Join these Masters of Supreme Fitness in Minneapolis, MN on August 15th & 16th... As they come together for the first time under one roof...
Co-author of Strong Medicine, How to Conquer Chronic Disease and Achieve Your Full Genetic Potential. 13 years military, Navy physician, Masters in Public Health.
Co-author of Strong Medicine, author of The Purposeful Primitive. Works with the military elite spec ops. World masters powerlifting champion, 6-time national masters powerlifting champion.
Creator and founder of DVRT, Dynamic Variable Resistance Training. Creator of the Ultimate Sandbag. Author of DVRT. Master RKC.
Author of 4 bestselling titles, Pushing the Limits, Stretching Your Boundaries, Zen Mind Strong Body and Raising the Bar. Lead instructor for the PCC.
Author of Master the Kettlebell, How to Develop High-Level Skills in Movement, Power Generation and Strength—Using the World’s Single Best Tool for the Job. Master RKC.
Author of bestseller The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength and Conditioning, How to Get Stronger and Tougher in the Gym and in Life—Using the Training Secrets of the Athletic Elite..
Author of The Kettlebell Goddess Workout, The Kettlebell Boomer and The Ageless Body, How to Remain a Human Dynamo and Retain a perfect Physique—With the Magic of Kettlebells. Master RKC and Director of Certifications for Dragon Door.
Author of bestseller Diamond-Cut Abs, How to Engineer the Ultimate Six-Pack—Minimalist Methods for Maximal Results and of Everybody Needs Training. Master PCC.
Author of Fight Kettlebell Fight. Master RKC. 8th Degree Black Belt. He has successfully competed on the National Level in Submission Fighting, Kickboxing, Full Contact Karate, Point Karate, Free Fighting, Taekwondo and Olympic Style Wrestling.
Author of bestseller Neuro-Mass, The Ultimate System for Spectacular Strength. Guinness World Record-holder. Featured in Ripley's Believe it or Not. Trainer to NFL athletes & US Olympic Wrestlers. Motivational speaker.
Author of Rings of Power. Former SWAT commander, paratrooper and executive bodyguard. Holder of numerous black belts in Filipino, Korean and American martial arts. Instructor in mind/body strength methods.
Author of Mental Muscle and of many other books and video programs to help people increase their strength, skills, health and mental performance.
Special Presenter Rolando Garcia III
Author of Intrinsic Excellence, Business Development and leadership Systems in Personal Training. As featured on Forbes and the NY Post, the manager of E, Equinox's private and most elite training facility, located in Manhattan's Time Warner Center. His team of T4 Coaches focuses on developing and implementing a comprehensive lifestyle management program for each client, as it relates to their movement, nutrition, and regeneration
Including a special VIP opportunity to visit with and enjoy the company of the Health and Strength presenters at an exclusive Saturday evening dinner!
From the desk of John Du Cane
CEO and founder, Dragon Door Publications.
Dear Health and Strength Colleague,
Dragon Door has assembled the most authoritative, results-producing roster of fitness authors of ANY company in the world. Whether it be kettlebells, sandbags, bodyweight exercise, powerlifting, nutrition or other resources for optimizing health and strength, we give you complete coverage—and then some…
Our PCC calisthenics certification workshops and our HKC/RKC programs are widely acknowledged as the gold standard. Our authors’ titles routinely become fitness industry bestsellers and frequently become THE bible for their topic.
And yet we’ve dropped the ball in one major way… We have never organized a conference bringing ALL of our world-class fitness experts together at the same time. You don’t need much imagination to visualize what it would be like to hang out for two days and absorb the wisdom from Dr. Chris Hardy, Marty Gallagher, Al Kavadlo, Danny Kavadlo, Max Shank, Josh Henkin, Zach Even-Esh, Rolando Garcia, Andrea Du Cane, Jon Bruney, Phil Ross, Logan Christopher and Mike Gillette…the synergistic energy of these powerhouses packed together will be something to experience…
So…we are doing it: organizing THE fitness conference of the year. A conference that should not only educate you in practical, cutting-edge strategies to optimize athletic performance and health—but inspire you to surge forward, and make unprecedented gains in your overall athletic capabilities...
I Can Think of No Better Gift to You than Bringing Together Today’s Most-Brilliant Health and Strength Masters for The Mother-of-All Fitness Events...
And Asking Them to Share Their Most Valuable Strategies with You…
No matter how you’re involved in the fitness industry...
If you’re an experienced, hyper-fit personal trainer, coach, athlete, martial artist or body culture enthusiast looking to go beyond your current physical capabilities...
If you’ve established yourself with a profitable, successful fitness training business—and now you’d like to turbocharge it—unlocking brand new opportunities and revenue potential...
If you’re not getting everything you want from your personal fitness programs—because you’re stuck, plateaued, or simply overwhelmed with the infinite options in fitness today...
There’s ONE Action-Step That Will Get You From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be—In The Fastest, Most-Effective Way Possible...
Meet in person with the Masters of Fitness! The Cabal of Experts. The Guild of Champions and Champion-Makers…
And this August 15th and 16th could be your one and only opportunity to get the attention and insights of ALL these fitness Masters, working together in one room to help you transform your physical capabilities.
The single-smartest investment YOU can make, TODAY, in transforming yourself... Is getting up close and personal with world-class authorities who have "been there, done that"—who lead the fitness world in what they have accomplished for themselves and for others...
And the CUMULATIVE IMPACT of absorbing the wisdom-secrets of 13 of these top experts could be life-changing…
Dragon Door’s mission is to have a massive impact on global health by leveraging the power of our fitness authorities’ health and strength expertise. Join us—if you care to be a leader in the battle against poor health and reduced physical function. And join us—if you want to lead the charge in modeling transformational fitness to a confused world…
Since I founded Dragon Door 24 years ago, I’ve been able to work with, learn from, and enjoy lasting friendships with many of the greatest names in modern fitness. I am very proud to have co-originated the modern kettlebell movement in 2001—just think what impact kettlebells have had on global health and strength over the last 14 years!
I am exceptionally proud to have re-ignited a global interest in bodyweight exercise thanks to the Convict Conditioning series and the tireless work of the Kavadlo brothers. Again, the impact on global fitness has been dramatic…
And I am proud to have introduced the maestro of all strength coaches, Marty Gallagher, to a broader audience. Now, Marty and Dr. Chris Hardy have authored what I expect to be one of the most influential fitness titles of all time: Strong Medicine…
Bottom line, I have a knack for spotting, nurturing and promoting many of the modern Masters of Fitness…I consider myself a "Facilitator of Greatness" :) . But I have never invited all these "Greats" to be in one room together…until now….
Your Path to Greatness as a Trainer Can Only Be Accelerated By Working With, Learning From and Implementing the Teachings of These MASTERS…
By teaming up with the smartest coaches possible... Getting "up close and personal" with them... Your greater success as a trainer becomes nearly impossible to avoid…
Before we go any further, I have to warn you: This event is NOT created for the casual fitness faddist. If you’re looking for some cheap new "shiny objects" to play with, this is NOT the event for you. While you’re still free to attend, your time and money will best be spent elsewhere.
