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Enter the Kettlebell!

Enter the Kettlebell!

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Street Workout

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The Street Workout 50 Rep Challenge Push-up Contest

Kavadlo Bros 50 Push-Up Challenge
The noble push-up. Honest. Strong. True. The push-up is one of our all-around favorite exercises: it requires no equipment, it’s adaptable to any fitness level and it can be varied in an infinite number of ways to suit a vast array of goals. The push-up is such a simple move, but that’s where its beauty lies.

Though many fitness enthusiasts overlook the classic push-up in search of more high-tech, complex exercises, this staple that appears in virtually all styles of exercise is forever one of the greats. Don't confuse more complicated with better. There is no exercise that tops the push-up as an all-around upper-body horizontal pushing movement.

One of the challenges in our new ebook Street Workout is to perform 50 reps of your favorite exercise in one workout. Though you can use this simple template with virtually any exercise, the push-up lends itself very well to this challenge. For the advanced trainee, all 50 reps can be performed in one continuous set. For a beginner or intermediate, the reps can be broken up into multiple sets. There are many different ways to approach this task.

We want you to take our 50 push-up challenge and we want to see your reps!

Post your video for a chance to win a full scholarship to an upcoming PCC event and be awarded an exclusive interview by Dragon Door. Three runner ups will each receive a paperback copy of Street Workout when it is released in August, signed by both Al and Danny.

All you have to do to enter is:
  1. Record a video of yourself performing the 50 push-ups.
  2. Post it on Facebook tagging Al Kavadlo, Danny Kavadlo and Dragon Door in the video.
  3. Post a link to your Facebook video post in the Comments section at the bottom of this article on the site.
  4. Have your video clearly refer to The Street Workout 50 Rep Challenge Push-up Contest.

The person who creates the video that gets the most likes and comments, in conjunction with a display of qualifying push-up form, will receive a full scholarship to any upcoming PCC event of your choosing. Your achievement will also be recognized with an exclusive Dragon Door interview.

Ladies are encouraged to perform kneeling push-ups instead.

Remember, in order for your push-ups to qualify, they require:

– A minimum of 90 degrees of flexion along the outside of the elbow at the bottom of each rep, and a full extension of the arms at the top.

– A straight line from your heels to the back of your head throughout the entire range of motion.

– Your elbows tracking alongside your body during the entire range of motion; do not flare them out to the sides.

Remember, this is not a race. We are looking for form so don’t force out the reps in an effort to get them done as quickly as possible. Simply start the camera, perform 50 proper push-ups (in however many sets is necessary) and turn the camera off.

Post your video for a chance to win a full scholarship to an upcoming PCC event and be awarded an exclusive interview by Dragon Door. Three runner ups will each receive a paperback copy of Street Workout when it is released in August, signed by both Al and Danny.

The competition will run until midnight on Sunday, July 10th.
The winner will be announced on Thursday, July 14th.

We are looking forward to seeing what you guys bring to the table!

Hey hey hey! Keep the dream alive!

-Al & Danny

