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FabioZonin ART

How To Have It All

Apr 03, 2012 04:10 PM

When I was a teenager I attended a gym and trained with weights just to get a beach body, good for impressing the girls. At the time, Italy had not yet seen the boom in fitness, gyms were few and poorly equipped, and almost no one had any idea why he did what he did. One day I visited a friend at an olympic lifting and powerlifting gym, and there I had the opportunity to challenge for the first time, an olympic barbell. I immediately fell in love with powerlifting, and from that day...

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SteveHoliner ART

Strength From Failure or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the 44kg

Apr 03, 2012 03:45 PM

I have a serious love-hate relationship with the 44kg kettlebell. I first tried to press it at the Philly RKC in 2010. Though I didn't get it at the time, it went up about a month later with some tips from Geoff Neupert, Shaun Cairns and Steve Milles. Between the RKC and the July RKC II, my weight dropped from 225 to 195 and the 44kg became my half bodyweight press test. Over time, I was able to get the 44kg up about 90% of the time in either arm. My stronger arm was...

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ThomasPhillips Article

How to Make It Happen Big

Feb 28, 2012 06:00 PM

I’ve competed in 14 different Raw Powerlifting events in 5 different federations in the 198, 181 and 165lb classes; however, I will be doing my first powerlifting event in over 3 years for the PTTP team in July. (If you wish to lift with the team you can qualify in a local powerlifting meet or in the Tactical Strength Challenge on May 5th. Men are required to pull 2.5 times their body weight and ladies must pull 1.5 times their body weight). What have I been doing and why the...

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MaxShank article

The 80% Rule

Feb 28, 2012 05:30 PM

I feel fortunate to have gone through many different phases of training. Bodybuilding, Crossfit, HIT, running, kettlebells, etc., and each phase has taught me different things about training, good and bad. I currently have many students who take group classes at my facility so it was important to give them simple instructions to achieve their goals in the best way possible. I realized along the way in my own training that lifting as heavy as possible, while staying as...

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LouEleuteri article

My Quest to Pull 600lbs

Feb 28, 2012 05:00 PM

The following training cycle and kettlebell workouts are what I used in my quest to pull 600 lbs. A little background information is probably in order. I am 55 years old and compete drug-free and raw. After injuring my lower back in 1993, I had to give up powerlifting. I was told that I would never lift again. After reading an article on Pavel, I decided to get some kettlebells to get back in shape with no thoughts of ever getting back into powerlifting...

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PrentissRhodes Article

Complex Training: How To Transfer Strength To Skill

Jan 19, 2012 11:30 PM

You need more power! You need more running! Sometimes, the words still ring in my head from my training partner at the time, Kestutis Arbocius. He was a world class Shidokan fighter from Lithuania who came into the gym to train. He would always say this to me after we had just finished sparring a few grueling rounds after which we would strike the focus pads for a few more rounds, and later finish with some heavy bag work. Always thinking I needed to dig deeper, I did what any fighter...

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GaryMusic ancientwisdom article

The Art of War, Sun Tzu: Ancient Wisdom for HardStyle Martial Artists

Jan 19, 2012 11:00 PM

The nature of my work, bouncer and bartender through college and 22 years in the military in dangerous places all over the world unfortunately put me in many self-protection situations. I am still here so I did something right. What was it? I used defense to protect myself. Sounds simple but I think you will discover in the following article the concept of defense is more complicated than most martial artists understand. I began my martial arts training like most in the early 1970's...

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SteveMilles EmilyBearden

HardStyle Training and Muay Thai: The RKC meets the Science of Eight Limbs

Jan 19, 2012 10:30 PM

“Simple but not easy.” We've loved that HardStyle motto since the first time we heard it. It is an accurate -- if deceptive -- way to describe RKC training. It is also a template for training properly for the combat sport and martial art of Muay Thai. Also known as "the Science of Eight Limbs" for its use of kicks, knees, punches and elbows, the techniques of Muay Thai are simple but not easy to perform correctly: with speed and power...

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DanJohn article iwastheproblem

I Was The Problem…

Dec 29, 2011 10:30 PM

It turns out that I was the problem. Yes, this is true: I had great ideas, excellent programming and some nice technical tidbits that worked for everyone. For the squat, I had progressions that I humbly think changed the world of lifting forever. Well, at least, I thought they were working. I discovered a disconnect: I was saying “this” and people were hearing “that.” I thought I was making a point, but my people were hearing another point. This reminded me of math class...

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AndrewRead article easystrengthallages

Easy Strength… For All Ages

Dec 29, 2011 10:00 PM

If you want to know if a strength training program works don’t give it to a twenty-year-old kid who plays football. Give it to a forty-year-old basketball player. The difference in body type and testosterone levels will help to really isolate what works and what doesn’t. If your forty-year-old basketball player gets stronger you’ve hit pay dirt. Well, what do you get when you test a program on a seventy-year-old woman and it works? You get a program so rich in benefits that it makes you look...

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