WHO THIS EVENT IS FOR: We built this conference for SERIOUS fitness professionals and those committed to the highest personal standards in their own physical training. You belong at the Health and Strength Conference:
If you’ve already established yourself as a fitness professional—and now you’re looking to gain an extreme advantage over your competitors...
You want to discover tested, proven, advanced strategies for creating rapid transformation in health and strength for both you and those you train…
You want to connect and network with the sharpest and most dedicated pros in modern fitness, the Dragon Door "leadership"—who wouldn’t miss this Conference come Hell or High Water…
Then, you’re likely to take what you get at this event and use it to multiply your investment 10X, even 100X, within just the first year...
If You’re Not Convinced, in the First 95 Minutes, That You’ve Already Got New Secrets That Will Radically Transform Your Future Health and Strength—We Will Refund Your Entire Event Fee!
Dr. Chris Hardy will keynote the Conference with what I guarantee will be unique, immediately-useful and totally mind-blowing content for conquering one of the single greatest obstacles to supreme health and strength...
I am personally SO confident about the take-home value of Chris’s presentation alone that if you can look me personally in the eye and tell me that you aren’t convinced his information will have a radical impact on your future health and strength—then I will arrange for you to receive a full credit for your Conference enrollment fee…
I invited Chris to give the keynote, because I believe that his Strong Medicine program EMBODIES Dragon Door’s mission to have a major impact on global health—with YOU as our ambassadors…
The title of the presentation is...
Managing The Stress Cup: How to Identify and Prevent Allostatic Load in Your Clients to Ensure Optimal Training.
Chris will answer three big questions:
How can I give my client the optimum dose of training on any given day, maximizing benefits and minimizing harm?
How can I reliably identify and prevent overtraining?
As a trainer, what recommendations can I safely (and legally) give to my client to prevent overfilling the stress cup and to reduce allostatic load?
According to Strong Medicine there are two controllable drivers behind most major diseases like obesity, cancer and diabetes: chronic inflammation and chronic oxidative stress. Conquer chronic inflammation and chronic oxidative stress—and you can conquer not only most disease, but also vastly enhance your physical capabilities.
Acute stress is necessary for survival and leads to resiliency. However chronic stress is a silent killer that can wreak havoc with your best-laid plans for getting stronger and healthier. But do you have a complete grasp of how to manage the shifting battlescape of stress—so you properly prosper from your training rather than sabotage your health and strength? Without a proven battle plan, you’re playing Russian roulette with YOUR wellbeing AND that of your clients.
Chris DOES have the proven, scientific battle plan for managing stress mapped out for you and your clients. And you will get the complete plan. But you won’t just get the science… with his deep personal experience in optimal training protocols, you’ll discover that Chris understands the ART of a balanced-lifestyle approach to training.
Almost all of us fall down badly when it comes to properly understanding and managing the Good the Bad and the Ugly of stress. So, almost all of us fall WAY short of our full athletic potential… This unfortunate and very damaging ignorance will end for you—after hearing Chris’s presentation…
To my mind, discovering how to properly manage your stress cup—the Strong Medicine way—is worth the price of admission 10 times over AT LEAST...which is why I feel pretty darn safe offering that 100% refund… :)
Way too many trainers adopt a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach to training their clients—particularly in a group setting…This can be disastrous for the clients’ health, not just because of avoidable injuries, but from the deeply insidious impact of overtraining on the body’s capability to properly manage stress… Once you hear Chris’s talk you will never in good conscience allow your clients to overtrain again—and you will have the knowledge to authoritatively steer them in a wiser direction…
Chris will set the tone, frankly for the whole conference—which will be all about ACTIONABLE, best-of-class methods for achieving high levels of sustainably healthy strength, flexibility and resilience.
Bam! Chris Fired the Starting Gun—Now It’s Off to the Races With a Stable of Purebred Winners…
Dr. Chris Hardy is going to be one tough act to follow. How do you top "Genius on Steroids"?
Not easily, is the answer…
But I believe Mr. Rolando Garcia III has the intellectual muscle and fitness biz pedigree to carry the Hardy torch. The smoke from Chris’s starting gun should barely have cleared the room, when Rolando will already be rocking you with his expertise…
Because Rolando is an ultimate mover-and-shaker from the world of the elite fitness club. As featured recently in Forbes and the NY Post, Rolando is the manager of E, Equinox's private and most elite training facility, located in Manhattan's Time Warner Center. His team of T4 coaches focuses on developing and implementing a comprehensive lifestyle management program for each client, as it relates to their movement, nutrition, and regeneration.
How much does it cost annually to train with Rolando and his coaches at E? Here is the headline from Forbes magazine, 1/05/15: "The Ultra-Exclusive $26,000 Gym Membership for the Mogul On-The-Go." Yup, it’ll cost you over 2K per month to hang with Rolando as your trainer… And by the way, the Forbes Magazine use of the word "Mogul"? Accurate to a T… The E-member roster is a roll call of the hyper-famous and stunningly powerful…
Think Rolando might have a few fitness biz success secrets to share with you? :)
Discover the System That’s Worked So Well for Rolando and Equinox—And Learn How You Can Plug-and-Play That Success Formula in Your Business ...
Here’s just a taste of what you can expect to learn from Rolando:
Overview of Current Fitness And Health Industry Trends
The Changing Role of Personal Training in Fitness and Health
The 4 Competency Method
Technical Expertise: The Truth of The Matter
Sales: The Art of Selling Without Selling
Customer Care: Emotional Agility That is Fast And Furious
Business Development and Leadership: Money Never Sleeps
Business Development, Leadership, and Team-Building: The Crucial Features of a Successful Personal Training Business
Clarity and Connection: Like Oil and Water
Lone Survivor: Why You Can't Go It Alone
The Legend Continues: How to ASSEMBLE a team of experts to prepare for the future of our industry
By the time Rolando is done with his presentation, I’m certain you will be walking away with a notebook full of actionable strategies to transform your fitness training business—whatever its current format….

Well, alright then! Fired up enough yet…? Brain on overdrive? Feel like you already got so much take-away, it’s time to head for the exits and GET STUFF DONE?
Not so fast...there’s just so, so much more to come… Hang in there…the info-wealth-torrent is going to surge right on…
Because Next Up Is "The Kettlebell Goddess",
Keeper of the Flame…
The ancients had a phrase for it: Deus ex machina. Means "God from the machine". Think: Divine Intervention. When the plot got all tangled up, then the God/Goddess would swoop out of the sky to rectify the mess, with some needed clarity and course correction…
So, say hello to "The Kettlebell Goddess", Andrea Du Cane…Andrea has been an RKC since 2002 and has been one of the leading instructors for Dragon Door since the earliest days. For the last two years she has been Director of Certifications for Dragon Door and has overseen the development and refinement of the RKC/HKC curricula.
