 reps


1. FULL SQUATS:                         20 reps
2. KNEELING PUSH-UPS:           10 reps
3. BAR HANG:                        30 seconds

SCC Testing Rules:

  • Squats must be performed from full extension of the legs to a point where the thighs are below parallel, or with the hamstrings resting on the calves.
  • Push-ups must be performed from full extension of the arms to a point where the elbows reach 90 degrees of flexion. The legs, hips and trunk must remain aligned throughout. The knees must remain locked, with the feet together.
  • Pull-ups must be performed from full extension of the arms to a point where the chin is above the bar, then back again. (Overhand or underhand grips are permitted.)
  • The pull-ups and bar hang must be completed with no part of the body touching the ground during the test.
  • The repetitions of each exercise must be performed sequentially, with no rest or changing position in-between.
  • Excessive bouncing or momentum are not permitted on any exercise.
  • All repetitions must be completed in three minutes or less.
  • The instructor in charge determines whether the test is completed fully; the instructor’s decision is final.

In order to be certified you must pass all requirements. If you fail one of the requirements, you will have 90 days to send in a video to your instructor or visit your instructor in person to retest the requirement you failed.

As an incentive to help athletes and coaches to build on and evolve their skill-sets, SCC certified graduates may deduct $250.00 of their SCC tuition fee from a registration for a future PCC certification workshop, within one year of achieving the SCC.

Strength Calisthenics Certification™
Cartersville (Atlanta), GA

November 12th, 2016

9:00AM - 6:00PM
Register now


Tuition: $499.00

Registration deadline: November 1st, 2016

$50.00 fee for cancellations or transfers, no exceptions.

No refunds or cancellations after: October 29th, 2016

Workshop Code # SCC004

Workshop reference: SCC, Atlanta, November 2016


  • Register and pay by September 24th, fee is only $449.00 (Save $50.00)

Certification Location:

659 Henderson Dr. Suite F
Cartersville, GA 30120
Host: Beth Andrews, RKC

This workshop limited to 25 participants.

Workshop price does not include room & board or meals.

A map for the location and a list of convenient hotels/motels will be provided to all registrants.

Workshop Site Cancellation

Workshop sites may be cancelled up to 7 days prior to the beginning of the scheduled workshop session for any reason. When a workshop is cancelled or postponed, candidates will be notified immediately and will receive a complete refund of all workshop fees or be allowed to transfer at no penalty to the new dates or another course of their choosing without penalty. 

Refunds for credit card transactions processed online will be refunded back to the credit card within 2 weeks after the cancellation. If workshop registration was not completed online or the refund cannot be processed online, a refund check will be mailed within 4 to 6 weeks after the cancellation.

If cancellation is required, Dragon Door is not responsible for any expenses (travel or lodging) incurred beyond the registration fees. We recommend against making non-refundable travel plans.

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