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The Logan Christopher Interview

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Q & A with Dragon Door Author, Logan Christopher about his upcoming presentation at the 2016 Dragon Door Health and Strength Conference

How to Use Hypnosis for Fitness and Strength: Simple and Advanced Hypnosis Methods for Instant Strength Gains, Body Transformation and More

Dragon Door: In your experience, what is the biggest misconception people have about using the mind to improve their physical performance?

Logan Christopher: I would say there's quite a few different misconceptions, but the biggest one out there is that most people think that since they're already thinking, that they know how to do it. If you're a trainer in kettlebells, bodyweight, or whatever you're doing, you’ve probably been to multiple certifications and programs to learn exercises. But how much time have you spent focusing on using the mind and how it can be applied to strength training and fitness? The biggest misconception is that people already think that they know everything. But it’s really a largely untapped field.

Logan Christopher Deadlift Medley

Dragon Door: You've had a ton of experience training people to get instant gains in strength just by using their minds. Can you give us a couple of examples of what some of your clients have achieved?

Logan Christopher: Well, I think last year's conference was a really great example. Onstage and right in front of a crowd, I took Katie Peterson—who was capable of doing two one-arm push-ups—and just did a little "mental magic" on her. Within seven minutes (without doing anything with the exercise technique) of just changing how she thought about the exercise internally—within her mind and her body—she was able to do seven one-arm push-ups. That’s a pretty dramatic increase. And I've had many clients do similar things.

Using a similar hypnosis method, I was able to help someone who couldn't do muscle-ups very well. Using just one of the things that I'll be sharing at the conference, he was able to do three muscle-ups pretty easily. And that was at the end of a workshop event where everyone was already pretty tired!

Logan Christopher

Dragon Door: I saw the Katie Peterson demonstration, and it was very cool. I would think she is probably still using a lot of those techniques now.

Logan Christopher: I'll be delivering something similar this year.

Dragon Door: What are the three most important qualities someone needs to bring to the table to be successful in harnessing the power of their mind to enhance their strength?

Logan Christopher: I would say the first thing is curiosity. As a starting point, and before you’re really able to go into this, it takes an inquisitive mind to want to learn more about the mind and how it can effect things. It also helps to have an element of rebelliousness, because a lot of this stuff is outside the conventional. Many of us use unconventional fitness methods, and it’s the same with the mind—you have to go against the mainstream. The mental training that I'm talking about is not well taught, or even well understood by most people.

Lastly, just like in training, you really need persistence. It's not something that you're just going to pick up one day and then be amazing at it for the rest of your life. You have to continually practice mental training in order to improve. The good news is as you practice, you will continue to get better and better results with it as well.

Logan Christopher Psych

Dragon Door: What was the original trigger event that set you on the "mental mastery" path?

Logan Christopher: There's been quite a few events over my lifetime, but what really started it all was the fact that I was not naturally strong or even athletic at all. I didn't play sports as a kid. I was a weak, scrawny child, so when I decided that I wanted to be a strong person, I realized that I needed to get an edge somehow. I wasn't willing to do steroids, so instead I went into other fields. One of the fields was mental training. Using mental training, I've become quite strong and have overcome my natural, weak starting place.

Dragon Door: So, there wasn’t just one specific event?

Logan Christopher: There have been a couple different events. I remember the first time I was really playing with visualization and hypnosis. I was working on a goal of holding a freestanding handstand for thirty seconds. This was something I'd been working towards off and on for a couple of years, but was never able to consistently get very good with it. So, I finally got fed up and set a hard goal—an exact deadline—and threw all the mental training I was learning at the time at it.

Right up to the day of the deadline, every morning I would visualize myself holding that handstand before practicing it. On the day of the deadline, I hit that thirty-second handstand. It was a moment of, "Eureka! This stuff actually works!" That was a starting moment for me.

Dragon Door: Incredible! I'm definitely looking forward to hearing more about that! Finally, a last question... You are becoming an iconic figure in the strength world, but you appear to be very open to improving your own skills by learning from others. Who do you turn to, to refine your own game?

Logan Christopher Strongman Comp Stone Lift

Logan Christopher: There are hundreds—I really think of myself as someone who learns from everyone. Just because someone is great in one field doesn’t mean they have mastery in everything, so I am willing to pick up bits and pieces from everyone in strength training, mental training, and any area of my life that I want to improve. On the strength training front, there's all the people involved with Dragon Door—tons of very intelligent people who I've learned many things from over the years.

One of my mentors who really got me rolling with mental training is Dr. John La Tourette who has basically applied similar methods to martial arts with tremendous success. But, I could keep going, the list is endless.

Logan Christopher Front Split

Dragon Door: Last year, you specifically mentioned a book about the Mighty Atom, which I immediately bought at great expense after hearing about it in your presentation, and how it was a mental game-changer for you.

Logan Christopher: There's a specific story in the book that I will probably talk about at the conference. The Mighty Atom was an old-time strongman back in the Vaudeville era. Many times, and at multiple shows he would pick a random person from the crowd. He would hypnotize them and then get that person able to bend a spike—something they had never been able to do before, and could never do again except under hypnosis. Reading about that was certainly another triggering event for me, and also goes to show the power of hypnosis!

Dragon Door: Absolutely, and the powers we already have—the strength within our own bodies that we might not be fully using.

Logan Christopher Backflip

Logan Christopher: Absolutely and that's what mental training is all about—unlocking just a little bit more of that power, or bringing it under conscious control.

Logan Christopher will present How to Use Hypnosis for Fitness and Strength: Simple and Advanced Hypnosis Methods for Instant Strength Gains, Body Transformation and More at this year's Health and Strength Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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Logan Christopher