We like to think of Andrea as the "keeper of the flame"—when it comes to preserving the essence of best-practice with kettlebells. Her extensive immersion in martial arts, dance, and Pilates has given her a deep appreciation—and ability to teach—quality functional movement. Andrea is the Kettlebell Goddess because she insists on impeccable form and safety when training with the bells. She is remarkable for how much she cares about her clients’ results—and "tough love" is her chosen MO.
Andrea has a particular skill in the addressing the health and strength challenges of the "Special populations" demographic. Her presentation is therefore entitled:
How to Identify and Meet
the Functional Needs of Special Populations
The term "Special Populations" actually covers a surprisingly vast array of folk: Seniors, the de-conditioned/obese/overly sedentary of any age, the very young, those with injury or post-injury, the overtrained, the Weekend Warriors and the Office Athletes to name a few…
If ever there was a "plot tangle" in the fitness world that needs Divine Intervention, it would be the confusion and general ignorance of your average trainer about how to truly help these Special Populations achieve their desired outcomes…
Divine Intervener Andrea will present you with a blueprint on how to understand the real concerns and special considerations of each of these unique clients—rather than you running roughshod over them without any real regard for what it takes to help them succeed…
Then Andrea will share the very best kinds of kettlebell and bodyweight exercises—those with the biggest-bang-for-the-buck—to fit to those clients’ identified functional needs…the basic patterns, sample workouts, progressions, regressions and individualized modifications…
This information will be golden for your greater success as a well-rounded and highly respected trainer…
These so-called "special populations" could well comprise a majority of your clients! And it is a client-base that is ever-growing, highly motivated, and well-off financially… Treat them right—and you could have a grateful, loyal customer for life. Treat them with an ignorant disregard for their true needs—and you’ll be looking down the barrel of their disdain for you as an effective trainer, before they leave you in disgruntled disgust…
Why Most REALLY Successful Trainers Are "Zenaphiliacs"—And Why You Should Be Too…
As a trainer, are you a "Zenaphiliac" or a "Zenaphobe"? "Zenawhaaat?" you ask. Ah, no worries, I just coined both words…Here are the definitions: Zenaphiliac—"A lover of the Zen approach to life and training." Zenaphobe—"One who fears and distrusts the Zen approach to life and training."
The Zenaphiliac trains himself and others with a good-natured, highly attentive and focused approach. The smile belies the supreme intensity and precision brought to the activity of exercising. Being completely present to the moment and alive to the flow of the process trumps a desired end-result.
The Zenaphobe’s faux-militaristic demeanor parlays into a stern, scowly, dogmatic, rigid, exclusionary approach to life and training…Achieving numbers and "acting tough" trumps intelligent, safe practice. The process is sacrificed to the desired end-result.
Time to listen to "Grandmaster Al", as I affectionately call him: Al Kavadlo—the ultimate champion of the Zenaphiliac approach to life and training…
Can Brawn and Brains co-exist in the same frame? Surprisingly often, the answer is yes and most certainly the answer is Yes with Al Kavadlo. Because Al is a mighty intelligent gentleman—while being pound-for pound a strength phenom. Al is wonderfully, distinctly and uniquely Al—which I love about him. There’s a kind of refined rawness to him, an interesting mix of youthfulness and seasoned pro. He carries his learning, his expertise and his strength skills lightly. He shares readily and with great care. He’s an inspirational force in the calisthenics world—and is lighting a fire of enthusiasm for bodyweight exercise across the globe…
Since my teenage years, Zen has been dear to my heart—so it warms me in a special way to be Al’s publisher and to be spreading the Zenaphiliac approach to training far and wide…
Riffing and expanding on the information in his latest bestseller, you’re in for a very special treat indeed with Al’s presentation:
Zen And The Art of Calisthenics
After an already-illustrious career as a personal trainer, Al Kavadlo parlayed appearances in Paul Wade’s Convict Conditioning 2, into signing on as a Dragon Door author and finally becoming the leader of the PCC (Progressive Calisthenics Certification)—widely acclaimed as the best bodyweight exercise program in the world.
Al is rightly proud that despite his remarkable achievements in bodyweight exercise he has managed to stay essentially injury-free. Much of the reason for this sustainability—and the progressions it has enabled—Al credits to his Zen-based attitude to training and programming.
Want to make the kind of strength and flexibility gains Al has made, using bodyweight exercise only? Want to lead the pack, when it comes to being a leading trainer in your niche? Then, let Al help recalibrate your mindset with the Zenaphiliac strategies that have propelled him into the front ranks of fitness professionals…
Go Beyond Traditional Gym-Strength—
With This 3-D, Real-World Fitness System…
The damage to our full athletic potential perpetrated by traditional gym training has been incalculable…The emphasis on 2-dimensional, "railroad track" training rather than a reality-based, 3-D system has created an army of functionally degraded athletes and exercisers…
The tyranny of the chair and the addiction to sitting has further contributed to this epidemic of dysfunction in both the general population and the world of fitness training…
Real life resilience is about handling load-stress from every imaginable direction and through every imaginable trajectory. Traditional martial arts have always understood this. The martial mindset trains you to handle any physical assault/challenge from any angle, at any time at whatever the incoming force. The martial mindset trains you to lash out when necessary with maximum explosivity and striking power. The martial mindset trains you to grapple with constantly shifting weights and rapid changes in leverage. The martial mindset places a premium on movement skills. The martial mindset seeks to train full range of motion and rapid reflexes. The martial mindset seeks to optimize the body’s rotational capabilities in response to a physical challenge.
What single exercise tool can best train us to respond effectively to the ever-shifting challenges faced not only in full-contact sports but also in our everyday activities? And if there IS such a perfect tool, is there a system in place to optimize the tool’s full potential as a training device?
Well, yes, there is such a tool and such a system—created and perfected by our next presenter, Josh Henkin. It’s the Ultimate Sandbag and the Dynamic Variable Rotational Training System (DVRT).
Because, by its very design, the Ultimate Sandbag constantly shifts in its weight displacement—and the therefore the type of force exerted at a particular angle on the body. Playing with an Ultimate Sandbag is to constantly adjust to shifting challenges—just like real life. The functional training advantages are off the charts—when you know what you’re doing…
Small wonder then, that Josh Henkin has become one of the most eagerly sought out coaches by the Marines, special forces, police, professional athletes, martial artists and cutting-edge, in-the-know fitness trainers—all over the world…these folk are all looking for a real-world instrument to give them real-world results when it matters…
Welcome then to:
Accelerating Your Movement Skills: How to Fully
Unleash Your Athletic Potential in Life and Sport
Break free of the stagnant, outdated training concepts that keep you only gym-strong.
Learn the 4 principles that will allow you to attain true 3-D real-world fitness.
Discover the secrets to unleashing unlimited training variations.
Understand the science of movement and how to apply it easily into your training.
Find out the perfect drill to fix flexibility problems in seconds.
And here is a detailed outline of what you’ll get from Josh in his info-packed presentation:
- What is Functional Movement?
