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Senior RKC Amnon Darsa Krav Maga

Interview with Senior RKC Amnon Darsa, Creator of Krav Maga Core

I can incorporate kettlebells into my Krav Maga training. During my combined training, I work on Krav Maga, some heavy bag, some rounds of sparring, and kettlebells for the fitness rounds. Normally, I would need a lot of equipment, because bodyweight exercises are not always the best for this, but the kettlebell is a really good solution.

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Interview with Rolando Garcia III RKC-II, CK-FMS, Manager, Motivational Speaker, and Author of The 4 Competencies Method

In the process of trying to understand what would turn my division around, I had to investigate what really drives the success of a personal trainer. I soon realized that 75% of what drives success in personal training had nothing to do with personal training.

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Interview with Author and Guinness World Record Holder Jon Bruney

Kettlebells had a HUGE part in my training because they really teach the body how to absorb impact like nothing else. There's something about the plyometric acceleration and deceleration especially. I did a lot of really heavy swings as well as...

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Interview with Steven Graves, RKC, PCC, and Primal Move Instructor

I think my body is now more powerful, explosive and stable than ever before. After 3 years of kettlebell training, I´m able to maintain my strength and conditioning level with a minimum amount of workout time.

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Dragon Door Interviews RKC Team Leader, Darius Gilbert

Being an athlete I know when something feels right, and kettlebell training felt great. I still feel just as strong, explosive, and capable of doing many of the same things I did when I played football at the University of Virginia. I know I’m training the right way because at age 40 I can still keep up with the 18 year old kids we train, and still dunk a basketball.

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Dragon Door Interviews PCC and RKC Instructor, Malin Kirjonen

Now, I have found my true sport with calisthenics and kettlebell training. These practices make me strong, balanced, and super fit. It’s hard to believe, but I am much stronger and more explosive today than I was while boxing in Australia.

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How Kettlebells Helped Reverse Aging, Restore My Strength, Reduce Pain and Revitalize My Tai Ji Practice.

I am a newcomer to kettlebell training. Some years ago I bought an instructional video, but quit after a few weeks. I practiced in my living room in front of the tv, and spent each session in fear of whacking one of my cats in the head as I wildly swung the bell in my attempts to follow along with the video.

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Dragon Door Interviews Rob Exline, RKC-II

I really enjoy training regular people—I get a lot of satisfaction from seeing someone who starts off as unable to chew gum and walk at the same time, then after training with us they have amazingly high-level skills just from practicing what we’ve coached and taught here.

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Dragon Door Interviews RKC Team Leader Aaron Pierson

I’m 38 and have been in the EMS field for ten years and into kettlebells for about five years. I don't have the back issues that many of the EMS guys have. Kettlebells have allowed me to put on healthy weight. The combination of barbell and kettlebell training has also increased my fitness level considerably.​

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Dragon Door Interviews RKC Team Leader, Robert Miller

When I found Dragon Door, I knew I wanted to be an RKC. Going to the RKC was an enlightening experience—I realized I had to go back to the drawing board.

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