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Kettlebell Articles


How to Improve your Marksmanship with Kettlebells

Jan 30, 2007 07:50 PM

Recently I attended the Kettlebells For Combat Applications course in St. Paul, Minnesota. The course was first rate and all the instructors provided a tremendous amount [...]

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Functional Firefighter Fitness

Jan 24, 2007 01:45 AM

Firefighting and Emergency Services work places very heavy physical demands on a person. The nature of shift work requires long hours on duty, probable sleep deprivation [...]

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A Program Minimum for MMA Fighters

Jan 23, 2007 12:15 PM

First the program: Conditioning: Man Makers as described in Enter the Kettlebell! with some variations. Start with 10-12 minutes, but your goal is 15 minutes non-sto [...]

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A Case for Becoming a Girevik (Kettlebell Lifter)

Dec 29, 2006 06:42 AM

"Okay, Okay, I have heard all about Pavel and this kettlebell lifting deal. But, do I really want to lay down my hard earned cash, only to be burned by another charlatan [...]

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Barbell and Kettlebell Complexes to Take Your Body to a New Level of Hardness and Conditioning

Dec 15, 2006 06:03 PM

If you?ve never heard of ?complexes? before, the basic concept is that instead of repeating the same exercise for multiple reps to complete a ?set?, you sequence one rep [...]

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How to Use Kettlebells to Develop a Kung-Fu Grip

Nov 28, 2006 06:37 PM

The list of combative uses for our hands is almost endless: Grabbing. Striking. Gouging. Catching. Twisting. Holding. What do all these actions have in common? They sh [...]

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Don’t Get Burned…Kettlebells to the Rescue!

Nov 15, 2006 11:25 PM

   If you are familiar with or part of the fire service, you might have heard theses words uttered a few times, its usually after a tough and grueling fire, ?I [...]

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Occam’s Razor in Program Design

Oct 26, 2006 05:26 PM

Warning ? Philosophical information ahead!! In the realm of program design and exercise there is a paralysis that can occur when trainees begin to seek information to [...]

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Weapons in the Arsenal:

Oct 16, 2006 04:02 PM

For those of us who work in law enforcement, reality is pretty simple. As emergency responders we run towards danger instead of away from it. Be that danger a natural dis [...]

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A Tip for Mastering the Kettlebell Swing

Oct 03, 2006 06:22 PM

The Swing is one of the key drills in kettlebell training. Without proficiency in this fundamental drill, a trainee will never master the Clean, the Snatch, or any of [...]

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