- Methodology vs. philosophy
- Defining the popular buzz word
- Kinetic Chains and movement
- How our body actually moves in life and sport
- Gym movement limit movement potential
- What is real "core" training
- Identifying weak links
- Neurological versus muscular weaknesses
- Strength is not just what you lift, but also resist
- Real world vs. gym strength
- How to bridge science and what we do in training
- What old time strength really taught us
- Rethinking Progressive Overload
- The 9 principles of intensity
- How to manage training variables
- Role of instability and intensity.
- Instability role in strength development
- Progression leading to kinetic chain development
- Teaching versus programming instability
- How to "Fix" and Layer Complexity of Movement
- The neurological breaks and turning them off
- Real world movement patterns.
- The oversimplification of human movement
- Proper progression of movement and strength.
- How to layer the training variables in a easy to manage format
- When to prioritize specific variables
- Programming for Functional Fitness
- How to program effectively all of the training variables
- The value of more advanced programming
- Programming for group fitness environments.
- Customized programs in group environments
- The future of functional training facilities
- How to use rather than have equipment
- Fiscal responsibility
- Spatial considerations
- Is this REALLY the Future of Fitness
- Missing out on getting strong
- Resiliency and power
- Growth in the industry
- Discussion of DVRT Concepts
Having lauded the Ultimate Sandbag and Josh’s DVRT system as an extraordinary vehicle for developing superior real-world athleticism, it’s time to segue to another tool that can transform your ability to handle challenging situations. Enter the great kettlebell—now pretty well a household name for high-yield fitness results…
Since Dragon Door launched the modern kettlebell movement in 2001, its applicable benefits have been seen to range really across the board…Weight management, flexibility, power, energy, strength, physique enhancement, endurance, you name it, the kettlebell’s got it to give you…
From the get-go, fighters have loved their kettlebells—for so many reasons…The extra explosive power and force generation you get from kettlebells can be off the charts. The cardio benefits—for the high intensity bursts required in fights—have been proven over and over and over…Grapplers appreciate the additional grip strength. And all fighters love the whipcord functional muscle they can pack on with educated kettlebell training…
And if I was asked who, out of Dragon Door’s Finest, I would want to accompany me down a dark alley in a really bad part of town? It would be a no-brainer: Mr. Phil Ross, our Master RKC and maestro fighter…
Phil’s an awesome dad and the nicest guy on the planet—but you do NOT want to mess with him :). You might say, Phil is a "Fight Waiting to Happen"—and it is no accident that his presentation outline for this conference includes the phrase "Fighting Solves Everything." You may or may not agree with Phil’s stance on life, but I sure as heck urge you to pay attention to his expert advice on how to be a far better fighter thanks to kettlebells…
Some background on Phil the Fighter:
First, he has bounced more heads in hardcore bars than many a pro has bounced basketballs on the court… He sports an 8th Degree Black Belt and has competed at the National level in 7 types of combat art… He wrestled at the NCAA Division 1 level… He’s the preferred trainer for athletes from the UFC, Bellatore, WSOF and other MMA fighters, Martial Arts school owners, military personnel, Federal agents, police officers… and he’s the author of several acclaimed self-defense videos…
In fact, we think highly enough of Phil’s self-defense background to have commissioned an upcoming Dragon Door title from him, which is also the topic of his talk:
Fight, Kettlebell, Fight
Fighters, wrestlers, boxers and other martial artists require the ability to employ explosive strength over a sustained period of time. A bout or an encounter may last 10 seconds, 10 minutes or 10 rounds. Your body will need to process lactic acid, deal with the adrenalin dump and maintain muscular endurance, without sacrificing the explosive power necessary to execute a throw, deliver the knockout punch or apply a finishing hold.
All things being equal, if you get gassed before your opponent gets gassed, you’re serving your butt up on a plate—get ready to get hammered and go down for good…!
Phil will share his kettlebell secrets for never getting gassed when the jam is hitting the fan…so you can survive to hit another day…
Attaining and maintaining one’s strength while staying within a particular weight class or while losing weight is particularly challenging. Fighters are faced with how to maximize their strength while increasing flexibility, athletic prowess, reflexive power, cardiovascular conditioning as well as developing essential core stabilizers…
Phil will give you the kettlebell protocols and programs to ensure you—or the fighters you train—can meet these goals…
As in actual combat, extreme focus, concentration and intensity are an absolute must for this style of workout. Get Phil’s real-world tips on how to forge this martial mindset—and come out a winner every time…
Speaking of MINDSET, most champions in any athletic endeavor will credit proper mental training as a HUGE component of their success.
Our next presenter Logan Christopher has written a whole book on the subject for Dragon Door and will share his mental mastery secrets with you in what will be the ‘closing act" for the first day of the conference…
Logan Christopher has been called a physical culture renaissance man for his work in many different areas of fitness and strength training. While many people become experts in one specific area he seeks to master them all. As a performing strongman he has pulled an antique fire truck by his hair, juggled kettlebells that have been lit on fire, did weighted back flips, supported half a ton in a wrestler’s bridge position, and many of the more typical oldtime strongmen feats like phonebook tearing and nail bending.
Being born without genetic gifts for strength he sought out the best training information to develop his strength. In addition to learning from top trainers he went outside the field of strength training. This led him into mental training and sports psychology—which he has explored in depth, becoming an NLP Trainer, Certified Hypnotist, Energy Medicine, and Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner.
Logan is no tree-hugging dabbler in the arcane arts. However mysterious or downright implausible Logan’s methods might first appear to be, the proof is in the pudding of his demonstrable strength achievements. Time and time again, Logan has helped trainees make seemingly-impossibly-fast strength gains—simply by better applying certain mental secrets to their practice…
So, welcome to:
How to Hack Your Mind Codes for Instant Strength Gains…
In Logan’s own words:
More weight on the bar. More kettlebell swings. A better bodyweight hold. A stronger squat. All these goals and many more are the result of training. But is doing one workout after another the only way to get better? What if I told you there was a way to see an immediate improvement on anything you do? You’d probably say BS, but if you give me a minute I’ll show you how….
For every exercise you do there is a mental representation about that exercise. These are often beyond our conscious awareness but they don’t have to be. In fact, once you realize your mental codes, you can change them, making what was once hard, easier.
Using these techniques people have literally doubled or tripled what they can do, though most often its smaller gains of a few pounds or a rep or two. It only takes a couple minutes to do—making it one of the fastest ways to supercharge your results. You’ll discover how some small tweaks to your internal mental programming can make the difference between success and failure. More strength. More flexibility. More endurance. More skill. Instantly!
Plus, discover:
- Why Mental Toughness is NOT the Answer
- How Positive Thinking Fails
- What Placebo Knee Surgeries Can Teach You About Strength
- How to Gain—Not Just From Workout to Workout—but Multiple Times in a Single Session
- Practicing vs. Training vs. Testing
- How You Can Harness the Expectation Effect
- How to Destroy a Mental Block in 30 Seconds or Less
After Logan’s presentation, we will be arranging an informal reception where you can mingle and network with your extraordinary fellow-attendees. Nowhere else this year, will there be such a stellar gathering of fitness luminaries! Expect to forge new friendships, embark on exciting new joint ventures, make new alliances or deepen ties with important colleagues…
Grand Book Signing With All 13 of the Dragon Door Presenter-Authors…
The Dragon Door authors presenting at this conference are some of the most respected and influential authorities in the modern fitness world. Before dinner, we will be arranging a special book signing event for ALL the authors. Here’s your chance to make a special personal connection with your favorite authors—and get your treasured books signed for posterity… :)

Now this is just the first day—and we still have the VIP Dinner to talk about!
As a gesture of thanks to our Dragon Door authors we’ve put together a special VIP plated dinner banquet for them on Saturday evening…
Well, how would you like to join this group of fitness superstars at their dinner? Spend a couple of hours—or more—connecting on a deeper and broader level with the experts of your choice?
Because of the jam-packed conference schedule, this, frankly, could be your ONLY real opportunity for quality personal time with the Dragon Door authors. You may want to pick their brains, you may want to arrange special training with them or you may simply want to establish a friendship with them… I challenge you, though, to find a more powerful group of fitness authorities together at ANY single dinner in 2015 in the US!
We are sure that almost the entire RKC and PCC leadership team will also be attending—one of the reasons they are leaders is because they know to seize on remarkable opportunities when they’re offered! So, you should also be able to hang and network with many of the greatest kettlebell and calisthenics trainers in the world…
Dragon Door’s not looking to make a dime on this dinner, so the fee of $100 for this special dinner will be there to roughly cover the hotel’s dinner charge per person.
Interested? When you come to the registration page just select the VIP Package and you’re in…

Day Two Will Steamroll Forward With Another Barrage of High-Yield Health and Strength Strategies To Elevate Your Training Game to Remarkable New Heights…
And who better to bang off Day Two than the peerless Marty Gallagher…?
Being with Marty Gallagher is like shaking hands with living history…When it comes to Absolute Strength coaching and training, in particular, there is simply no one who can hold a candle to him…
As the steely-eyed commander of one of America’s most prestigious spec ops units put it: "Marty takes the best and makes them better…"
There are folk who just want to be fit in an average kind of way. Never making any real progress—just remaining reasonably strong and healthy and that’s it…mediocre. If this is you then Marty is NOT your guy…
Marty is about scientifically challenging you to go way beyond your current strength levels—I mean, WAY beyond! If this is you—then Marty is absolutely your guy and you’ll be hooked by every word of tried-and-true wisdom that will be spilling from his lips…
Hence the title of Marty’s presentation:
Radical Physical Transformation
There are so many self-proclaimed "experts of strength" out there...however towering above these wannabees is Marty and his real-life track record in the strength world. Consider that Marty:
Captured his first national title and set his first national records as a 17-year old Olympic weightlifter in 1967—and in 2013 set his most recent of national records as a 64-year old powerlifter...
Is a six-time national powerlifting champion and in 1992 won the IPF world masters powerlifting title...
As a coach guided Team USA to the IPF world team title in 1991 and coached Black’s gym to five national powerlifting team titles…
Mentored Hall-of-Fame powerlifting world dominator "Captain" Kirk Karwoski and competition coached Ed "King" Coan, the world’s greatest powerlifter, along with iron immortals Doug Furnas, Lamar Grant and Mark Chaillet…
Since 1978, has had well over 1,000 fitness articles published while working as the fitness columnist for, Muscle & Fitness and Flex...
Is the acclaimed author of The Purposeful Primitive and co-author of Strong Medicine…
In other words, when you listen to Marty talk about how to take your body—and those of your clients’—through a MASSIVE physical transformation, boy, have you ever then hit the mother lode…!
Marty’s Done It For America’s Most Elite Guardians of Our Freedom—Let Him Do It For YOU Also…
According to Marty, the reason your fitness efforts fail is that they ignore one or more of the four core elements needed in every successful transformative effort. Every serious regimen HAS to include….
- A progressive resistance element
- A cardiovascular element
- A nutritional element
- A psychological element
In Marty’s words:
"Without tangible physical results, our fitness efforts are nothing more than meaningless motion, recreational activities no more effective than golf, bowling or Ping-Pong. We must force the body to undergo a metamorphosis, we do not coax or cajole tangible physical results; we create biological imperatives. The human body cannot nor will not favorably reconfigure itself in response to ease, sameness and sub-maximal effort; the human body will morph to the dramatic degree we seek only in response to Herculean effort. The body must be forced to change. We invoke specific procedures that leave the body no choice other than alter its biologic composition. Our training and nutritional efforts need be dramatic yet appropriate. Meek and mild methods and modes deliver substandard results…"
How do we create the biological revolution we seek?
How do we transform or physique and performance to the dramatic degree we seek?
What modes and methods, protocols and procedures do we invoke to stimulate our very own transformational revolution?
Marty will answer these key questions for you—just as he has answered these questions for America’s most elite guardians of our freedom—and innumerable national and world champions and record holders…
Prepare to be amazed, transfixed and transformed…
Then onward, as the Dragon Door authors—and their brilliance—just keep coming at you...!

Max Shank: From Weakling to Fitness Wunderkind…
By his own admission, Max Shank was a teenage weakling, barely able to scratch out a single push up—and not exactly a threat to the local neighborhood…
Then there was a shift in Max’s mindset (which he’ll talk about)—almost like something out of a Comic Book Hero story—and Max began to morph into the physically and athletically splendid specimen he now is…
Wise beyond his years, highly dedicated and determined, Max rocketed up the Dragon Door leadership ladder to become one of our most acclaimed Master RKC instructors in just a few short years…
Recognizing his accomplishments as a bodyweight exercise master, Dragon Door invited him to star in the renowned Convict Conditioning video series shot on Alcatraz. If you haven’t yet watched these superb videos, we urge you to do so—and you’ll get to see Max demo even the hardest of the CC moves with extreme precision…
Max also competes in a wide variety of sports ranging from Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu to Scottish Highland Games. Max is probably the only athlete in the world to have competed at the Highland Games World Championships and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu World Championships one week apart from each other. His abilities as a coach run the full spectrum, being able to help both elite athletes and average Joe’s get "better every day."
Max's desire to constantly improve his knowledge and personal skills has led him to be a sought after international presenter of his unique and pragmatic blend of strength, flexibility, health, and overall athleticism.
Max has helped spearhead and embody Dragon Door’s mission to champion health-based, all-around athleticism. Long term, sustainable strength combined with high-level movement skills is the name of the game…
Appropriately, Max’s presentation is entitled:
Health and Athleticism
With zero bluster or posturing—and a eagle eye on actionable content, Max will discuss:
- The new fitness paradigm—and how to become a leader—not a latter day Dodo—in this exciting shift…
- THE Pyramid of Priorities you must observe—if developing rapidly and safely as an Ultimate Athlete is your goal…
- Max’s proven programming and training organization—to make athletic progress in half the time it takes you now…
- How to seamlessly blend different training styles—for a synergistic boost to your overall strength and athletic aptitude…
- Lifestyle strategies to employ—for sustainable gains year in year out…
What’s so great about this schedule of Dragon Door experts is how beautifully CUMULATIVE their training wisdom will be for you…
The impact for you and your business? You should see a HUGE savings in frustration and uncertainty about how to elevate your game—rapidly and proficiently…
There is no way on earth you can expect to makes these kinds of advances in your strength and health simply by reading books, watching videos and taking the occasional training class… The tangible and intangible benefits you will get by attending this Conference of Fitness Superstars are frankly incalculable…
The most flamboyantly passionate Dragon Door author by a mile is Mr. Danny Kavadlo. I am so glad he is in my life! His heartfelt energy and enthusiasm lights up the room wherever he goes—and he just ROCKS it when helping Brother Al lead at the PCC…
Danny has trained celebrities, top models, athletic prodigies, hardened workout fiends and all the way down to the harried housewife or middle-aged desk jockey with 30lbs to shed… He’s worked with kids and the elderly, the disabled and the barely functional…whoever it might be, Danny gives them the same loving intensity of attention and skilled coaching…
Looking for the ultimate in super-practical, no-nonsense, results-getting, yet compassionate coaching?—"It doesn’t get better than Danny the Trainer!"
Danny’s author of the critically-acclaimed fitness biz guide Everybody Needs Training and the #1 Amazon bestseller Diamond-Cut Abs (get this book folks—it’s essence of Danny and a darn fine work…)
Danny’s been OBSESSED with abs training since he was a kid—and has explored every possible avenue to arrive at the magnificent six-pack he sports today… He’s made all the mistakes—diet-wise and exercise-wise—and he’s figured out all the true secrets to what really works for ridiculously incredible abs, so given his extreme expertise in the matter, it felt darn right criminal if we didn’t let him share his formulas with you all on this second day of the conference…
So, say hello to:
Abs Training Demystified—Exposing The Myths and Revealing The Truth About Sculpting a Rock-Hard Core…
Here’s what Danny will cover. And yes, you read that right, Danny will be cooking for us to boot on stage… :)
- Overview
- Abs In Popular Culture
- Myths About Abs
- Truth About Abs
- Training Your Abs
- Abs Workouts Vs Full Body Workouts
- "Isolation"
- Exercises
- Programming
- Nutrition
- The Single Most Important Decision
- Over-compartmentalization
- Labels, Ingredients and Health Claims
- What Is Real?
- What I Eat
- Cooking demo Danny style
- Lifestyle
- Deprivation Is Not Healthy
- Abs Training should enhance quality of life not take away from it.
One of Danny’s biggest secrets to fitness success has always been TESTING EVERYTHING ON HIMSELF (unlike 98% of the blowhard personal trainers out there)—and now you get to take home the prize formula for what really, really works—and what to avoid like the plague—when it comes to the impeccable engineering of that righteous midriff… without personally having to suffer through all those failed "self-laboratory" experiments that Danny did on your behalf…
Next up is another super-passionate individual with a planet-sized heart and soul to match: Zach Even-Esh… To me, Zach is Mr. Inspiration Personified… he just has that special charismatic quality that gets folk fired up to try their very hardest, whatever the challenges they might face.
I think a lot of the power of Zach’s message—and the power of his coaching style—comes from the repertoire of failures and frustrations in his life that he constantly had to spirit to wrestle through and come out shining on the other side… Zach is a beacon for all those waverers who without his inspirational story could fall forever by the athletic wayside—their dreams of being a contender shattered to fragments…
Zach restores hope…And like Danny, he’s a guy who has tried EVERYTHING in the quest for physical attainment… Like Danny, he’s been there, done that…
The best way to profile Zach further is to share part of what the legendary Marty Gallagher had to say about Zach’s bestselling Dragon Door title, The Encyclopedia of Underground Strength and Conditioning:
"This big book has a lot of soul. All of its lessons are hard earned empirical knowledge, learned by doing. No theorizing here. I love the book’s tone. I love how Zach’s unique voice comes through. I love the mix of bodybuilding and wrestling and power training and farm-boy strength combined with the sincere earnestness of his ongoing quest for continual physical improvement.
I love his crazed, gonzo approach towards fitness and strength and functionality. Zach feels, as I feel, that we need to shock the body out of complacency, we need to jolt it to the next level. The human body is not reasoned with or convinced; the human body must be subdued.
Any trainee intent on transformation has got to get a little crazy. All the greats one’s I’ve trained with had this innate ability to go ape-shit f*#king insane in training. In doing so they forced the evolution of the body; dramatic change only occurs in response to dramatic action. What need we do in order to burst through to the next level of physical excellence?
For starters you will need willpower, tenacity and a high pain-tolerance. Radical transformation requires incredible commitment. To truly excel you must be prepared to walk through fire. We speak metaphorically; yet every man that has successfully engineered their own dramatic physical transformation will nod their head in mute agreement with our assessment of what it takes. Physically and psychologically, to radically, dramatically, irrefutably forcibly morph your physique and improve your current abilities and capacities, we need equal or exceed current limits and capacities in some manner or fashion, and do so on a consistent basis.
Capacity is a shifting target that rises and falls, minute-to-minute, day-to-day, and over time our capacities diminish. Yet each of us can establish limits and personal records in a wide universe of athletic modes. Zach has thrown a big lasso around a hell-of-a-lot of athletic modes. Zach has transformed himself, and ergo, he knows of what he speaks. Best of all, most important of all, he gets irrefutable results for his people. I love the functional, uber-fit physiques of Zach students, the final finished products.
These kids look as if they could do Jackie Chan, run-up-a-corner-and-onto-a-roof acrobat moves. All through the book Zach’s boys are doing back flips and round-off handsprings, this in addition to picking up giant stones, doing strongman drills and performing insane stuff like hoisting a sandbag onto one shoulder then dragging a weighted sled, tied to your waist, up a hill in August at noon. While everyone else in the fitness world looks to make transformation easier (impossible) Zach’s mind runs toward, ‘How can we make the already horrible even worse?’
This book covers an incredibly broad range of inter-related training modes, methods, techniques and tactics. The sheer number of interesting training drills is staggering and intriguing…"
If someone of Marty Gallagher’s world champion stature—and he is one tough gentleman to impress—gives this kind of a thumbs up to Mr. Zach, wouldn’t you say that it behooves you to listen to what Zach will share with you at the conference?
Here is a summary of what you’ll hear from Zach:
Training For Life
The FIRST thing to do in training that delivers powerful results (coaches & trainees must do this)
Why & how NO gym is a gift, NOT a curse
Cool-looking exercises Vs Results
Program design + the art of coaching—what REALLY needs to be in your training
Why you MUST stand for something—or you will fall for anything in training & life
After lunch—when you will have had a further opportunity to forge new or deeper connections with your fellow attendees and the presenters... you will be treated to one of the most unique and remarkable strength athletes on the planet…Jon Bruney…
Jon grabbed a World Record with John Brookfield, pulling a semi-truck for one mile… Despite clocking in at around 260lbs, he habitually runs a couple of miles a day of SPRINT intervals—without getting gassed…(yes, despite his size he prefers sprinting to jogging)…He has run 5K races, no sweat… He can easily double-press the 106-pound BEAST kettlebell and is as comfortable hefting massive weights around as he is doing handstand push ups or plyometric leaps… Want greater work capacity, whatever your size? Jon Bruney is your guy!
Jon’s exploits have been immortalized in Ripley's Believe it or Not, The Guinness Book of World Records, shown nationwide on NBC's America's Got Talent, The Today Show and TruTv’s Guinness World Records Unleashed. Thousands of people have personally experienced Jon's jaw-dropping ‘Pressing the Limits’ motivational strength program.
A true Renaissance man in the realm of strength-development, Jon is a world-class trainer, coach, motivational speaker, strongman, and pastor. Jon's work with competitive athletes includes Olympians and NFL players. He is the author of Dragon Door’s bestselling Neuro-Mass The Ultimate System for Spectacular Strength. He also writes a training series called Foundations, featured in MILO, widely considered the world's most prestigious strength training journal.
Jon is a brilliant innovator when it comes to the creation of cutting-edge strength-enhancement programs. And—like all the Dragon Door authors—he walks his talk…I am personally a very big fan of his neuro-sequencing methods and use them consistently in my own practice.
Here’s what to expect from Jon’s two-part presentation:
How to Enhance Your Athletic Capabilities And Work Capacity Using The Power of Neuro-Sequencing…
The Energy-Output Secrets of Commando Cardio…
- Why Neuro-Sequencing should be the template for designing your training sessions.
- How to apply Neuro-Sequencing to your chosen athletic pursuit, including Calisthenics, Kettlebells, Powerlifting, and Strongman.
- How to rapidly fire-up your nervous system for amazing training sessions.
- How to incorporate advanced isometrics into your training.
- Understanding the three positions of isometric contraction for any muscle group.
- How to use isometrics for blasting through "sticking points."
- How to implement isometrics to gain elite levels of strength or to increase muscle tone.
- Commando Cardio—Performance-Based Energy Output That Creates a Metabolic Demand.
- Why Commando Cardio is so effective.
- How to use Commando Cardio to increase conditioning and natural growth hormone levels.
- The benefits of increasing growth hormone naturally.
- Rare Air—reaping the benefits of rarified air and the carbon dioxide conditioning paradox.
Next up is all-around tough guy, strongman and bodyguard to the Super-Rich and Hyper-Famous, Mike Gillette… Earlier, I said I would pick Phil Ross to ride shotgun with me through Hell’s Own back alley…but frankly Mike Gillette would be an equivalent pick for effectively disposing of the bad guys…After all, he has protected some of the all-time biggest names in the country from threat—so I am sure he could handle my little needs...:)
A former paratrooper and SWAT Commander, Mike Gillette is a relentless student of the human factors which allow people to succeed against overwhelming odds. In his line of work, these ‘odds’ have centered on threat management and peak performance training methods. His research and experiences have taken him through many different worlds and disciplines. They have ultimately produced a body of knowledge, which has been put to use by clients ranging from armed professionals to ordinary people who must operate in extraordinary circumstances.
In 1995, concurrent with his law enforcement and training duties, Mike returned to military service in a part-time role. Following a rigorous selection process, he was accepted into the 194th Long-Range Surveillance Detachment and full ‘jump’ status. This was a significant milestone for Mike, who had been told 11 years earlier by an Army surgeon that he would never run again, much less jump out of any more airplanes.
For over 25 years, Mike has been an ardent student of the martial arts. He has traveled extensively to train with some of the world’s foremost instructors, earning black belts in Filipino, Korean and American martial arts styles. Mike has appeared in martial arts magazines, books and videos and has provided performance coaching to competitive martial arts fighters.
Mike has, by necessity, pursued a life-long study of strength and conditioning methods. He served for several years as a Police Academy Fitness Trainer and later as a Physical Training Specialist for the Army National Guard. He has personally trained under such luminaries as Bob Hoffman, former Physical Education Faculty at West Point and former Director of the US Army’s Physical Fitness School; and Ed Thomas, one of the world’s leading physical culture experts.
More recently, Mike began training in the performance of strongman-style feats of strength, studying with such notable practitioners as Dennis Rogers and Jon Bruney. And to better understand the connection between mind and body, Mike has trained with Guy Savelli, best known for introducing unconventional operator enhancement techniques to the US Army Special Forces community and whose unique talents were the basis for the title of the film The Men Who Stare at Goats.
Mike’s presentation for the Conference will be based on his new title with Dragon Door, Rings of Power...
Ring Training: Concepts and Applications
for Strength-Development...
- Part One: Ring Training Principles
- Principle 1 -- Gravity
- Principle 2 -- Ergonomics
- Principle 3 -- Planes of Movement
- Principle 4 -- Leverage & Loading
- Part Two: Ring Nomenclature
- Types of Rings
- Rigging the Rings
- Setting the Rings
- Part Three: Ring Movement Patterns
- Horizontal Pushing
- Horizontal Pulling
- Vertical Pushing
- Vertical Pulling
- Lower-Limb Pushing
- Trunk Extension
- Trunk Flexion
- Part Four: Advanced Ring Concepts
- Fine-tuning Form with the Wobble Bar
- Inverted Ring Progressions
- External Loading
- Ring Programming
Like his good friend, Jon Bruney, Mike is a formidable innovator when it comes to practical strength-enhancing strategies…whether you have yet to add ring training to your arsenal or you are a seasoned ring-pro, you’ll find Mike’s presentation packed with actionable methods to incorporate in to your own and your clients’ programs…
"Ring work" is hot these days—for good reason…let Mike Gillette show you how to extract maximum results in minimum time from these ancient tools…
Ready to Rumble Now, With Our Closing Act:
CrossCore HardCore—And Then Some…
We opened each day, respectively, with the co-authors of Strong Medicine, Chris Hardy and Marty Gallagher.
And we thought we’d close the Conference by bringing the two of them together on the stage for a compelling final act…based on their upcoming title with Dragon Door, CrossCore HardCore.
At time of writing, this book/video combo is shrouded in secrecy, so we are just going to tease you with a few lines on the origin story from Marty Gallagher:
"Every Sunday afternoon, I field phone calls from around the country and around the world. In addition to elite military, I also work with Jack Bauer-types that operate within governmental counter terrorism units. One commonality all the warrior types have is they all have to travel quite a bit, and are often stuck for protracted periods in locales without training facilities. One longtime spec ops friend used to regularly call me from Afghanistan late Sunday afternoon. It would be nighttime and his squad would be gathering together to head out on yet another snatch-and-grab mission.
For four months of every year this Tier 1 pro, a man with twelve straight combat tours, was dispatched to some godforsaken hellhole to chase bad guys while alternately freezing or frying in inhospitable climates. He related that while deployed he experienced unending bouts of boredom interspersed with nightly missions often ending in violence and fury. It was a life of extremes.
The missions were repetitive: take a helicopter ride to the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night, arrive at a jump off spot, sneak up on the bad guys humping 70-pound packs for eight to ten kilometer hikes that usually ended with a mountainous ascent in order to successfully creep up on a village. The squad would then leap out, grab and handcuff the Taliban dude(s) then hike back out to the jump off point to be picked up by the helicopter, captives in tow. There was always apprehension and tension and sometimes gunfire and killing.
He’d call in the boring minutes before the night mission kicked off and we’d talk about resistance training. He had suffered a horrific back injury during a mountain climbing training exercise accident. We had designed a resistance program that "trained around" his injured back yet was a serious, uncompromising strength training regimen. His back may have been jacked – but as he would tell me when I tried to baby him, "There is nothing wrong with my arms, legs and most of my back." We found ways to tax, strengthen and power-ize his undamaged body parts.
One Sunday afternoon he called and was bitching about lack of fitness equipment of any kind at the locale he was stuck in for the next four months. He asked if there were any portable training devices that could be used as a serious resistance tool, where there any portable training tools able "to give a real man a real workout?" By ‘real workout’ he meant a workout that could replicate strength, power and muscle growth results attained using barbells/dumbbells and power training.
Was there a portable training device that could realistically replicate results obtained from gold standard resistance tools? I told him I didn’t rightly know if such a tool existed, but I sort of doubted it and would do my best to find out. His initial inquiry led to my eventual discovery of the CrossCore 180.
I was the ideal person to vet a portable resistance-training device as I was a super skeptic and my hunch was that portable training devices would prove insufficient and inconsequential. I would be fine reporting back just that: "Sorry men, they all suck and they all are worthless – at least insofar as resistance training applications." I would have had zero compunction relating that if it turned out to be the case. It didn’t turn out that way. In reality the CC180 proved to be a bit of a resistance revelation."
Now, as I pointed out before, Marty is THE Master of Absolute Strength. THE Master…and he set to work to create an Absolute Strength Building Program using only the CrossCore 180. Months of rigorous research later, the program got field-tested by his cream-of-the-crop warrior-athletes. They were blown away…
But Marty was not satisfied…With his usual maniacally obsessive drive for supreme transformative results he tweaked and tweaked and tweaked his techniques and methods until they met his own standards of excellence…
The brilliant Chris Hardy collaborated with Marty into producing the final remarkable text for the book. We filmed it and photographed it and the extraordinary program should be launched well before this Conference…
That’s all we are going to tell you for now…but trust me, you are going to go ape when you see what this monster of an Absolute Strength Program is like in action!
The Big Question:
"How Much Will This Cost Me To Attend?"
If you’re the type of serious, lifelong student of health and strength who is an ideal guest for this Conference...You already recognize the tremendous value we’ve put together. And because you are "in the business," you’ll know that putting together an event of this magnitude, with this roster of presenters, at one of the premier hotels in Minneapolis, does not come cheap!
So you will doubtless be shocked to hear how low the registration fee has been set:
For complete access to the full two days of the Health and Strength Conference, the fee is only $299.
Register by Friday, April 3rd and your registration fee is only $249—save $50.
For complete access to the full two days of the Health and Strength Conference PLUS a pass to the Saturday evening VIP Dinner Package, the fee is only $399.
Register by Friday, April 3rd for the full Conference PLUS the VIP Dinner Package and your registration fee is only $349—save $50.

Why so low? We are not looking to take a loss on this Conference certainly but, frankly, we feel like an event like this is way overdue! We feel we owe it to our authors, our leadership and our most loyal and dedicated customers to showcase the extraordinary talent within our community. To give back to you all—and in the act of giving back, to turbo-charge our health and strength initiative…
And we want to open this up and make it as affordable as possible to those who are serious about helping Dragon Door have a major impact on world health…Let’s make it happen together!
If you’d like to bring either a bona fide business partner, employee or a relative, you can add up to FOUR registrations to yours, at a $100 discount for each person. This offer applies to the VIP Package also. For example, if you register for the VIP Package at $399, you can register your VIP Package guests for $299 each.
We ask that you only use this for genuine business partners and relatives—verification may be requested.
As a gesture of thanks to our Dragon Door authors we’ve put together a special VIP plated dinner banquet for them on Saturday evening…
Well, how would you like to join this group of fitness superstars at their dinner? Spend a couple of hours—or more—connecting on a deeper and broader level with the experts of your choice?
Because of the jam-packed conference schedule, this, frankly, could be your ONLY real opportunity for quality personal time with the Dragon Door authors. You may want to pick their brains, you may want to arrange special training with them or you may simply want to establish a friendship with them… I challenge you, though, to find a more powerful group of fitness authorities together at ANY single dinner in 2015 in the US!
We are sure that almost the entire RKC and PCC leadership team will also be attending—one of the reasons they are leaders is because they know to seize on remarkable opportunities when they’re offered! So, you should also be able to hang and network with many of the greatest kettlebell and calisthenics trainers in the world…
Dragon Door’s not looking to make a dime on this dinner, so the fee of $100 for this special dinner will be there to roughly cover the hotel’s dinner charge per person.
Interested? When you come to the registration page just select the VIP Package and you’re in…

"Is there a discounted room rate at the hotel?"
Yes! The Hyatt Regency Minneapolis has set aside a block of rooms at the special rate of $149 per night. After you register, you’ll get an email with our group code and a link to reserve your room online, to get the discount as part of our room block.
Note: we highly recommend you make your reservations as soon as you receive our group code. Given the likely popularity of the Conference, we expect the rooms to be snapped up quickly. It will be very inconvenient indeed—and potentially more expensive—if you are forced to stay at a different hotel!
Want to share a room? The hotel allows up to four guests in a room. We will be setting up a private Facebook group for registrants which will allow you to network for hotel and travel information.
"Can I just wait for the video recordings?"
We may or may not be recording the event. We will be making that decision down the road…
But SO much of this Health and Strength Conference is bound up in the personal experience you will have—not just being up close and personal with the incredible posse of fitness authorities, but networking with all the other industry "movers and shakers" you can expect to be in attendance.
Come for the experience of a lifetime—not a third-hand watching of some videos, by your lonesome, back home!
Will the event be sold out if you ignore this notice today and come back tomorrow? Probably not. But why risk it? Simply because you’re reading this far, you’re serious. Not only about the chance to attend this incredible event... But also doing what it takes—investing in YOURSELF as well as in many of the world’s greatest fitness authorities—to get those next big breakthroughs as a trainer or coach...
If You’re Serious, Register Now...

Fill out your payment information on the order form and reserve your spot. You’ll receive a follow-up email shortly after, with travel and accommodation information.
Prefer to register by phone? Call 1-800-899-5111.
And I look forward to seeing you in August!
John Du Cane
CEO, Dragon Door Publications